Upcoming shows MY ASS!!!
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Posted : Oct 9, 2009 01:13
First of all, those fakers are so lame, I had no idea...
look at this:
built with:
simple as .. and looks great.
But also building an original own website is easier nowadays. Really complex ones like mine can be done with joomla or or all done with
This really needs some time to learn, but it can be done. there are webservices offering preinstalled joomlas that make it easier. you don't need any software and can edit all content online. once you know it its easy as hell. I set up such pages as a hobby for about 400Eur for serious companies, without lots of designing, and I'm sure there are far cheaper options.
In my eyes myspace is a stupid thing of fake publicity and ego boasting. Artists boast themselves with huge friendslists that mean nothing since the artist himself can add the friends. and pages allow the concept of "fans" and those have to sign up on their own will. With the "fans" thing you get a good way to contact your listeners about new releases and other news and since they signed up volounteeringly it is not spam.
myspace. i have it, but only because it's almost a must to have it and because too many people still use it. but its ugly, buggy and obsolete. facebook is a far better tool, allows more songs and has far better tools for artists. reverbnation not to speak of. its extremely elaborate feature wise, also to listen to various music etc. is really nice... but its totally unknown for electronic music and I believe there are mostly artists on that site, not listeners.
  Most of my music for you to download at: |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 9, 2009 01:21
i think its not that bad with the friendlist at shows at least a little of your prefered music taste or you can feature the artist of your favourite label or smth..
sure a lot of spam going on there but i can live with soon as somebody gets to penetrant with mails and commercials i delete them from my friend list and then its ok again..
  -------......-------...-..-..-..-.-.-.-.- |
J.D. Jason
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Posted : Oct 9, 2009 09:10
The appearance and use of each profile, in the main, depends on the ways people use it. No matter whether they are. Reverbnation or facebook or myspace or some more or less known. If you do spam you do spam. Profiles are not bad, but the way in which they use. Even your own site. |
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Posted : Oct 9, 2009 09:51
On 2009-10-09 01:21, Zork wrote:
i think its not that bad with the friendlist at shows at least a little of your prefered music taste or you can feature the artist of your favourite label or smth..
that is true. its a good thing about the friends concept. but I'm not talking about the top friends
and yes, j.d. its hwo you use it, but we suffer from those who use it their way more or less on one platform or the other.
some platforms look better, work better, restrict abuse better.  Most of my music for you to download at: |
J.D. Jason
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Posted : Oct 10, 2009 10:23
I agree... but still everything depends of use them matter of everything. |
Freakulizer / Khainz
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Posted : Oct 10, 2009 20:07
I like myspace... as its a good tool to find new music u never would have found with out it ...
I have a few new bands i like ..only because i found them on myspace ...
What about those facebookfanpages ? i get everday like 20 messages from ppl asking to be a fan of them ...
in myspace i get way less spam then facebook !
And TBA means to be announced ... if someone booked you for a date ... but u don't have all further details about venue ...
still its a confirmed gig ... And promoters will know that u are already booked for that date ... i have to say myspace is my agenda ... i don't realy put the dates anywhere else ...exept of my "officepapers" ...
TBC means to be confirmed ...
If i get a booking request for somewhere ... get all the deatails but its not 100% confrmed yet ...
so ur waiting for the onfirmation of the booking ...
so whats wrong with that ? Does it Hurt you in any way ?
The funnie part is ... that some ppl in myspace have about 10000 Friends ...and 4 listenings a day in their player....that looks kinda stupid to me ...
but about TBA or tBc gigs ... I don't realy care ... its nothing that would offnd me in any way ... |
Ace Ventura
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Posted : Oct 10, 2009 20:32
Yep gotta agree with simon.
alot of ppl out there who claim myspace is going down big time - are simply idiots who dont know the facts, pardon my french.
people like Pavel simply lost intrest in it as causal users but for artists myspace is still a goldmine.
i will soon cross the 10,000 friends point in myspace, and beleive me i added less than a hundred myself - i get alot of new friends requests each day.
Bottom line its a huge tool for any artist from any scene - and completley free.
Once it was more "respectable" to have your own site, and i guess it still is, but with this huge free exposure of people to myspace, it just payes off more to put your pennies there.
there are ways to make it look more professional, it can cost abit but with this massive exposure its a sure investment.
i dig facebook too and get alot of positive feedback on my fanpage there, but i think for most of the artists out there, Myspace was and still is the champ.
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IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 10, 2009 20:48
MySpace is not growing even though your friends list might be:
Keep in mind that your friends are not necessarily fans. I add tons of people whose profiles I will never see. I am sure I am being added by all sorts of people that aren't actually interested in what I am doing.
This is a bit of a counterpoint illustrating that MySpace is still relevant for musicians:
And here are a couple of articles about making the most of MySpace--or cutting the umbilical:
Now, since what I do is similar to what is suggested in that last article, I can share data collected by Google Analytics to provide a quantitative angle to this discussion.
Ektoplazm received about 60,000 unique visitors last month. Looking at referrals, the leading sites are StumbleUpon (2,161), Freetrance (1,346), Facebook (1,168), Isratrance (670*), and Psynews (516). MySpace? 224. Vkontake (Russian Facebook) sent as much traffic as that! Of course, since I'm kinda down on MySpace I don't do a lot of promotion there, so these numbers reflect that... then again, I do absolutely no promotion on StumbleUpon!
BTW, I'm not trying to prove a point with this data, just adding some numbers to the discussion
(* It is interesting to note that referrals were not any higher when there was an Ektoplazm banner running at the top of the forum!)
Ace Ventura
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Posted : Oct 10, 2009 21:00
cool mate, thats valid info, but to answer your post,
1st of all i never said it was growing ( though i still beleive it is regardless of that cold statistic )- i just said it didn't go down like some ppl claim.
2nd, obviously from 10,000 ppl a big portion is not fans, its either spammers, ppl who just add others from boredom, or other artists who just want to expose themselves through my page - which is fine, this is how it works there and its great. but alot of ppl add small comments to their friend requests so u can see its not just random spam or a waste of time.
im not working for myspace or anything hehe i just find it exrtemely useful, still .
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Freakulizer / Khainz
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Posted : Oct 10, 2009 22:35
On 2009-10-10 21:00, Mr.Hanky wrote:
cool mate, thats valid info, but to answer your post,
1st of all i never said it was growing ( though i still beleive it is regardless of that cold statistic )- i just said it didn't go down like some ppl claim.
2nd, obviously from 10,000 ppl a big portion is not fans, its either spammers, ppl who just add others from boredom, or other artists who just want to expose themselves through my page - which is fine, this is how it works there and its great. but alot of ppl add small comments to their friend requests so u can see its not just random spam or a waste of time.
im not working for myspace or anything hehe i just find it exrtemely useful, still .
+ 1 |
J.D. Jason
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Posted : Oct 10, 2009 23:50
On 2009-10-10 20:07, tHuJoN wrote:
And TBA means to be announced ... if someone booked you for a date ... but u don't have all further details about venue ...
still its a confirmed gig ... And promoters will know that u are already booked for that date ... i have to say myspace is my agenda ... i don't realy put the dates anywhere else ...exept of my "officepapers" ...
TBC means to be confirmed ...
If i get a booking request for somewhere ... get all the deatails but its not 100% confrmed yet ...
so ur waiting for the onfirmation of the booking ...
so whats wrong with that ? Does it Hurt you in any way ? |
Thank you so much for explaining the meaning of the abbreviation but I already knew that pretty well. So what is the point of puting something that is not comfirmed and finished with negotiation? TBA or TBC what so ever, when it will be confirmed or announcement, then let the public know. What is the point to put anything that is just in progress or even on the way to become idea. I beleive that there is a milion artists that might be have 100 solution or potentional parties where they should be booked. On your oppinion, every single idea about some booking shoud be posted on list?
Upcoming show list should be something that will announce your fans where you perform, not a peace of interactive public board where your dreams might be one day become a reality. And precisely because of such behavior in using that profile for MySpace, many say that is bullshit, etc... And not just for myspace. When you use some interactive profile for regular and valid promotion in profesional way, people will get that seriously and profile will make sense.
On 2009-10-10 20:07, tHuJoN wrote:
The funnie part is ... that some ppl in myspace have about 10000 Friends ...and 4 listenings a day in their player....that looks kinda stupid to me ...
but about TBA or tBc gigs ... I don't realy care ... its nothing that would offnd me in any way ...
This is less of a problem or even not a problem at all.
Everybody have they own right to invite everyon in to their friend list. As much as they can. And who wants to listen to songs from the player will listen. It is totally clean and the real thing, with out any fake things like that famous upcoming, better say dream, then show.
Thats the point of this topic |
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Posted : Oct 11, 2009 00:31
So this was about TBA and TBC announcements? I missed that part. I thought this was about Fake announcements. I think its totally ok to put TBA and TBC announcements if they are real. I don't but if someone feels he wants to, why not.
Anyways. Myspace for sure still works and does its job, but I think it's best days are over.
If one is in specific facebook groups or has specific facebook friends the spam really is worse than myspace. That is true though. delete those friends, leave the groups, spam is gone. But I think if I knew where my Myspace spam messages and comments are comming from I could reduce it as well. But I don't I'm too lazy and myspace is too unhandy for me to find out .
Reverbnation is great to discover new bands by the way. you can surf through profiles and add songs to your playlist and go on surfing. its really handy. then you can do some work the songs are playing and once you like something you can look what it is and then visit the page again. through the recommendation feature of artists and their fans that can be sorted into "artists" or "listeners" you can find more cool bands etc. IMHO much more convinient to find new bands then myspace. If looked at it technically reverbnation would be the place to be for all of us. unfortunately it seems to struggle to get enough listeners so all its fancy functions are a bit useless.. :-( at least I have my fun, because artists are there plenty.
By the way. Is twitter something in use for psytrance?  Most of my music for you to download at: |
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi
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Posted : Oct 11, 2009 00:50
I put bookings in my list as soon as they are confirmed with the promoter, even if official information about the event is not out yet.
SCM is right... nothing wrong with TBA and TBC announcements at all.
Freakulizer / Khainz
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Posted : Oct 11, 2009 03:20
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Posted : Oct 11, 2009 09:20
On 2009-10-10 20:32, Mr.Hanky wrote:
Yep gotta agree with simon.
alot of ppl out there who claim myspace is going down big time - are simply idiots who dont know the facts, pardon my french.
people like Pavel simply lost intrest in it as causal users but for artists myspace is still a goldmine.
i will soon cross the 10,000 friends point in myspace, and beleive me i added less than a hundred myself - i get alot of new friends requests each day.
Bottom line its a huge tool for any artist from any scene - and completley free.
Once it was more "respectable" to have your own site, and i guess it still is, but with this huge free exposure of people to myspace, it just payes off more to put your pennies there.
there are ways to make it look more professional, it can cost abit but with this massive exposure its a sure investment.
i dig facebook too and get alot of positive feedback on my fanpage there, but i think for most of the artists out there, Myspace was and still is the champ.
+100. I Think for artists/musicians, there couldnt be a better tool for exposure than Myspace. Agree with all the spams and stuff... But point remains, that it is very much the premier tool for promotion and exposure. Much more than having an own site. I feel the chances of stumbling upon a myspace profile is much higher than an own website.
Regarding the announcements, wats so harmful abt mentioning TBC or TBA...? I mean how wld you want one to put out the information. This is to inform you that at least, something is in the pipeline, but whether its confirmed or not, is what will be mentioned in due course of time. If its not ,naturally, it will be mentioned as TBC or TBA.... Still dint get all the hooplah behind this.
But if somebody is putting up shows which has absolutely got nothing to do with naything, and jsut for the sake of impressing people... then yea.... Bring Em Down!!! ...
Just kidding.....
So bored! |