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Uplifting vs. Uplifting

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 1, 2010 17:00:14
...I know everybody is tired of the genre/sub-genre threads. But I am so new to the whole EM field - still trying to find my way around the various styles.
Here is my confusion:

Uplifting as in "Dutch DJs with arms outstretched"
Uplifting as in "Greek post-Nitzhonot"

The same style or two totally different beasts??

(Yes, I did use the Forum search and Wikipedia and many other things - still not clear.)

Regardless of whether these two styles are same or not, can somebody post a “Best of Greek (post-Nitzhonot) Uplifting” list? Or maybe there is somebody on the forum, who produces Greek Uplifting?

IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 1, 2010 17:42
Different, I think.

they both are "uplifting" but they are a different style.

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Posted : Apr 1, 2010 17:45
well...nitzonot came in greece from israel and became a crazy trend for about 3-4 years...then slowly died in around these days whoever you asked (especially in low ages) about psychedelic was refering into had become some kind of mainstream or something and until today people that are not so much in electronic music have this one in their minds when they hear about psychedelic!
anyway mst of the people have forgoten this one except a few.the only name i know that still produces is a guy called sanga...
the difference in terms between the styles i think that the one is uplifting trance and the other uplifting psytrance but many styles...why go there?anyways...if you like search it!
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 1, 2010 17:49

On 2010-04-01 17:42, Shiranui wrote:
Different, I think.

they both are "uplifting" but they are a different style.

I searched for “uplifting” and found many posts that talked about uplifting mood or character of music: uplifting Goa, uplifting Nitzhonot, Full On etc. The only example of the Greek Uplifting I found was in the Nitzhonot thread. And there it was posted as an example of how great Nitzhonot is and how cheesy Greek Uplifting is. I suspect that track was not a fair representation of the style
Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 1, 2010 19:30
greek post nitzohonot .... wtf ?
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Posted : Apr 1, 2010 19:33
"Dutch DJs with arms outstretched"

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Posted : Apr 1, 2010 19:33
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Posted : Apr 1, 2010 19:33
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Posted : Apr 1, 2010 19:35
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 1, 2010 20:04

greek post nitzohonot .... wtf ?

Well, I go by what I read on Wikepedia and here: that the Greeks took up Nitzhonot and transformed it into a new style called Uplifting – which no longer sounded like Nitzhonot. Hence, “Greek post-Nitzhonot”. I didn’t know how else to refer to it – so that people know I was not talking about Tiesto and Van Buuren.


"Dutch DJs with arms outstretched"

Like I just said: Tiesto and Van Buuren
Stretching their arms in the air, while the crowd listens to a slow HP sweep through a 2-minute-long break up and soaks in all that hope and happiness. How else would you describe it?

Anyway, I know what Tiesto and Van Buuren sound like. But I still have not heard any Greek Uplifting, except for that one tune in the Nitzhonot thread.

Or is it a completely dead-end, obscure, already forever forgotten style that I should not even bother learning about? If not – can somebody point me to some “greatest hits”?

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Posted : Apr 1, 2010 20:39

^^greek uplifting hit

^^from where all started
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Posted : Apr 1, 2010 22:58
the greek version of uplifting was just rediculus, the most of it to be honest. hopefuly we don't have people playing this crap at parties anymore, or people who 'd ask for it.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 1, 2010 23:04
It's more lifting up than uplifting.  - Midwest based psytrance group
Fat Data

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Posted : Apr 2, 2010 00:36
its more going deff than anything else... 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 3, 2010 16:43
So now all dutch dj's play ' arms stretched out trance '?

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