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Username: a3k
Rank: IsraTrance Team
Joined: May 22, 2003
Started Topics: 269
Posts: 7826
Offtopic posts: 1
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Occupation: TrAnCeR 
Interests: Ambient...and Ayers :) 
Party Organization Name: Mind Experience
Party Organization Description: We are a small organization, located in Ovar, Portugal. We make gatherings in the woods, on clubs and have released one free net released called Symmetry and Kaos
Avatar: Avatar Picture
Recent visitors: Total visits:378
shroomz, dirtyphreak, Alic, psychorobo_25, Ellon, boomthirdeye, JET LAG BOOKINGS, Anyer, extomorph, Mathura
Top Areas Of Posting: Trance:2552 posts.
Promotional Releases:1071 posts.
Iberia:517 posts.
Party Promotions:500 posts. posts.
Promotional Media:353 posts.
DJs & Artists:335 posts.
Unidentified:316 posts.
Ambient & Chill Out:312 posts.
Music Reviews:304 posts.