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Twisted Label needs your help!!

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 23, 2009 10:01
i'd love to help twisted rec but i need to help myself these days!

help anyone?

PS: God help those who help themselves, so no i dont need help, but will try to buy a couple of CDs & i am for sure going for Shpongle show in delhi!

          We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.

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Posted : Oct 23, 2009 10:16
i always buy ur stuff Ott /love

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Posted : Oct 23, 2009 10:25

On 2009-10-23 10:16, Spier wrote:
i always buy ur stuff Ott /love

Thank you, it is really appreciated. I hope it brings you pleasure.

One thing I notice as I'm gigging around is the number of people who come up and say how much they love Twisted Records as opposed to just my stuff or Simon's or Benji's.

Simon H works his tits off to hold it all together and it must be supremely demoralising to see the culmination of months of work ruined for the sake of one person's desire for file-sharing kudos.


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Posted : Oct 23, 2009 10:26

On 2009-10-23 10:01, Ott^ wrote:
It's almost as if it is being done out of spite or malice.

I think it would be easier in some ways to think that, creates a whole us and them issue. But from knowing people who have done this in the past, especially on youtube, and having told them myself that they should ask the artist first if they can, most of the time its actually ignorance, and youthful enthusiasm to do what it perceived as "socially acceptable behaviour" amongst the techno-literate.
If perhaps we got people to think a little more about their actions, it would be an entirely different world.

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Posted : Oct 23, 2009 10:47

On 2009-10-23 10:26, TranceVisuals wrote:

If perhaps we got people to think a little more about their actions, it would be an entirely different world.

/Can of worms.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 23, 2009 10:50           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.

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Posted : Oct 23, 2009 10:53

On 2009-10-23 10:47, Ott^ wrote:
/Can of worms.

Indeed, but like pandora's box, I "believe" there is "hope" at the bottom of the can. 

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IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 23, 2009 10:58
i am trying to pull some corporate strings. if i know what the needs $$$$ of the label are, i can find angel investors...i know a quite a few...either from UK/EU,US and Asia.
Since the label already has a lot of ready content and a catalog it will be very attractive to many media as well as technology companies.
One of the main reasons why Google acquired YouTube has nothing to do with technology...its to do with the content it had on its servers..
also major record labels are not attractive to technology companies who are slowly venturing into the media domain.
A friend of mine had also done the premier screening of his feature length flick Waterbourne, back in 2005 using the beta versions of Google Films.           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 23, 2009 11:19
Sad to hear Twisted records in such a state because of the action of some spiteful individual. I'm pretty sure there are lots of people out there who wouldn't even listen to samples let alone some online leak , before they buy the twisted stuff. Maybe wait and and see how it goes? I believe some 600 cd have been pre-ordered, even if you need some 1000 odd for it to go into print there is still some hope languishing.

On the issue of piracy:

Like i've always maintained and i will say it again, why not try and make music available in the market in shops , moderately price the cd's .. create awareness of the available product through all channels online and offline , and see the sea change in attitude of the end customer. whether or not the market is big enough to sustain such costs depends again on how effective your promotion is.

I for one will anyday buy music priced at say 8- 10$ than pay 14 dollars +postage. Law of demand states that other things remaining the same as price goes down demand rises.

There are enough people in India i know who would rather download an album than go to an online shop and have their credit card at risk. because of the unavailability at a decent price for the majority, piracy is an easy option and other than us geeks who troll these forums , 80% of psytrance music don't care too much about quality , for them im sure it's more than satisfying that they've managed to get heir hands on the album even if its a bad rip . Quality conscious pirates would leech Flacs off some Russian site to stay happy.

Pricing around 8$-10$ for good music is a win win imo and doesn't hurt nobody. This would cut piracy by atleast 50% and less artists/labels would by crying about the fact that psytrance is not a viable career option and because they end up not getting back atleast half of what they expected the sales to generate , they quit the scene or change their style to say drum and bass or cheese trance which would fetch them more bucks. its all a vicious circle which imo needs to break and as long as this trade on the internet continues , veteran psychedelic musicians will shift to another genre which can afford them their rent. And the sooner music fans begin to realize this fact the better.

By creating an open market with music moderately priced will do wonders for the psytrance music industry and the internet would be used less for conducting such trades and more for creating and generating promotion and sales.
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Posted : Oct 23, 2009 11:27
Would you have any case-studies, reports, documented research that would support the assertions in your post? I would be interested to see them, as some of your ideas seem counter-intuitive to me, and most of the people I know who have tried it over the years have found their profit stay the same, ergo it makes sense to shift less product, as less time is spent labelling, packaging, posting etc, and more having fun and writing music. 

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 23, 2009 12:01
here we go again with the cd's/dvd's sales and piracy issue. Since i am working in this business, know that a real cost for 1 cd (produced in europe) printed and packed and complete with booklet is arround 0.50 eur.
any label nowdays would like to sell the cd's at the price of 6 or 7 eur. but the problem as already many times mentioned is the distribution. there is where actually the biggest part of the sales price goes to.
maybe someone should start distribution company and see if is possible to do the job for half of the price they are doing it now. then we would have different cd prices in the market           to use your head you have to go out of your mind

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Posted : Oct 23, 2009 12:06
As far distribution goes, the "major underground psychedelic labels" should form a cooperative in the same way that United Artists did for the actors in the 1930's.
Take the power back imho.

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Posted : Oct 23, 2009 12:10

On 2009-10-23 12:01, Adigroovy wrote:
here we go again with the cd's/dvd's sales and piracy issue. Since i am working in this business, know that a real cost for 1 cd (produced in europe) printed and packed and complete with booklet is arround 0.50 eur.
any label nowdays would like to sell the cd's at the price of 6 or 7 eur. but the problem as already many times mentioned is the distribution. there is where actually the biggest part of the sales price goes to.
maybe someone should start distribution company and see if is possible to do the job for half of the price they are doing it now. then we would have different cd prices in the market

I think that the price of the CDs at the Twisted Records site is more than fair.
Skip a meal at McDonalds and you got yourself a great album.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 23, 2009 12:13

On 2009-10-23 11:27, TranceVisuals wrote:
Would you have any case-studies, reports, documented research that would support the assertions in your post? I would be interested to see them, as some of your ideas seem counter-intuitive to me, and most of the people I know who have tried it over the years have found their profit stay the same, ergo it makes sense to shift less product, as less time is spent labelling, packaging, posting etc, and more having fun and writing music.

No need for any of those when simple logic seems to work. where would you normally see a crowd at a discount store or the average store where you get the same stuff for twice the price?

Strength is in numbers and if you're a niche product with a niche market then it makes all the more sense to leverage that by undercutting your rivals or potential market share threats.

and who says you need to label , package and post them yourselves, all this and more can be outsourced at a competitive bid to some agency ensuring you spend time on what is most important.
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Started Topics :  23
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Posted : Oct 23, 2009 12:28
Sorry but I refute your "simple logic".
If science and history has taught us anything, is not to make assumptions based on simple logic, but to conduct research, find data and make analysis.
Other than that, it is nothing more than at best an "informed opinion"..
And my informed opinion from people who run labels, and as someone who is currently working to set up a "DVD/visual" label is that your logic runs counter to my experience. 

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