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V.A Galactic Suite (Zero Gravity Records 2010)

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  100
Posts :  1123
Posted : Mar 6, 2010 16:46:02
Artist : VA
Title : Subliminal Messages
Label : Zero Gravity Records
Format :CD
Release: Feb 2010

2. The 4rth One-INSIDER
3. Induced-NAUA
4. Cosmic Mudra-STEREO VISION
5. Logical Data-TRON
7. Monsayon-THE DRUIDS
8. The one just moved-ASIMILON
9. Ecstassy-HYPNOXOCK
10. Igziabeher-PROYECTO AJAYU

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  100
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Posted : Mar 6, 2010 16:47
1) What better way is there to get the listeners attention then kick off an album with an Electrypnose track? Although it is not my attention to begin this review with unproductive fanboy-rants, I do have to take a brief moment to mention the fact that I find the quality and consistency of this guys work second to none. To get to the point- I don’t know what it could be..the ultra clean swiss mountain air in combination with subtly psychedelic milk from psy-cows maybe….. Electrypnose stands for platinum (monoatomic!!)quality in my ears. The ease with which LeBard shakes out hyper-overtly psychedelic emotion activators from his sleeves is phenomenal.
Melanice is no different and had me interested very quickly with its mysterious melody which, along with a groovy baseline, sets the backdrop on which trademark Electrypnosesque magic is painted.
From my perspective one of the things which make the trippynoses tracks so special is his mastery of something I will choose to call contraction/release or coil/uncoil for better lack of words for this emotional/psychedelic aspect of the music. Isn´t it this subtlety, the X-Factor, that which we cannot grasp, the touch of the invisible,…which drive passion for Psy?
/Mad rant off
Anyway, great track, not the 147+ BPM mad alien angels hair dissection massacre we know, this a smoother, groovier approach at 143 BMP…..not strictly a night time track at all, could impose itself on a crowd at anytime the swiss clockwork might show…..

2) Next up is Insider. Insider is Brazilian artist living in Berlin. I had not heard any previous work of his, so I was able approach this with a fresh and open mind. If we were living in a world where robots stamp cds with a big red rubber stamp to label them into one of 10 or so government approved categories for the ease of categorization my robot-I would stamp this Progressive trance. Of course this does not really do the true nature of the sound justice, but it may well fit into a prog set alongside Sensient and the like. Definitely a style we do not hear a lot these days. Although the sound is in no way retro, it reminds of some lower BPM night music around 1999-2002 or so, before psytrance got blasted by the dirty-bomb called GMS BASELINE TM and fragmented into itsy-bitsy pieces. A time where X-Dream could flow into Mandala could flow into Chi-AD could flow into Haldolium.. and nobody would raise an eyebrow. Where psy was psy. Where our music was one. Anyhow, I liked this track, rolling along smoothly at 140 BPM, somewhat minimal, progressive pattern but with enough psychedelia for the spirit to soar…More of this style devoid of styles please
You can check out more about Insider her

3) Naua are a Spanish/Mexican duo, and their contribution to this albums brings with it another dip in BPM, this time we find ourselves plodding along at a relatively relaxed 138 BPM. Hmm this Album is leading us on a weird journey. This track leads us straight to optimism land. The kind of track which tries to “clarify”, exorcize demons of the night and may cause the Jesus/Messiah effect on the dance floor. Hehe you know what Im talking about.. when a trancer starts doing the “liberation march” , arms outstretched in jesus pose chasing away the darkness as the chosen one, fueling dance floor evolution…. /mad rant off Again kicking off with a very progressive attitude, but begins to unfold rapidly, coming across tribal, becomes increasingly driving, has a lot of positive sweeping elements, makes my memories wander off to some typical Silicon Sound (maybe also Zen mechanics like?..) like effects, but that’s just what some elements remind me off, I hope you know what I mean, soaring clean pads. Plays a little bit more with breakdowns/build ups for”emotional peaking” and in that sense also displays some full-on like characteristics. Doesn’t get boring because it does evolve a lot, but for me it did nothing special I haven’t heard before in a similar manner. Interesting track, but nothing amazing to me personally.

4) Stereo Vision continue the flow with Cosmic Mudra, which takes us on a quirky journey with a distinct sense of funk and playfulness about it, the baseline bounces about cheerfully and this vibe is soon accompanied by some mystical sound spheres. Kind of the comic-interlude of the cd to my ears. All takes a good direction, building up to something we cannot yet predict as we trod on through the twilight, intrigued by what is to come. Suddenly the story turns towards a happy ending, with optimistic leads guiding us through the hyperspace of quirky confusion. After a significant break down the lead becomes increasingly determined to show us the way into a bright, quirky future, which seems to be the general vibe and direction this album is taking.

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  100
Posts :  1123
Posted : Mar 6, 2010 16:47
5) Now Tron from Mexico is an artist who has attracted my attention due to some very stylish releases (think of the collaboration with Flip-Flop on V.A Frogology). If we play the defining and comparing game again, I would put Tron in a group of artists who are trying to uplift “full-on” out of the generic copy and paste hell it has been in and reuniting it with its psychedelic roots. The way it was always meant to be before psychedelic music was infiltrated by those dark forces who have made our music profane . Imo artists like Tron and Headroom along with others have really brought a lot to the table in terms of intelligent music which exposes the lack of originality and inspiration from many copy and paste producers. This again is reflected in this track bubbling with creativity, and yes, I repeat myself, psychedelic intention and understanding of its subtle organo-mechanics. Brilliant work from my favorite Mexican producer at the moment.

6) Forest Gump made that analogy about the box of sweets and life and you never know what you get and so on…. Well sometimes things are different too. I looked at the artist name and it told me I was in for a Clean Trip, and that was exactly what I got…..Clean Trip is Juan Manuel Serna from Barcelona and continues the positive outlook of this album with his energy charged track “OG”. “OG”? Yo fo´ rizzle my nizzle! Track pushes forward in a very determined manner, we have the perpetual feeling of being in the middle of some kind of launch sequence. At 143 BPM we are picking up pace again. I listened to this a couple of times and it did grow on me continually. Now as we approach the latter parts of the track, maybe Forest Gump was right after all, as the “Clean Trip” becomes increasingly twisted. We get assaulted by some very strange distorted synths which sound like 1980´s arcade game soundtracks, OUTRUN meets GHOULS and GHOSTS on DMT. But like everything else this passes. Nice track, fits well into the general concept of the album but somehow reverses the formula a little bit..instead of a ascent from confusion into clarity, here we have a shorter descent from a clear, determined path into regions of strangeness later on.

7) Next track is brought to us by “The Druids”…..Hmmpf, I don’t want to be negative but the name “The Druids” made me cringe a little bit. I was almost willing to give an imaginary prize for most original psytrance project name (cough cough). If you go down that road why not something equally original: Here are a few super original suggestions:

The AlienZ, The Magic Mushr00mz, The Wizards, Ze Shaman

Ok enough….. let me talk about the music….. these guys are Jose Zurita and Daniel Morales from Barcelona and give us a slightly night time orientated track which shows parallels in build up and attitude to track nr. 2, albeit with a darker mood. Like I suggested earlier, I feel myself somehow transported to a time where psy was psy, where people accepted minor differences in style without running off to another dancefloor, off to their comfort zone where every breakdown can then be predicted like the next coffee and donut break at the office. Another excellent track, one of the most entrancing on this album so far,in the sense that it doesn’t impose itself on you with but gently lulls you in . Gently, yes, but everyone knows still waters run deep and this is the case with this track. I hope to hear more from these guys, and I will be less cynical human concerning their name Maybe we can do a live act together one day ninjas vs pirates vs druids ;P

8) Woah…..what just happened. Time just began to move faster….146 BPM..looks like we are entering close to warp speed. Captain Asimilon from babyLondon has taken over. Track unfolds with a naughty mischievous baseline tunneling itself through the endless soil mounds like a single-minded mole. The mole relentlessly digs itself forward making way for nothing. Beyond this scape single minded, relentless tunneling psychedelic warfare unfolds….warfare? Yes bloody gruesome warfare…but on towards the enemy within. Peace.
Track is very night time suited, is one of the more wild spirited ones on this album but not one of my favs.

9) Hypnoxock is another representative of the Spanish mafia on this release, showcasing the continuous emergence of Spanish influence on global psytrance. This development has been astonishing, if you look at the changes in terms of number of artists, significant festivals, growing underground scene in the past 10 years. Hypnoxock´s effort can is positive and although it is high paced (145bpm) relative to some other tracks on this album it continues the spirit of previous tracks. By this I mean that it sits in a sonic zone that can be appreciated by a wide band of listeners…. Soaring, Melodic….bridging progressive and full-on, maybe not in terms of pace in this track, but in terms of attitude. Remaining positive without slipping off into a formulaic scheme or resorting to cheese.

10) Projecto Ajayu contribute the closing track, a very smooth melodic affair. Although it runs at a relatively high 144 BPM, I would say this track has a progressive heart, the speed cannot hide this. It is a beautiful track, but I found it a little bit uneventful and I heard nothing original which grabbed my attention. Maybe It needs a few more listens.


I enjoyed this release due to its diversity, everyone should find something they like on here. It sits in the omnipresent grey zone between progressive and full-on which once upon a time was known as Psytrance…..Lets hope in future we can have more interesting styles uniting the fragmented psyscene and closed minded attitudes-the common denominator so to speak. Moderate pace, optimistic outlook piercing mystery, between day and night, united by a silver band of psychedlia.
It is also an album which showcases many new and less known artists from the growing scene in Spain alongside established psy-giants.

Favs: 1, 5, 6, 7

Overall: 8/10


Started Topics :  1
Posts :  2
Posted : Mar 26, 2010 21:33
Thanks alot for the comment, no one had the opportunity to review my stuff like this, congrats man i really like it!
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - V.A Galactic Suite (Zero Gravity Records 2010)
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