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V/A Homemade Vol. 2 (Agitato Records 2005)

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 30, 2005 13:45
Agitato Records in Israel is a procuctive label for sure, releasing several full on compilations each year. Now they are out the second chapter in their Homemade series, featuring the usual suspects of artists on their label.

Homemade Vol. 2 (Agitato Records) 2005 (AGE1043)

1. Toasted – The Creator
2. Sandman – Phaze Off (Xerox & Illumination Rmx)¨
3. Space Monkey – In The Dark
4. Point – Daily Conclusions
5. Opium Of The Masses – Double Trouble
6. Beat Hackers – Zero Distortium
7. Bio-Tonic – Psy Friends (Black Series Part 4)
8. Cyber Cartel – The Web Masters
9. Trauma – Ping Pong

Israel has had their own way of doing trance all the way from the beginning, and it is commonly seen that a lot of the Israeli artists make it very equal to eachother. These days, the more clubby side of full on has become really huge in Israel, and that’s what we get on this compilation too. More vocals and guitar influences in most tracks. Some kind of trend that is here for full now, but the way the market is being overflooded by it these days, we will see how long it lasts. Easier digestible music that might get more people interested, but might dissappear as soon as it arrived. It seems like the psychedelic side of it isn’t as important anymore, which makes this music more suitable for clubs and raves. Here we get all the usual names, like Space Monkey, Trauma, Point, and Xerox & Illumination. Surprisingly there is a track by Sandman here, but this is a full on remix. Space Monkey, who released a very strong album (Psychotic Episode) on Agitato last year, has also gone further away from his deep sound with the track he gives us here. Still, it’s one of the best tracks on this compilation in my opinion.

If you are into the modern clubby Israeli full on, you should probably check this one out, because the artists on this one is not only the fresh copy paste kids we find on tons of compilations these days. Massive sound, but not as deep as I would like it. Doesn’t work too well for my home listening, but might fit in a crowded club with many smiles.

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 30, 2005 15:20
Average at best. And Beat Hackers (in my language I call them: Beat Kakkers, and this isn't nice at all) and Trauma (a fitting name if ever there was one) just have to go. I never liked their styles anyway. Too much distorted simple 303 crap. Annoying and resulting in immediate standard skips, reducing the length of the compilation again (which isn't even filled to the cd's max capacity anyway). The rest is listenable, but never oustanding. Space Monkey and Cyber Cartel deliver some of the best tracks here in my opinion. Standard, but nice. Anyway. in short: this is one compilation you can afford to miss.           "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 30, 2005 17:47
this is a very cool v.a.
nice full on tracks with good energy in them.
i must say most of this tracks will brake all dance floor.
my favorite are: toasted,space monkey,opium of the masses,point,sandman & beat hackers.

those tracks are really massive & powerfull

i read the review of pks......& i must disagree!!!
did you listen to this cd????
i cant find any club style on this one or any guitars in any track!!

the production here is very good with high quality my rate for homemade vol.2 is 8.5/10


          beat after... beat after...beat...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 5, 2005 14:52
homemade vol.2 is a killer, much better then the first one.
great moments from the first track till the last.
the concept is full on but not too melodic or cheesy.
agitato producing a great line up of fullon, very powerful, groovy with great colors in all tracks

1.toast3d - the creator : a wicked track with nice groove & lines, fits any dance floor for sure. its a fullon track & those guys have a unique style that make it sounds different then any other israeli fullon.
2.sandman - Phaze off(xerox illumination rmx) : what can i say, the collaboration here is killer,good track, massive bass line, the track have no stop signs or any red lights yahhhoooo.... monkey - in the dark :space monkey is one of my fav artists today.he’s got what no other have, CREATIVITY, this track took me to a journey into the space, great atmosphere on this one with crazy break beat grooves & classic tb in the end.....perfect...
4.point - daily conclusions : im not a big fan of point, but this one is a little bit different then the album. its more full on with high bpm....fits to agitato style.nice fullon track
5.opium of the masses - double trouble : ok,take cyber cartel groove....put space buddha lines... & what u get???
this is the best track on the cd!!killer full on morning style with massive lines, tb & etc.
i would like to hear some more from those two.
6.beat hackers - zero distortion : fast, clean ,scary
ho yeah....beat hackers style. great production with massive sound. this one is totally crazy tonic - psy friends : i didn't like this track so much. nothing special here, something is missing up there!!
8.cyber cartel - the web masters - nice morning track. vic knows how to build a good vibes & harmony. Look for a great break in the end
9.trauma - ping pong : this is a different from all of the tracks from this cd. its open, very deep & have 3/4 beats in the middle that turns into a track with singing & a’s nice one, very special, in some parts it gets infected.

final words:
as I’ve already said, homemade vol.2 is a great v/a with good moments & to be honest - its nice to listen to a cd with different style in each track & not the copy paste that comes from most israeli labels those days.


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Posts :  40
Posted : Oct 6, 2005 17:24
this is one of my favorite cd at the moment.

Voice Project

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  96
Posted : Oct 6, 2005 21:00

On 2005-10-05 14:52, digVS.mushrooms wrote:

final words:
as I’ve already said, homemade vol.2 is a great v/a with good moments & to be honest - its nice to listen to a cd with different style in each track & not the copy paste that comes from most israeli labels those days.

yes, this is great fullon stuff.homemade vol.2 is a killer cd,each track has its differnt style & mode from mornning stuff to night & deep vibes

im getting tierd from most of israeli labels,same music in differnt names.
the cds i buy those days are from hommega & agitato only.
they are the only ones who bring always fresh, unique & new style in their cds.
keep it up

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Posts :  47
Posted : Oct 6, 2005 21:27

i totally agree it looks like its a FACT !!


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Posts :  40
Posted : Oct 7, 2005 13:32
opium of the masses is the killer track on this cd
totally madness with crazy lines & breaks
this is a great morning stuff
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  107
Posted : Oct 7, 2005 16:37

On 2005-10-07 13:32, punchorama wrote:
opium of the masses is the killer track on this cd
totally madness with crazy lines & breaks
this is a great morning stuff

this one is the best track on this cd
hope to hear some more stuff from this two
space buddha & cyber cartel are my favorite artists

          beat after... beat after...beat...
Voice Project

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  96
Posted : Oct 10, 2005 17:05

On 2005-10-07 13:32, punchorama wrote:
opium of the masses is the killer track on this cd

yes indeed,its one of the best mornning track i heard for a long time.
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