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V/A Nykto - Dharma Kshetra Records 2006


Started Topics :  4
Posts :  113
Posted : May 18, 2006 01:29
NYKTO - Dharmakshetra Records from Miami, Florida.
Compiled by Arjuna and Demi
Mastered by Xenomorph
Release Date - April 20, 2006

Dance into the next dimension to supersonic soundscapes,

banging drums and flying bass lines, as new forces take

control of the mindwarping tower with crunchy, groovy, funky

and twisted psychedelic madness! A relentless aural explosion,

complete with sacred geometric visuals and spiraling, full

power force, Nykto will propel dancefloors into the night

sky.and have you marching, pounding, bouncing and

stomping in a new world fueled by the deep, spiraling

meditative path of dark, twisted minds! -

My first review so any mistakes or errors, please excuse.

I was genuinely surprised not to see a review done for this

absolutely smashing compilation. Now that I have the chance

to review this, I'll give it my best shot.
The cover is not very impressive IMHO, I would have discarded

the CD just by seeing the Cover, but once I heard the goodies

inside, it has become the best release of the year so far for me.

Track Listing

1. The Hive (reloaded) - PARA HALU (12:42)
2. Shankar - DOMINATOR (7:37)
3. Jolting - ATRIOHM (6:31)
4. GT4 - DARK PSY (8:01)
5. The Homicide Hour - IRON MADNESS (7:06)
6. Apocalypse Now - BON (7:43)
7. Psychpath - CLAW VS PARANOIZE (6:59)
8. Alligator Terminal - IRON MADNESS (7:46)
9. Twisted Incantations - CANDY POWER (6:48)

1. The Hive (reloaded) - PARA HALU (12:42)
The Hungarians are back with an epic track, at 12:42 one of

the longest tracks I have heard. And they do complete justice

to the time used. The Hive begins slowly with each layer laid

on top of one another and some voice samples before 2

minute mark. An eerie atmosphere surrounds you and

threatens to take you on a ride to hell. 10:20 to go and we are

thrown into the full blown madness, The bees from the hive

are staring into the darkness of your eyes. Loads of acid,

synths, screams and basslines. Wicked Track, The end is

different as in we are slowly let off the madness back to the

calm before the storm cause another storm is about to break.

2. Shankar - DOMINATOR (7:37)
Did I hear this track at the Albert Hoffmann Symposium ? I

Think so. With some sample to start, we get thrown into the

beat which I can describe as relentless. Acid lines swirl around

as we move deeper with a female voice saying 'Boom

Shankar'. The sounds in this track remind me a lot of KDD. The

last 2 minutes of the track are absolute mayhem. A sure shot

killer of a track.

3. Jolting - ATRIOHM (6:31)
Sasshe and Leo from Macedonia bring us this gem. Beeps and

beats is what Jolting starts off as. Nice progression of Sounds

then the jumpy bass comes in and I am immediately moving

my head. Are those dogs barking ? nope those are the tiny

bits of sound playing in your head. New sounds are introduced

as we move deeper, good use of breaks and sounds coming

in and out. Seems to loose steam in the end, nevertheless a

good track.Waiting for some more from Atriohm.

4. GT4 - DARK PSY (8:01)
I don't know why, but when I listen to this track it reminds me

of 'From Hell' the Johnny Deep flick. Straight from the bottom

of the underground, hard as hell. Starts off panning the brick

underworld of a Dungeon, and then the gates open to let in

some light but close again with a nocturnal creature running

helter skelter. This is insane all of it. The rest of the track remains

dark and haunting. Can we get any darker than this ? yes, we

sure can check the last 2:50.

5. The Homicide Hour - IRON MADNESS (7:06)
The name says it all, Madness. 2 tracks from this talented Israeli

on this compilation says a lot of his potential. Reminds me of

early Azax. Starts with some vocals and them Bam just straight

into the jungle of craziness. The track slows down only to

pickup pace and blast your brain with the intensity of the

sounds. I love this track, make me wanna hop around

everytime I hear it.

6. Apocalypse Now - BON (7:43)
Bon AKA Javax, Twisted Sounds right from the word go from the Italian. Perfect kick to send the listener into oblivion, lot of effects and sounds used. Different landscapes start forming then a female voice sample from a movie saying something. Time to breathe a while and here we go again. Nice track.

7. Psychpath - CLAW VS PARANOIZE (6:59)
This indeed is a deadly alliance, with their album of the same they killed everything alive. With this track they are back to see if anything survived the carnage. Starts in a haunting way with voice samples and high hats to set up a picture of being trapped in a mental asylum. Change of bassline turns this track into something unimaginable, gongs and synthleads flying around. Then as soon as it started we are back to the earlier bassline and kick. I wish this track went on forever.

8. Alligator Terminal - IRON MADNESS (7:46)
Nice name for a track, What else can you expect from Ziv. Madness. 'Aliens' anyone. They are getting closer and then the bass hits you while the Alien devours you and laughs. I find it hard to review this track. My favourite.

9. Twisted Incantations - CANDY POWER (6:48)
Reminded me of Toi Doi when I heard it first but much deeper. I was lucky to see Candy Power play at the Albert Hoffman Symposium and here they come out all guns blazing. This is relentless which peppered with acidpads and a pumping groovy bassline. Nice track to end the compilation.

I have to say this is a very good album, and it will be for sure a big success. I simply hated the cover but some may like it.
Well, what's inside is what matters.
I liked it, I hope you like it too.
          "When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be." - Lao Tzu
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  24
Posts :  254
Posted : May 21, 2006 08:27!! macedonia haa...good work

iron madness...alligator terminal!! rarely goes wrong..

gautam           Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most...

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  128
Posted : Oct 14, 2006 18:44
The Para Halu track is a good one
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  13
Posts :  261
Posted : Oct 15, 2006 02:43
I think it is a good album. It is about as twisted as the parties these guys threw in miami, LOL.
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  216
Posts :  4980
Posted : Oct 15, 2006 09:52
Para halu, Claw & Paranoize rule

Heard the remix for alligator terminal and its way better.

But a good CD for sure.

           “What we need is the development of the Inner Spiritual man, the unique individual, whose treasure is hidden in the symbols of our mythological tradition and in man’s unconscious psych.” - CJ Jung
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  55
Posts :  928
Posted : Nov 21, 2013 14:10
It took a while to compile this one. It was hours of MSN messenger, uploads to the server, listening, and some edits. In the end it came out and it represented the spirit of the time and the parties we did. It has been a while, but I thank you for reviewing it and for listening to it. All the artists are the nicest people you can encounter and was always a pleasure to work with them and to make this possible.


Started Topics :  4
Posts :  113
Posted : Nov 26, 2013 18:21
More than 7 years after I reviewed it, Great to hear this comment. This compilation still rocks and I mean big time......

@offthenutboom - Go ahead, compile another one.
          "When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be." - Lao Tzu
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - V/A Nykto - Dharma Kshetra Records 2006
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