V/A - Energy Waves (Suntrip Records, 2010)
Jon Cocco
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 26, 2010 16:22:04
V/A - Energy Waves
Suntrip Records
1. Mindsphere - The Awakening
2. Astrancer - Inhabitants of the Sun (Gnostic Theory)
3. KhetzaL - Indian Attic (E-Mantra's Tellurian Remix)
4. Somnesia vs PharaOm - God's Tears
5. Liquid Flow - Reformation
6. Astrancer - Athanaton
7. Antares - Eureka
8. RA - Time Current (Silver Remix)
9. Space Elves - Anjuna Beach
Suntrip Records has released a handful of solid Psychedelic Goa-Trance compilations since their debut Apsara in 2004. I thought 2007's Twist Dreams was good, but critisized it for not being as strong as Apsara. In 2008, the label released a double CD; Opus Iridium was great, and later that year, Sundrops: Lights In Motion, a morning influenced one arrived. Both received great reviews. In 2009, the label focused on albums by main artists, such as Filteria, Merr0w, Afgin, Radical Distortion, and E-Mantra. After around a year, Energy Waves, a Psy/Goa-Trance compilation has arrived. But is this just a typical compilation or something special? A full review ensues.
1. Mindsphere - The Awakening is an intriguing, atmospheric-downtempo opening with a chilled introduction. The song starts the album nicely, producing soft soundscapes, a gently building arc of distorted/altered sounds, catchy melodies, and more. The song reminds me a little in buildup structure to the artist's chilled opening track on Opus Iridium (downtempo CD). I find this better and a welcome entrance. That said, after hearing this artist's work on Inner Cyclone (album), I'd love to hear more uptempo work by him in the near future (possibly a better produced/daring sequel to his imaginative debut album). Great opening track. B+
2. Astrancer - Inhabitants of the Sun (Gnostic Theory) establishes the uptempo direction for the rest of the album. I first heard (and fell in love with this artist's music) on V/A - Pyramidal Trancendence. Fortunately, his Dzog Chen track was no fluke. This song has a crisp and delicious, developing rhythm, sound, and fusion throughout. It combines some of the most heavenly, upbeat melody/sound work of the year yet. Few sunrise tracks come close or top this one. Such morning tracks include: Liquid Sun by Astral Projection. Goasia's self-titled Sunrise song had some beautiful work too. And Doof's Sunshrine just to name a few. It's refreshing to see another song capturing the sonic bliss of Goa so well. The shift/effect around 2:58 is fantastic! The song has numerous injections of infectious evolutions. I feel energized after listening to this track. This is an adventurous, tripy, and beautiful number. A
3. Indian Attic (E-Mantra's Tellurian Remix) is one of the few tracks I was initially concerned of because the remix isn't by the original artist. Also, Arcana's debut was atmospheric and had great background texture work, but lacked melody leads which Goa music has become famous for. That said, they took a great track with strong melodies and made it more psychedelic, atmospheric, and involved. Accompanied by numerous sound alterations, spacey, complimentary sounds, and even melodic elements, E-Mantra turned a strong and colorful creature into a labyrinthine world. I'm impressed to see they pulled it off, though the original version's melody leads stood out more. If E-Mantra could incorporate great melody leads into their next album while retaining their strong sense of atmosphere, that could be superb. Another gift of E-Mantra is their infectious interludes, which sound more like evolutionary transitions than ambient, cloud walking segments. The shift here from 4:25 to 4:50 is excellent; how the song progresses past this is very well done. The melody/sound work I found more dynamic and lively in the previous song. This is interesting and engaging nonetheless. I really like the the middle transitory section, and various changes made from the wonderful original. In building up the backdrops so much however, some edge has been reduced from the beautiful leads on the original, but I suppose that was the point, to produce a more intricate world rather than one with sails to grab onto, as produced on the previous number. Great remix. A-
4. Somnesia Vs PharaOm - God's Tears develops another climactic ride. The leads seem less strong here than the second track; they're great though. An often rumbling rhythm and evolving tone takes place thoughout. The song develops its energy through numerous buildups, climax work, and a healthy combination of background textures, atmosphere, and an ambient and/or distorted backdrop. A short interlude releases a GREAT and deliciously dancing melody lead at 4:00. The song then releases another, more psychedelic and infecious lead on top of that one at around 4:27. The combinations are wonderful! A second, more involved, and arresting interlude takes place in the last third. Both the return of the rumbling sound towards the end on top of everything else and the last climax is superb. Excellent track! A-
5. Liquid Flow - Reformation is more energetic and fast paced after the previous fireball. The echoed (melodic beeping) sound around 1:30 is catchy! I love when artists select and creatively utilize a simple sound, producing an addictive hook on top of everything else taking place. This seems to be the most aggressive track on the album. As the song progresses, it becomes more psychedelic, rough, and impossible to contain. The alien sounding (crunch beat like walking) element from 4:15 into the fifth minute are refreshing. This little detail is very catchy and compliments the song. The beeping may have gotten repetitive had it taken place throughout the entire chase and isn't drawn out. This song has a powerful climax in the last third, coupled with ambient notes, varied psy sounds (that alien space walking effect), and more. Could this used a greater sense of atmosphere as it flies by? I'm not sure. But one of the elements it lacks is that. The last time I heard such a sensation-driven song actually, it was adrenaline rush, Eyeless Observatory on the Filteria - Daze Of Our Lives album. Reformation may seem less complex and explorative due to its storming energy. But that combined with its back-to-back great ideas, sounds, melodies, buildups, and climax is wonderful in the Liquid Flow's approach here. This is a high octane, great fun, and storming track placed between two less intense numbers. A- / A
6. Astrancer - Athanaton begins with crisp, tasty sounds; no surprise after Astrancer's previous song. Around 0:41 lets loose the first push of energy. Entering 1:22 is the first melody lead, then another around 1:40. The high here comes down than lifts up over the second minute before changing up to accommodate new, dynamic movement. The melody lead changes up as it progresses, arriving at a short transition before introducing a spiraling, ethnic melody selection at 3:00. I preferred the previous section more, but it's still great. Another interlude takes place around 4:00; key changes are seldom used and compliment a terrific ascending/descending sound from 4:25 to 4:49. These moments gripping and delectably catchy! Another of my favorite parts includes an ambient sound from 5:18 to 5:45 that gives the track a floating, soaring (free-spirited) feel. And it is here that the song reaches its highest moment. Tasty ingredients continue being added; the song remains great. At 6:54, a trekking melody arrives, coupled with another more psychedelic lead. I think the song could have ended a little earlier than it's nine minute running time however, as the part crossing just over the seventh minute (forward) is less capturing than the rest of the track. It's cool to see the artist avoid an ending climax and get creative. The ending could have been better here there when compared to everything else. I found Inhabitants Of The Sun (Gnostic Theory) more satisfying in comparison (this could have trimmed a minute or two). Overall, this is a fluid, fun, great track! A-
7. Antares - Eureka is epic, at just over ten minutes long. The opening, ethnic/Indian melody is great. The light turns green at around 0:53 with a magical touch. Before I realized, the entire song had formed a collection of intertwining layers and beautiful soundscapes. I compared this artist to Ethereal on the Sundrops compilation do to the artist's ability to produce melodies that move together almost seamlessly at times. Initially I thought moments around 3:49, 3:53, and 5:35 seemed as if someone was lowering, then quickly raising the volume. But this effect relates to a certain melody and seems to have been done on purpose. Also beautiful are floating ambient notes that take place from 4:04 to 4:48, repeating again towards the final act. The cloud floating interlude is extremely well produced. Past that, a juicy evolution takes place filled with even more arresting melodies, sounds, and storytelling energy. The final third of the song has an infectious, whirling effect before lifting off into the realm of stars; it's superb. I think if this artist's tracks were a little shorter, they'd be more effective. This is a wonderful, traveling, and epic number, and the best track I've heard by Antares to date. Excellent work. A
8. RA - Time Current (Silver Remix) is one of the first up-tempo tracks I've heard by RA since their superb 9th album. This is a remix from one of their best numbers on 9th. What better group to remix a great song than the one who made it? This version of Time Current is more like a re-imagining than a remix. It's very well done, though I find the original more fun to listen to; this appears to be even more mature. I like the echoed psy sounds and developing, building concept. I think the echoed psy sounds could have been used a little less, arriving a little later than they do. The first five to six minutes are excellent (my favorite part of the track) as the world is created, becoming more rhythmic and infectious. The segment from 3:56 to 4:08 is great as the harmony breaths with fewer layers taking place. Another memorable part is as sounds return via 4:50, and as the song crosses the fifth minute; a flute-like sound from 5:45 to 6:11 is just wonderful. A peaceful interlude takes place soon after. And the music returns with just as much, if not more energy at 6:51. It is here that the song begins to feel less refreshing to me. More refreshing ideas, rhythms, and sounds (an ending evolution via Filteria's Earthrise song in concept, or something unexpected) could have been amazing. The climactic final third has some beautiful ethereal-ambient notes, harmonies that are very well done. I just find that the song becomes a little exhausting in its final act due to sticking to most of its perviously showcased sounds throughout, and this is where some innovation could have been resourceful. The echoed, psychedelic sounds work well too, though I generally appreciate them more when used less frequently. This is a rich and solidly textured track. However it lacks some of the ingenuity that made the artists' songs like Other Self (9th album) and R.O.M. (To Siruis) so dynamic, unpredictably powerful, infectious, refreshing, and fun. That said, this is like a reunion of tasty elements all coming together as one to form a powerful, psychedelic, and gripping, danceable rhythm and wave. In that sense, it succeeds. It's just not one of RA's most spectacular tracks as a whole, in my opinion. Great number! A-
9. Space Elves - Anjuna Beach has a brief intro. With exception to the opening, the first lead or melody is introduced around 1:17. It's okay. A second, more prominent melody arrives at 1:55. It sounds a little like something I've heard by Dimension 5; I'm not in love with it. As it varies however, a catchy psy backdrop takes precedence until a refreshing tune arrives at 2:40. The D5-esque melody soon returns; I wish new sounds were added here. This track has fewer ideas, development, and evolution than previous numbers. It could have used an additional melody lead (and more development) later on to liven up its second half, final act. The song has a cool, bubbly backdrop. I simply wish more was done with it. The interlude is a nice touch too, though the voice sample seems a little out of place to me, like a young girl mindlessly talking (with an echoed effect). The Wow vocal towards the end has more of a fun factor. After the interlude, the music is a little more interesting, catchy. But the song generally sticks to its soft and repeating Dimension 5-esque harmony without doing much more to elevate the track and give us something great. I imagine some people will like this softer, more progressive approach. I loved the previous songs so far on Energy Waves and simply wish this was more on par with those, or even more involved (and developed) in its softer (non-climactic) approach. This song isn't bad. But I personally find it weak, (afraid to take risks, blossom, do more), and my least favorite track on the album. B-
In conclusion, Energy Waves is one of Suntrip's best compilations. It flows from track-to-track extremely well and includes nearly all great/excellent and exclusive numbers back-to-back. The second number is the most solid sunrise track I've heard in years; its really grown on me. I'd love to hear more work on this level (and beyond) from Astrancer in the near future. Also, God's Tears has some of the best combining melodies. And Reformation is stunningly vibrant and climactic. I have very few gripes with the album, but if I were to say anything, I'd say the Antares track, while beautiful, seems to have a sound that jumps up (then retracts) in volume around the middle (though this may have been intentional to enhance its psychedelic element). Lastly, the closing track leaves much to be desired after so many superior numbers before it, though some may enjoy its softer appeal. Other than that, Energy Waves is excellent, and one of the most solid Psychedelic Goa-Trance compilations.
Favorite Tracks - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Samples / Order
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Posted : May 14, 2010 02:48
Great and lengthy review mate. Respect.
I must admit that I find this Suntrip's best VA compilation. Apart from the last track (Space Elves) which lacks warmth and punch, it's packed with great melodies and deep basslines.
Especially RA - Time Current (Silver Remix) is one hell of a track. Simply amazing. The flow is so good that for a few minutes, you are wandering in the starry universe.
E-Mantra's remix of Indian Attic then. Daring, to remix Khetzals greatest track to date. For me, I actually don't hear a lot of addition to the original. As the reviewer states, E-Mantra is known for more aggressive atmospheric goa tracks. I was hoping for something like that. Instead the nice melody is just kept and some sounds were modified. It's definately a stunning track, I just expected more punch. And contrary to the reviewer, I hope E-Mantra doesn't go in the 'melody'-alley. He is the best in aggressive/atmospheric goa trance and I want more of that.
The other goa candies on this trancer:
Astrancer - Inhabitants of the sun is a great uptempo opener of the compilation. It pushes you right in goa madness. Deep thick bassline as I love it.
Somnesia vs Phara0m - God's Tears starts of with a danger feeling. Slowly true goa style is revealed helped with those sticky acidic stabs. Mmm, lovely. Great finale!!
Liquid Flow - Reformation does with this one track better then on the entire 2009 album. This one kicks you right in the face with fierce goa. Something I found lacking on the album (except from the stunning Ionic Charge and Black Valley).
Astrancer - Athanaton shows you what true melodic goa is all about. Hypnotic to the bone with a clear indication where it wants to take you. Yes, I like it.
Antares - Eureka is a fine trancer. And a long one. The epic melody is right, the basskick is right, but I miss a rolling bassline like in the previous track. This is very personal and it's related to details that only affect me. Nevermind. The evolution in the track is superb. It unfolds itself into an long magical journey going up and down.
Space Elves - Aniuna Beach shows you how not to make newschool goa. It lacks punch, warmth, professionalism. Sorry, but this track doesn't belong on this compilation after all those high quality tracks. The production of this one is simply poor.
There, I think we have had it. If you're into newschool goa, please, order it now. Now. Now. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 6, 2010 14:24
This is a nice comp, showing us that the circle of newschool producers is growing bigger and bigger, and also more mature, they seem more concerned with finding their own sound rather than trying hard to copy one or other oldschool artists style.
Nice intro downtempo melody from Mindsphere, although nothing really special
My biggest disspointement was Astrance, since I was expecting a LOT after Ashram (best track of 2009 IMO!). Compared to that, this one is pretty weak
Then comes E-Mantra's remix of Khetzal, although personally I'm not a big fan of remixes, I always tend to prefer the originals.
Somnesia vs PharaOm on the other hand is GREAT, the last 2 minutes are incredibly intense, the kind of melody that makes you want to pull your hair out of your head while dancing I really enjoyed this one.
Liquid Flow is up next with what I consider to be the best track on this comp. My biggest issue with newschool in general is that the melodies aren't catchy enough, you just don't end up humming the melodies for days like you did with most oldschool classics. However that's NOT the case here, the last minutes bring a VERY memorable melody, proof that it's still possible to find great and original melodies in 2010
Astrancer up next again, but once again, after the brilliant Ashram this just doesn't do it for me
Antares brings us a bit of newschool of the first generation, which means a bit too generic for my ears, I mean it's good but not great.
Ra brings a nice remix, one of the best tracks on this comp IMO
Then comes the closer from Space Elves which I love, and don't quite understand why most people don't. Ah well, I guess taste is taste...
Conclusion: The more I grow older, the more picky I become about my music so not liking everything on a comp has become normal for me. However there are some quite nice tracks on here, and it brings proof that there is definately room for improvement in a substyle that was considered too tiny to interest mainstream lables only a few years ago. I can only applaud Suntrip's efforts to show the crowd that there are other alternatives between mindless full-on and screechy dark trance 3,5/5
  “I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it.”
Charles M. Schulz |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 12, 2010 21:16
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Posted : Nov 5, 2010 10:40
I gotta rethink my comments on E-Mantra's remix of Indian Attic. I finally got the time to listen to it multiple times in depth. And it's genius. Fantastic. Nothing less. |