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Use of Binaural Beats and Brainwave Synths in Psy and Goa


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Posted : Dec 5, 2006 18:51
Has anyone here experimented with using binaural sounds within their tracks? I'm really interested what these different waves could do within our tracks. Obviously they are going to be subconscious manifestations but who knows. I know that I've gone into Trances on the dancefloor also gone into Trances using Binaural Beats and meditation. Could we join the two??????

Cheers To All!!!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 5, 2006 19:04
i think that theyre are a number of problems
1. they are ugl sounds
2. to have a meanigfull effect they should be prominent in the mix
3. they will probobly be subject to some degree of phase cancellation which is likely to reduce if not nullify the effect.
4. its much simpler to take drugs           Work like you don't need the money.
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master bud

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Posted : Dec 5, 2006 19:33

And it works only in stereo...afaik
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 5, 2006 21:32
Correct me if I'm wrong, but arent these brain-wave tricks only possible through the use of headphones, where you can seperate 2 signals?

You can't beat a polyrhythm anyways. Very hypnotic for myself.

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Posted : Dec 5, 2006 21:44
Well, I'm not an expert on the matter what concerns the effect on people but I do use the brainwave synchronizer effect of cooledit on lots of voicesamples. It gives a great spacial efx. Something between a stereo enhancer and a very fast and subtle lfo on the pitch and pan.

And yes the effect completely dissapears when you go mono but no you can hear it on speakers too. 
Colin OOOD

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Posted : Dec 5, 2006 22:10
My understanding is that each ear needs to hear a totally separate signal for this to work; if there's any bleed between the stereo sides the brain will not get totally different frequencies into each ear and will therefore not entrain itself to their beat frequency. Basically, you need to wear headphones for it to work, which is a bit tricky on the dancefloor.           Mastering - ::
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 5, 2006 22:48
what a crazy sight a crowd of people dancing with headphones on..


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Posted : Dec 5, 2006 23:03

On 2006-12-05 22:10, Colin OOOD wrote:
My understanding is that each ear needs to hear a totally separate signal for this to work; if there's any bleed between the stereo sides the brain will not get totally different frequencies into each ear and will therefore not entrain itself to their beat frequency.

That's a common misunderstanding with bineural beats. Maybe it works better if you can separate L & R signal to L & R ear, but it works just as fine on mono equipment. Here is a brief description and if I'm wrong please correct me.

Human hearing "device" has a "small" catch. It can not hear two tones with very small pitch difference. Instead our "ears" mathematicly add the 2 input tones together and divide them with 2 in order to get the average pitch. Since two near frequencyes have slightly different phase amplitudes this creates the "phenomena" of neural beat. When phases are in phase we hear steady tone. As they move apart we start to hear neural beat. It speeds up until the phases get in alightment again and we again hear the steady tone.

You can test it with any 2 osc. VST synth that allows free phase running. Simply detune one osc. 4 Hz (up or down) and you will hear the neural beat.

When you hear the neural beat inside your head ('cause in the space arround your head there are two separate steady tones) your brainwaves will align with the frequency of neural beat. Since our brain operates beetween 4 and 25 Hz, and our hearing does not cover this range, neural beat is the only way to hear such low frequencyes.

Hearing this with headphones can have faster effect due to the fact that each brain hemisphere is stimulated directly so you have to use both hemispheres to calculate the average pitch and you synchronise them a bit faster. But it works even without headphones.

Some frequencyes and resonance affaect our brain even without neural beat. Schulman resonance, the sound of a falling rain, ocean waves etc etc... The rate of the stroboscope on the party also affects our brainwaves as well as the tempo of the track.

Tune your instruments on 432 Hz and tempo to 72, 108 or 144 BPM and your music will be in the resonance with mother Earth (Schulman resonance of 8 Hz)

Lot of downtempo projects use this technique but most of the are keeping it secret... fuck 'em!
          "It occurred to me by intuition, and music was the driving force behind that intuition. My discovery was the result of musical perception"

Albert Einstein, speaking about his theory of relativity
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 5, 2006 23:06

On 2006-12-05 22:48, Freeflow wrote:
what a crazy sight a crowd of people dancing with headphones on..

It has to be seen to be believed. I went to lowlands festival in 2003 and 04. Both times they had the silent disco. I didnt have a go myself, but to stand and watch a dancefloor on some slightly raised platform, with a load of people getting down in absolute silence... it's quite a site I assure you.

Personally I need to feel the bass in my pants... or I aint interested.
Colin OOOD

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Posted : Dec 5, 2006 23:57

On 2006-12-05 23:03, shamantrixx wrote:
That's a common misunderstanding with bineural beats. Maybe it works better if you can separate L & R signal to L & R ear, but it works just as fine on mono equipment. Here is a brief description and if I'm wrong please correct me.

Human hearing "device" has a "small" catch. It can not hear two tones with very small pitch difference. Instead our "ears" mathematicly add the 2 input tones together and divide them with 2 in order to get the average pitch. Since two near frequencyes have slightly different phase amplitudes this creates the "phenomena" of neural beat. When phases are in phase we hear steady tone. As they move apart we start to hear neural beat. It speeds up until the phases get in alightment again and we again hear the steady tone.

Er... at this point I am compelled to jump in and correct you, as you asked before someone actually starts to believe what you've written

Beat frequencies as you describe them are the result of amplitude cancellation, as two detuned tones will have the peaks and troughs in different places. Imagine our two tones start off 'in phase' (ie. at the same point in their cycle; the peaks and troughs of their respective waveforms will shift relative to each other (because one is going slightly faster than the other) until one tone has had exactly 1/2 a cycle more than the other, at which point the peak of one and the trough of the other will coincide and the two tones cancel each other out for an instant, creating the 'trough' of the beat frequency. They will continue shifting relative to each other until one has had exactly one more cycle than the other, at which point the peaks of the two waveforms will coincide and the two tones will reinforce each other for an instant, doubling their apparent level and creating the 'peak' of the beat frequency. The frequency of these peaks and troughs is the difference between the two tones that make it.

For binaural beats to work, the two tones (or other sound cyclically modulated in whatever way you choose) must be heard separately by each ear for the brain to be able to interpolate between them to create the beat frequency internally - which is where it matters in this case.

The bits about Schulman resonances and rainfall may well be accurate, but the rest is not!
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Posted : Dec 6, 2006 01:07
Aha... and where this "phase cancelation" takes place? In the speaker system. So you don't have to calculate the difference but the pulse that you hear is nevertheless 4 Hz if the difference beetween 2 sounds is 4 Hz.

There are two methods that are typically used to generate these ultra-low tones in a way that humans can perceive them and feel their effects :

1) Binaural Beats - Using a computer or synthesizer (and a good pair of stereo headphones), generate two tones, one in the left ear, one in the right - your brain imagines it hears a third tone equal to the difference between the two tones. (For instance, if you had a 400 HZ tone in one ear, and a 404 HZ tone in the other, you would perceive a third tone of 4 HZ.) And this would have the same effects that a pulsating light at 4 cycles per second would. In order for this to work, the two tones need to be below 1000 HZ. There are two good programs for creating Binaural Beats : CoolEdit from Syntrillium Software and Brainwave Generator. The latter is probably the most user-friendly, and is good for people new to brainwave entrainment, since it has presets that come with it. (I found it to work very well, since it incorporates a strobe light into the mix as well.)

2) Modulation - While a tone at 4 HZ would be too low to hear by itself, if you generate noise and then fluctuate its pitch or volume at 4 times each second, this can also be used for brainwave entrainment, and would affect us the same way a 4 HZ binaural would. CoolEdit from Syntrillium Software is the best software to use with this method. (Although, he uses a slightly more complicated technique than just fluctuating the pitch or volume.)

As far as which of these two methods are better - binaural beats probably work better for brainwave entrainment, but the second method will work from speakers - headphones aren't required. That can come in handy - especially when you want to experiment with brainwave entrainment while sleeping or meditating - ever tried falling asleep wearing headphones? I have a cordless pair, and even with those, it's not that comfortable.

more info @:

Only thing not correct is the inproper use of terms neural beat and modulation. For that I apologize.
          "It occurred to me by intuition, and music was the driving force behind that intuition. My discovery was the result of musical perception"

Albert Einstein, speaking about his theory of relativity
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 6, 2006 01:33

4. its much simpler to take drugs

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Colin OOOD

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Posted : Dec 6, 2006 01:38
Our sources are obviously giving us slightly different information This is the first time I've heard that mono beat frequencies can be used for brainwave entrainment.
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Posted : Dec 6, 2006 02:40
I've also noticed that many sites and research facilities have different explanations for this fenomena. So I've studied a human hearing mechanism and found out that even monoaural beat should work as well.

If the blinkin' lights make your brainwave mimic the pulse without affecting left and right eye differently it should work with sound as well. The catch is that you can see 4 blinks in sec. but you can't hear the sine or square wave of 4 Hz. So all you have to do is modulate the sound below 1 kHz eather by phase cancelation, volume or whatever you can think of. Just as long as your brain will notice the pulse.

Hemi-sync or Holosync make it faster with stereo placement but music can indeed benefit from this technique since some low frequencyes are kind of adictive, hipnotic, uplifting and so forth and so on.           "It occurred to me by intuition, and music was the driving force behind that intuition. My discovery was the result of musical perception"

Albert Einstein, speaking about his theory of relativity

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Posted : Dec 6, 2006 06:18
Phase cancellation will still be unreliable due to different wave interaction depending on where you are between the speakers.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Production & Music Making - Use of Binaural Beats and Brainwave Synths in Psy and Goa

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