Unreasoning Impulses 178
Psychrolutes Marcidus
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Posted : Mar 26, 2019 13:16:52
Hey there dudes
Been working on this one for the last half year or so Learned quite a lot, but I think I lost it somewhere, seems a bit overkill to me now as its done. My next one will be less stressing and overwhelming, but Im pretty proud of how the parts morph into each other. Dont know if anyone here is into Hitech anyways, but qualitywise I think its quite a step from my last production, so Im hoping for some constructive criticism on that part
Gave creating my own kick a chance for the first time with this one and Im quite happy with it.
Soundwise I tried to get the feel of Darkpsy combined with the structure of Hitech, and to me its somewhere inbetween there, but what would you tell?
Yea, so have fun with this one <3 |
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Posted : Apr 1, 2019 13:53
> Yea, so have fun with this one <3
As long as you had fun, that's all that matters
But nice tune man, you definitely got the dark hitecky vibe going on, very interesting leads at every moment.
I think you can still hone in some mixing skills, some parts don't feel quite balanced and the beat isn't always on top; but that is missing or wrong, just my personal view.
But 6 months is too long IMO, you have half a year of ideas mashed into this one tune Maybe you should try to streamline some parts of your process to spit out tunes like this in less time.
I notice every single instance has leads and beat -> as a non-hitech-producer, you could have some parts where the beat drops down without any FX or leads, creating a better dynamic balance throughout the tune.. as it is it's pure energy all the time, which might be a good thing and your intention.
Thanks for sharing, this is nice!
  Super Banana Sauce |