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Username: timsensient
Rank: Artists
Joined: April 23, 2002
Started Topics: 101
Posts: 438
Offtopic posts: 1
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Occupation: musician 
Party Organization Name: timsensient
Party Organization Description: Zenon Records is a label run by Australian producer Sensient. Zenons’ mission is to expose the psytrance world to a range of fresh and interesting music, and to expose new acts that write music outside the sphere of mainstream psytrance labels. The style
Avatar: Avatar Picture
Recent visitors: Total visits:35
VBRunner, Minimal Monster, Djones, seaone, ilsan, Xsze, marikabo, aliceee, metamorphosis music, GeorgeMoonstoneD
Top Areas Of Posting: Trance:134 posts.
Promotional Releases:113 posts.
DJs & Artists:87 posts.
Production & Music Making:51 posts.
Australia & New Zealand:38 posts.
Music Reviews:27 posts. posts.
Party Promotions:11 posts.
Scandinavia:9 posts.
Germany:9 posts.