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V/A - Hate (Golden Dawn Records, 2005) CD

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 9, 2006 21:39
Artist: Various
Title: Hate
Label: Golden Dawn Records
Catalog: GOD002
Released: 2005


01. M.W.S - Hexenhammer
02. Candy Power - Terminator
03. Oliphant - Quasar
04. Alien Mental - Nukem
05. Phobium - 8 bit future
06. Alienation vs. M.I.T
07. Silent Horror - Nocturnal Wizard
08. Peacespect vs. Dejan vs. Hishiryo - Fort Europa
09. Savage Scream - Acid Clown

Golden Dawn has ceirtanly managed to create a buzz about their second compilation, entiteled simlpy "Hate". Quite a few people have expressed how much they dislike this title, and the debate does not seem to find an end. I can't help but giggle a bit at the entire thing....I've never quite managed to take these utterly "dark" themes in psytrance entierly seiously, and I can't help but think that there's at least some kind of humor behind all this blackness. I mean, with a title and a cover like that, it cant expected to be taken entierly serious, you know. It seems a bit like an overkill(haha). It's ceirtanly nothing I manage to get worked up over. As far as marketing goes, I'd think a debate such as this is pure brilliance... I for one wouldn't have gotten this if it weren't for all that fuzz...

The debate a side, there's also a cd comming with this package. It's limited to 500 copies only, so you'd better get this while it's fresh if you're interested. Needless to say this is pretty dark stuff, and the promitional texts also clearly warns sunlovers to stay away... Well, I for one love the sun, and the dark side of psytrance is not the one I usualy prefer. if one plus one equals two this means I should hate(pun intended) this album.

Let's see if I do..

01: M.W.S - Hexenhammer
"My heart is filled with sorrow...but I can find no reason to contest the just sentence of the holy inquisition" . M.W.S opens the show with a sample from some movie couppled with some pretty cold soundscapes. The wind is howling, and I like the atmosphere created in the intro here. Before you know it the engine-like beat and bass kicks in, and sadly many of the atmospheric elements are dropped. In general I tend to dislike this kind of beat, but here it's actually rather varied, and hence it doesn't annoy me all that much. As the track moves along, it's cold harsh expression is maintained and made stronger.. There's plenty of work being done in the backgrond, both with samples of various sounds, voices and different squeeking effects. Towards the end there's even a hint of melody added to the mix, something I'd like to see more of by the way. The track is more varied then I feared, and I actually rather enjoyed this...

02: Candy power - Terminator
Candipower provides "terminator", one of my favourite tracks on the compilation. Again we open with some voicesamples, this time in a language I'm not familiar with. Again there's a pretty atmospheric Intro to the track, but compared to the M.W.S-track I feel that the atmospheric elements are more preserved throughout the track here. The wall of sound that's build moves smoothly around, constantly shifting and morphing. The track has a softer feel than alot of the other tracks here, and I find that rather plesant. Make no mistake, though - this is not soft as in soft. It's just softer . There's also a humoristic element here(or atleast I hope it is!). I can't help but laught a little when Arnold Schwarzenegger is sampled towards the end: "Hasta la vista...Babie!" . Very enjoyable track, and ceirtanly nothing I'd use as a soundtrack for sacrificing a goat or anything like that...

03: Oliphant - Quasar
"There's alot more to this world than we previously thought" ... Yet anothe track is kicked off with the help of voice-samples. Yet again that typical dark engine-like beat is present, but yet again it does not disturb me as much as it usually does. What pleases me most about this track is the presence of melodies, something so often left out of the mix in this kind of music. Another really exciting thing is the constant tweaking and sonic manipulation here. Pretty downright twisted stuff, actually. Towards the end Oliphant even dares to change the engine-like bass, and when it happens it all turns rather funky, but only for a few seconds. This is the third track in a row that's been suprising me in a positive way. Good going!

04: Alien Mental - Nukem
Alien Mentals "Nukem" starts off with a distorted breakbeat of some sorts, before we're thrown towards the pumping bassdrums. The mood is dark (well, d'oh!), and the sound of what might be an alarm going off warns you of what you're about to encounter. And what migh that be you ask? Well - more of the same actually. Pumping bass, a few twisted sounds moving to and through and that seems to be just about it. Sure, some of the squeaks here might sound "weird" and "spaced out" or whatever you want to call it, but overall I find this thing rather dull. Alot of people are complaing about music being to standardized, following a ceirtan formula. Well, If there was ever a formula for dark trance I think it sounds alot like this, and I for one find it rather boring... Next please!

05: Phobium - 8 bit future
Phobium is Hennong H. Ottesen, based in Oslo, Norway. He has released a few tracks on different compilations earlier, and here he delivers the track "8 bit future". It's a very monotonus affaire, pitch black, whithout a trace of melody. The sounds and effects he uses sound pretty simular throughout the tune. It's dark, it's repetitive and it's squeeking. This is really not my cup of tea, but I'm pretty sure alot of the people who usualy orient themselves towards this kind of music will enjoy it. Not made for me, though...

06: Alienation vs. M.I.T - Robo Terrorist
I really like the opening of this track. Thrilling sounds swirl around, making me feel kind of dizzy. When the beat kicks in, I'm happy to report that theese guys have done something (slightly) different in their arrangement of bass and drums. After a couple of tracks I didn't like so much that really sounds refreshing.. The track is pretty varied(probably due to the fact that two artists are involved). Where the first part of the track is haunting, the second part sounds more fluid. Variation is important for me as I'm easily bored, and this doesn't bore as mich as the last two tracks. That being said, This is no favourite of mine, but it's a pretty decent track that I think would work well on a dancefloor.

07: Silent Horror - Nocturnal Wizard
Silent Horror starts off with a sample of a guy rambling about lucifer together with some dark atmospheric sweeps. After a few seconds it's full speed ahead with relentless duggaduggaduggadugga-engine sounds. The metallic and somewhat disturbing sweeps swirling around are varied enough to make it all somewhat interesting, but again, this is really not for me. I'd like to see the nocturnal wizard use his wand more actively and whip up some more magic. Still, I can understand the attraction here, this ceirtanly has power.

08: Peacespect vs. Dejan vs. Hishiryo -Fort Europa
Three artists colaborate to make "Fort Europa", the track that stands out above all others on this compilation for me. This is hard, driving and dark - just as you'd expect, but at the same time it's very varied and experimental. Theese guys are not afraid to play around with their basslines! The samples work very well, and to top it all they also include some melodic elements, hints of breakbeats and an overall coolness and atmosphere that can't be found anywhere else on the compilation. This is acid-madness at it's finest - more of this, please!

09: Savage Scream - Acid Clown
Ladies and gentlemen! I give you the Clown!! To finish off this compilation Savage screams shows us the true face of the Acid Clow, and again this is a very nice track. The engine-factor is toned down, while the liquid is turned up. I also like that there's a focus on a few actual lines of acidic bass here, instead of focusing only on the weird sounds and samples. The ending of the track is a downright full funk-fest of fun, and I'd like to see the ideas there played around with some more. Still a pretty nice way to finish off the comp.

Final remarks:
OK, kids - it's safe to come out now....and if you enjoy the darker realms of psychedelic trance I'm pretty sure this is a safe buy as well. And for all you P.L.U.R-ists....Don't worry, this isn't the antichrist reborn, in fact I have a hard time finding anything really "evil" about it all. If you really must reduce it to being evil, I guess I could agree that it is so in a "Skelletor - the Arch nemesis of He-man" kind of way.

As I've previously stated, the darker side of psy hasn't really been my favourite, and this compilation didn't manage to change that fact. Still, it suprised me to the extent that I enjoyed several of the tracks, and with that I guess I proved the Golden Dawn-guys wrong when they said this was not at all for the sunlovers. Enjoy!

Tomas(Psychedelic Mustache)

get it here:

more reviews etc:
IsraTrance Full Member
Access Gremlin

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Posted : Jan 10, 2006 14:10
yaaa i enjoyed this compilation above many others ...
especially MIt vs Alienation - roboterrorist , a very good track by Dimitriuz , Nikos and Takis ( u guys rock!!), another favourite here would definetly be Fort Europa cuz of its twisted effect and finnaly one of my favourites Savage Scream - acid clown , makes me visit the circus again
all in all a well done compilation by Golden Dawn records , much harder then their last compilation , keep it like this guys !!!! we need it ehehe
Drunken Monk

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Posted : Jan 10, 2006 18:15
alienation vs mit (just to put things in order hehe)
As for the comp in whole... i m waiting my copy this week so...
          +-+talking with ali3ns around the universe+-+
mit [muzik industry tunez]
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 11, 2006 08:18
I am not sure how you can call Alien Mental's track 'standardized' or 'formulaic' - it sounds completely original, very psychedelic, and highly creative to me. Has this become a formula? Or am I not listening to the right releases?

still digesting this CD - more of a review coming later.
's just another party..
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 11, 2006 13:08
I like the Quasar and Alien mental track on this compilation, the rest didnt quite do it for me!
Is this cd mastered at all or was this the sound they was going for ?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 11, 2006 13:30
first track is killaaargh!!!

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Posted : Jan 11, 2006 17:25
my favorite trax:

Alienmental - Nukem
Silent Horror - Nocturnal Wizard
Peacespect vs Dejan vs Shenz - Fort Europa
Savage Scream - Acid Clown

Really very killer trax,
so all the best for those artist and Golden Dawn Rec

Versus Crew

Started Topics :  19
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Posted : Jan 11, 2006 22:37
Just a little correction on the review on our track there where four blazin/drunk artist collaborating, Me, Alex, Shenz and Dejan.

On behalf of all people involved on this track, We say thanks for all the kind words!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 12, 2006 05:37
vegetal - honestly it was the best track on the compilation. its the main reason i bought the cd (its in the mail now). the cd was solid, but this track made it. anyway, i should give a full review when i get it.           The IsraTrance MySpace Group:

DJ Trypta Sets:

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Posted : Jan 13, 2006 21:11
Thank you so very much sOft for your kind words. waiting for your complete review!
Silent Horror

Started Topics :  67
Posts :  1983
Posted : Jan 15, 2006 08:22
waiting for copy..
thankx Versus-crew...
lookin forward to hear the rest sooon
psychadelic mustache - thankx for the in depth review.
await more reviews >
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  216
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Posted : Jan 17, 2006 15:46
Ohh seems like psychedelic mustache did not like quite number of tracks

But i have heard the samples..and it sounds promising

Quick question. Isnt this compilation on saiko sounds ??            “What we need is the development of the Inner Spiritual man, the unique individual, whose treasure is hidden in the symbols of our mythological tradition and in man’s unconscious psych.” - CJ Jung

Started Topics :  19
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Posted : Jan 17, 2006 20:52
No only on and

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  214
Posted : Jan 18, 2006 14:21

On 2006-01-11 13:18, nolightatend wrote:
Nice name for psytrance VA.

yeh for sure
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - V/A - Hate (Golden Dawn Records, 2005) CD

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