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Twisted Label needs your help!!

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 23, 2009 12:53
since Cosmophilia / FreeForm / Dragon Fly / Spiral Trax etc went down it was almost not possible to buy any international psytrance cds in the big cd shops in germany..

i think that was at least the thing where every label should have realized that other ways need to be done , cause to make a living just from selling cd`s is really hard for every label nowadays..

i feel sorry for twisted and if i could i would support, maybe for christmas or so..

@Adigroovy : if its so cheap to produce a full cd, why do labels choose to go the way with a distributer? since cosmophilia is down everyone should have they own distribution through websides/digital downloads and/or real cds..

or offer group buy discounts, if its really good music people would go for it..then they can collect the money and then start the production of the copys etc..

just m 2cents           -------......-------...-..-..-..-.-.-.-.-
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 23, 2009 13:12
Trance music sales are shite!

No matter if you distribute on your own or through a distributor.

There's a minimum percentage of the whole lot of listeners that buy music!           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 23, 2009 13:22
sure,i was just regarding the thing Adigroovy said..

if the production of a full cd just costs 0.50€ and they could be fine with 6 or 7 € i think more people would buy , rather then it cost now 12-15€ to buy from psyshop or saikosounds..

so skip those distributers and sell on your own..

for sure that would mean that more money need to be spent on promotion and commercials..

nah, dont know enough about it, was just an intention..           -------......-------...-..-..-..-.-.-.-.-
Inactive User

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Posted : Oct 23, 2009 13:26
that's terrible , ill buy something too , hope it helps
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 23, 2009 13:51
@Zork as you self mention, it is distribution that is expensive and not the production/printing of a cd.
and indeed if you would skip the distributors you would also save about 50% of the final sales price (15 or 20 eur)
which btw. already exists, some labels are trying to do the sale without distributor (the last Parvati released I hink even soldout) also the Twisted prices are more then fair on their website.
but as we can see the price is not the only problem of low sales of cd's. it is also do you pretend to sell 10.000 copies or 800,? and to be honest in the underground scene as ours there are couple of freaks as we here that buy cd's, but from those 10.000 who goes to their shows and concerts the 90% is downloaded. sad but truth. btw. i also have ordered on twisted site.           to use your head you have to go out of your mind
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 23, 2009 13:53
focus on the use of sound and see the connection of sound with security systems...
fire alarms, burglar alarms, etc. sonography, ultra sound for pregnant women, pre-natal sounds...elements of these are present in almost all psychedelic trance music.
think of using 160bpm dark psy as a weapon...which when played loudly can cause a crack on the wall...if thats possible it can also be used as a deterrent device in combat.
i mean come would not be wrong to say that all of us here have been brainwashed by psytrance...and it definitely does have an impact on your neurons....and if we here, were affected by it.. the masses are joke and so are the can fend of an attack by playing it loud so that their brain activity freezes. and they go deaf..instant deafness is called paralysis..use of psychedelic trance as neurobomb or thought blocker...definitely it can be rewarding (monetarily) and yes The Delta Force Compilation- Shaffel Records does raise antennae of the now from Trance Mafia to Trance Police and eventually Trance music is no longer music its sound...also its a known fact that many people that die in bomb blasts dont die because of what the bomb contains but more out of the shock the sound creates and they suffer heart attacks...., PLUR is an emotion, MPR (money power respect) is REALITY...

4mins into the video theres the guy from MFG saying
MFG: I Think this music is genius, you need to keep developing this sound, because last weeks frequency does not work today..MFG is a thing we try not to explain but its loose meaning is a Message From God

Its a software in our heads-Lenart (ibiza)          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 23, 2009 17:12
My take on the situation:
Solid Snake

Started Topics :  266
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Posted : Oct 23, 2009 18:28
The label with the 'best' artist rooster on the planet goes down?

That says alot about our scene.


Started Topics :  312
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Posted : Oct 23, 2009 21:34

On 2009-10-23 17:12, Basilisk wrote:
My take on the situation:

I like what you've wrote there, but it seems that as good those guys are with music as bad they are with the commercial and the promotional aspects. They are like the Bizarro world Chemical Crew in these aspects.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 23, 2009 22:09

^^ i disagree. and it says what about the scene? that the scene doesnt buy music? dont support the artists? i totally disagree.
i almost think its crazy. theres an amazing market for psytrance nowadays in my point of view. you just have to move and diversify

personally i dont even feel surprised by this.
the fact that this is a first class label with some of the 'best' artists, some of the 'monsters' in the genre, probably lead to problems with high costs ( i wonder if it could be a problem, dont know)
i remember the guy from jester recs saying that its very expensive to buy tracks from old tech-trance artists, (maybe 3. turn/ authentik or stuff like that)

i wonder how much cost a live or track from the twisted rec or some other tops like this. a track or a show of guys like sphongle, juno reactor, star sounds orchestra, i must say that doesnt seems to be 'cheap'. (of course i know theyr importance and it worth the money, i am just saying thats a issue). and it scary some producers, specially from poor countries. so maybe think about this stuff too

dont understand me wrong pls, i am not criticizing twisted, they rock and i dont even know theyr business. just raising some points as i think nowdays no matter how 'good' you are, you always need to be moving
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 23, 2009 22:10

On 2009-10-23 12:53, Zork wrote:
since Cosmophilia / FreeForm / Dragon Fly / Spiral Trax etc went down it was almost not possible to buy any international psytrance cds in the big cd shops in germany..

i think that was at least the thing where every label should have realized that other ways need to be done , cause to make a living just from selling cd`s is really hard for every label nowadays..

agree with you. in my memory the first time i saw a guy selling cds at a party was a distribuctor from cosmophilia. its nice to have someone in a party, that you can buy direct
and of course, diversify and dont bet only in cds
The Chilling Spirit

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Posted : Oct 23, 2009 23:10
I don't get it... They are almost bankrupt but will still release a 2 Vinyl Edition as soon as the money rolls in? That does not sound like they are serious about the financial trouble or they are really stupid.

The psychedelic chillout market had an explosion the past years. My music stomach was filled two years ago and I think the entirely market is somewhat saturated. There are so many acts that sound alike. No wonder if sales are less than 10 years ago. That's not the filesharer's fault though. Whining about that just shows that you have not understo-... wait why am I starting again?

Also as usual, what Basilisk said. You are being stupid if you whine about filesharing if you do not even offer your music in digital formats. How can they "steal" if you are not even providing anything like that "ware"?

edit: I listened through the album and found it utterly boring.
Freakulizer / Khainz

Started Topics :  115
Posts :  932
Posted : Oct 24, 2009 00:18
I bought/buy many Twisted releses original ...

And it sad to hear about the situation they are in ...
and its bad to see how mutch money is on their account ...

btw ... some distributor ( i think was ingroove) told me that the first Spongle release was the best Sold Album they ever distributed ... so where did the money go ?

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  23
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Posted : Oct 24, 2009 03:05

dont know if maybe they make more profit with other scenes as chill-out or general eletronica.
but i think quite weird that they seems to be, in a way, kind of 'distant'. they dont appear so much in line-ups, dont participate much in forums, not much promotion
Freakulizer / Khainz

Started Topics :  115
Posts :  932
Posted : Oct 24, 2009 03:57
And by the way ... how mutch does it coast to have Simon P. or the Sphongle preforming ? Why doesen't Twisted make hes bookings as an agency and get comission ? I guess it would help them a lot ...

And start releaseing your music in download Portals ! ...

i know hardly any label that can cover the coasts from an album only with physical sales ...
we are in 2009 ... not 1995 ... where everyone had to go to Recordstores and buy Vinyls or Cd's ...

There are many new ways of sellng music nowdays ... may u gotta think about that as well ... not only complaining about the bad sides that internet made with te music marked ...

and please do some more promotion ... i didn't even know about an upcoming Sphongle Album before i was reading this topic here ...

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