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Username: SPS
Joined: January 29, 2010
Started Topics: 6
Posts: 21
Offtopic posts: 0
Web Site Address: 
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Occupation: DJ/VJ/Music Producer 
Interests: Old is Gold 
Party Organization Name: Psyfactory
Party Organization Description: PsyFactory is a small Portuguese family of friends with great love and esteem for the psychedelic culture. One of our main objectives is to promote and publicize new talent by giving them strength and confidence in, to believe in themselves and their wo
Avatar: Avatar Picture
Recent visitors: Total visits:1
Top Areas Of Posting: Unidentified:6 posts.
Trance:5 posts.
DJ Sets:4 posts.
DJing:4 posts.
The Workshop:3 posts.
Music Software:3 posts.
Games:2 posts.
Festivals Promotions:1 posts.
Promotional Releases:1 posts.