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Trance Forum » » Forum  Germany - Useful links
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Useful links


Started Topics :  100
Posts :  1123
Posted : Jun 15, 2011 10:46:07
Hi trancers,

this thread covers a collection of useful links that relevant to psytrance in Germany, and will regularly updated. Maybe they will be useful for people who are not so familiar with the scene and are looking for additional inforamtion.

Goabase is mainly a large database of psy parties and festivals, but it also includes some discussion topics, festival reviews and Dj sets that are posted. Useful for finding all kinds of events, even if they are small. Could also be useful finding and arranging rides to and from festivals with fellow trancers – you should get some replies even if you post in English. You can also navigate the site in English and most large parties have English language descriptions.

For additional info about this site, check this out as well:

Chaishop is one of Germany´s oldest and most influential psytrance communities, having existed since 1997. Today it remains a useful resource for german and english psy news, party planning and topics relevant to the scene. They also have an up to date party base, vast party galleries and intersting articles/reviews waiting for those willing to dig a little bit. The site not only sees itself as a trance community but as a resource for „alternative electronic culture“.

Mushroom Magazine has been around since since 1994 and has been influencing and promoting the scene locally and internationally. Today it still exists both in online and printed form, with print runs of 50,000 copies and more.being circulated to supscribers and distributed at festivals (print version is released every 2 months).. Anyone who has ever roamed across a german festival will have picked up one of the handy pocket size guides with party/festival information, album release infos, artists interviews and other interesting info.

Goagemeinde is another popular site that offers a relatively large community and data bases on Djs, artists, parties. Etc. You can also find Dj charts and some (legal) Mp3 downloads, and if you enter one of the raffels and are lucky, you can win tickets to some sweet festivals.

A small darkspy community with an ugly website. (Sorry, but is true ). Anyway if Darkpsy is your cup of tea, you may want to have a look anyway.

Also check out this site here (our fellow members Zork´s site). It focuses on Darkpsy, Ambient and music production.

Next up are 2 additional photo sites which have pictures of past events where you can have a browse:

The german section on is also a useful spot to find infos and additional links.

Trance Forum » » Forum  Germany - Useful links
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