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Username: DJ Kri
Rank: IsraTrance Junior Member
Joined: December 22, 2010
Started Topics: 13
Posts: 37
Offtopic posts: 0
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Occupation: mastering and mixing 
Party Organization Name: T.o.u.c.h. Samadhi
Party Organization Description: Pioneering a revolutionary new understanding of the nature of consciousness that can help us see beyond the inner structures that limit our awareness. Striving to ultimately discover who we are beyond our thoughts, emotions, memories, associations, and pe
Avatar: Avatar Picture
Recent visitors: Total visits:5
Shawnodese, kukan-dub-lagan/ItaiTaiko, kramtrance, willovseraphim, Acintya
Top Areas Of Posting: North America:44 posts.
Promotional Releases:3 posts.
Free Music & Netlabels:1 posts.
Trance:1 posts.
Festivals Promotions:1 posts.