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::UNION:: electronic music union for a cause

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  11
Posts :  24
Posted : Oct 8, 2010 07:04:24
The human race generally is immerse in itself they own realities, and concerns, focusing only just in its benefits without caring about what could happen to others.
But also, in key times in the middle of an emergency, its capable to be carrier of light, hope and empathy for they’re equals
Today, does who need us are our friends, uncles, and in general our brothers of Veracruz, Mexico, because of the Hurricane Karl left thousands and
thousands of people without nothing more than what they had on; efforts, dreams and achievements has been devastated, forcing them to start all over again from zero.
This is the time when we have to show our support and love to your brother and mine, we share the sadness, but also we can transmit the smile and the good vibe with the UNION of all to come out like the humanity has done since hundreds of years ago, its time to taking off the thoughts of pity and
indifference, and to put on the shirt of action, push, motivation and hope.
It’s a great opportunity to held a step like humanity to a state which we all help from the heart without waiting for something, just for the pleasure
of see your brother happy.
All the earnings of this compilation will be designated to the official help account.
In times like this with imminent changes, we can not lay back as race and we have to give the jump to a state of consciousness where we realize, once and for all, that we are truly one.
In lak ech – a lak en (I am you – you are me)
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  11
Posts :  24
Posted : Oct 8, 2010 07:04
1. Saeg - Life Component
2. Tor.Ma in Dub - Todos Somos Uno
3. Infamous - Demons
4. Isaac Maya ft. Wayne Smith - Sleng Teng | cortesy by Beat Connection recs
5. Brezze & Cossy - Dead Time
6. Fozzie - Mercury
7. True Anomaly - Turophile
8. Pavel AJ aka Plan B - Sharing Faith of Hope
9. Son of a Beat aka Ojos - Space Hugger
10. Ansuz Groove - Abogaine
11. Fixon - Mistic Bubble (Original mix)
12. Rael Bleep - Sun D
13. Kluster 7 aka Vedant - Something 4 Love
14. Jiser - What You Wanna Hear
15. F-Zero - Control Protocol (Twins rmx)
16. Ephedrix - Mexican Wave (Lamat Rmx) | cortesy by Dacru recs
17. X.D.3 - Toxic
18. In Lak Ech - Vogons
19. Ecliptic - Last Dance
20. Digicult - Icarus One | cortesy by Dacru recs
21. Chronos - Solid Mercury | cortesy by Dacru recs
22. Naua - Zero Degrees
23. Naua - Phantastica (LowMan Rmx)
24. Haki - Silent Talk (Mix 4 Veracruz)
Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - ::UNION:: electronic music union for a cause
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