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u-he HIVE

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  119
Posts :  1733
Posted : Dec 21, 2014 16:57:14
promising thick sounds at very little cpu

resonance on the filters pretty good as well

          Â°Â°Â°ACTS 4:12°°°°
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  115
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Posted : Dec 21, 2014 22:38
Ty For Share
great great stuff again from u-he
here if someone want to test it

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
Posts :  3207
Posted : Dec 22, 2014 00:58
Pretty boring synth imo.. I see nothing unique about this one.
The sound and filters are certainly good but that's a very limited synth if yo ask me.
The only thing I found cool at that video was the arp.
Tbh I'd expect much more from U-He's latest release.


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Posts :  657
Posted : Dec 22, 2014 12:09
This synth delivers what was promised and aimed at, look at what Urs said in opening post in KVR thread:


Hive started out as my private weekend project. I was trying to figure out how to make the fastest possible supersaw algorithm. It turned out, it's a mixture of so called "mip mapping" and vector processing. This makes Hive a little bit slow when you don't use unison for the oscillators, but it makes Hive exceptionally fast when you do. Well, for the non-unison processing we might add another algorithm some time later

Anyhow, we've also always been bugged about two things: First of all, why don't you make a simple synth that's full fo sweet spots? Secondly, why do all your synths smoke CPUs? So we decided to piece those things together. Fast unison oscillators, a user interface that's "reduced to the max" and an efficient take on those zero delay feedback filters that I call "cheating". Latter are not realistic analogue models, but they sound particularly good with unison oscillators.

So this is how Hive came about.

Unfortunately it's nowhere near a ready state. We're still pondering about some features that we might add, we have a free hexagon to fill, we're discussing alternative UIs, colour schemes and visual feedback. However, we do think it's in a state that's ready for preset design. Whatever changes we'll make, you'll still recognize your preset, and we'll communicate all steps necessary to update them for the final version - if that will be necessary at all.

I say great, because many times most gifted people just stick to being on high level all the time and that level isn't appealing/pleasing or approachable to next average guy, making something average is like baby cough to them, so why would they even need to sweat over it to do it, I guess pride is a bitch in that situation, that's why most talented people aren't most famous one, but they could be easily if they just stop taking themselves so seriously and have little fun instead.

Having said all that, Urs proved himself with all his work till now and I don't think he will stop challenging himself, but he shouldn't stop having fun and embracing market for profits, approaching wider range of customers than his usual above the average ones.

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  119
Posts :  1733
Posted : Dec 22, 2014 14:33
main features not activated in this beta tho

HIVE synthesis???????............will just need to wait and see really
          Â°Â°Â°ACTS 4:12°°°°
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  162
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Posted : Dec 22, 2014 16:52
i bought first i was feeling like you time traveller mate, exactly...but it s really great to focus on music as yo can patch good sounding sound in few minutes , and it have a nice caractere, well balanced sound to me. there is a coupon if you do a survey that will you give you 25 dollars...that plus intro price i couldnt resist and i m glad i did..i never really enjoy much synth like spire dune, even sylenth..but this one seems more balanced to me, it s not muddy , or dark ect..and sound good without any fx.while spire dune ect..wihtout fx the sound just mehh to me in lot of case..but it's taste..

check this , great caractere to me

Started Topics :  150
Posts :  3315
Posted : Dec 23, 2014 14:27
Made a massive bassline on this!
          Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  17
Posts :  269
Posted : Dec 26, 2014 14:04
its the chrismas gift for my vst folder. i like the filtersound and the fast envlopes + lfos. also the three modes normal,clean and dirty are very efficent to bring some glue to the sound. think there will be a big speedup in workflow with the presets of the sections of this synth.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Software - u-he HIVE
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