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Using Dropbox for hosting your demos, DJ sets, (2gigs FREE , no pop ups, direct download)


Started Topics :  4
Posts :  18
Posted : Apr 20, 2010 12:15:16
Good Day! I was not sure where to post this, but I think this would be the best place as anyone who is looking to host a music demos and DJ sets could benefit from this post.

So this is how it works.. You install the dropbox Client (Linux, Windows , and Mac) and it acts basically as the transport agent via a folder. Anything placed in that folder gets synced to the remote storage on Dropbox servers. What is neat about this service is you can have a dropbox client on each of your computers (local , or remote) and any files placed in your dropbox is "synced" between ALL computers on your dropbox account. Now that you know how it works, let me explain how this can be used for hosting DJ sets. Dropbox provides all new accounts 2gigs FREE. You can of course pay for more ( I think up to 50gigs), but for DJ sets 2 gigs is plenty. When you get all setup , you will see a "Public" folder. Place your DJ set in there - remember , this is done on your computer, it will sync with the dropbox servers, so no "uploading" via FTP or anything like that. Simply drag and drop to your dropbox folder.

Once your dropbox is sync'd (you will see a check mark indicating so), you can post the the file for download. I do this by logging into the dropbox website , navigating to the files tab , then to public , and copying the full path of the file (right click on file - and select "Copy link")

With that link copied , I am able to post it anywhere as a DIRECT DOWNLOAD.

.. Want to start using it? join by going to:

You will notice it is a referral link. I would never post something like that unless it gave you something too. Remember I said 2gigs free? Well , if you join through my referral , I get an extra 250 MB storage, and you do as well. You can then get your friends to join and earn 250 megs (them too) up to 8gigs!! That is a LOT of DJ sets to host. Remember , this is not limited to DJ sets, you can host images, and even create a network of shared folders with your friends, but I won't go into that.

Download the client, create your account and have an extra place to host your sets and make the downloads HASSLE FREE.

Hope this helps - sorry it was long I can edit it if you tell me to screw off with the long post.

maybe this can be a sticky?

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  18
Posted : Apr 24, 2010 13:44
For recommendation to friends it can be upped to 8Gb free of charge.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Links - Using Dropbox for hosting your demos, DJ sets, (2gigs FREE , no pop ups, direct download)
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