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Twisted Label needs your help!!


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Posted : Nov 2, 2009 15:16
tell simon to pm zoki
zoki haz an offer simon cannot rezist
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 2, 2009 15:36

On 2009-11-02 15:01, Elad wrote:

but really , i dont knoiw single label that doesnt need your help. support your favorite artists isnt something new?? but sure you aint care and also not buying cds from anyone so i dont see twisted so different.

word!           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 2, 2009 17:49
Dont forget to give the people that play music on the streetcorner and in the subway a dime as well...
and all the children in poor countries that cant get a meal for the day...

If i had to choose between buying a CD and the above i would rather give money to the above... what would you choose?

Humans are the biggest fuck-up ever!
Its true that those that have enough only want more and are never happy....

So now i think the Twisted label crew should go on a Charity tour!!
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Nov 2, 2009 21:06

On 2009-10-31 05:07, flavius wrote:
what i'm really worried about is that if labels don't get enough money -> production quality (and quantity) goes down -> no more amazing albums.

These days, and in our scene, labels have no influence on the production quality of the music they release except to say "Can you make it sound better please?" since artists record in their own studios.

sure, artists can pay out of their own pocket, but that's not sustainable. when you look at a shpongle album (ott as well) the amount of layers can get ridiculous - acoustics, vocals, all done by paid musicians (on top of synths and so on). could an independent artist really afford to put together a production of that quality? i honestly don't think so.

Funny cos Posford and Ott are both financially independant artists who fund their own recordings, as do - I reckon - every single other psytrance act out there. The quality of the results an artist like Ott or Simon achieves owes absolutely nothing these days to label support.

twisted =/= laptop with logic.

This is true, at least. Both artists have desktop machines in their home studios, and Ott uses Nuendo as far as I know.           Mastering - ::
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Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

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Posted : Nov 5, 2009 19:55
nice promotional gimmick

i don't like this kind of thing tbh....           
The Way Back
Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

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Posted : Nov 5, 2009 20:06
i read through some of what simon p has written on the mentioned forum topic.

i can understand his frustration, but the way i see it he needs to adapt and realize times have changed and are changing. ok, so the internet is not good for him, but it has been good for a ton of other artists and has let people get their sound out to the world. i always find it a bit elitist and frankly out of touch when the old school artists bash the net and downloads.

and another thing about set costs. this just boggles my mind, how an artist can ask for highly unreasonable prices for a retro dj set of music he made 10 years ago. with all due respect (and i DO respect) you are coming to press play on a cd-j (of tracks we all know for 10 years and any local dj can just press play as well). note: i am talking about hallucinogen obviously, not about shpongle.

its 2009 now, going on 2010.
The Way Back

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Posted : Nov 5, 2009 20:52
Someone like Simon Posford who makes a minimum of $5.000 per gig and an average of $10.000 does not have money problems. And if he does, then my answer is"Dude, play a few gigs and you will be fine!"

Now I can understand the frustration about music not being bought but ripped, still, this thread really made me laugh out loud!           Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Nov 5, 2009 21:02
I bought the new Shpongle CD, hope it helps
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Nov 6, 2009 00:00

On 2009-11-05 20:06, faxinadu wrote:
i read through some of what simon p has written on the mentioned forum topic.

i can understand his frustration, but the way i see it he needs to adapt and realize times have changed and are changing. ok, so the internet is not good for him, but it has been good for a ton of other artists and has let people get their sound out to the world. i always find it a bit elitist and frankly out of touch when the old school artists bash the net and downloads.

and another thing about set costs. this just boggles my mind, how an artist can ask for highly unreasonable prices for a retro dj set of music he made 10 years ago. with all due respect (and i DO respect) you are coming to press play on a cd-j (of tracks we all know for 10 years and any local dj can just press play as well). note: i am talking about hallucinogen obviously, not about shpongle.

its 2009 now, going on 2010.

obviously you didnt read 100 times that people say Simon from twisted (label manager) is not simon posford known as hallucinogen/shpongle (artist). they just happen to share same name..

just general info...

and its actualy better and more honest promotion then make new users that praise your name like some does here..
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 6, 2009 06:07

On 2009-10-24 00:18, tHuJoN wrote:
I bought/buy many Twisted releses original ...

And it sad to hear about the situation they are in ...
and its bad to see how mutch money is on their account ...

btw ... some distributor ( i think was ingroove) told me that the first Spongle release was the best Sold Album they ever distributed ... so where did the money go ?

I'm really sad that happens to Twisted but I think the problem here is about their management, it's weird that you cannot run a label properly having the twisted roster, althougt I do not have the whole facts here but still there is a lots of ways to create a development for a psy label even for Twsited. I don't think the problem is the lack of support, maybe bad distribution? lack of marketing? lack of holding their finances? bad way to invest that money earn and I can keep going...

I'm also wondering if both have really the time to run the label and invest time in it.
Inactive User

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Posted : Nov 6, 2009 06:27
I was wondering , whats so special about a label , if twisted dies , and I hope they don`t , Simon and co will find other labels to release stuff on , and its not like people are going to stop booking them for parties and festivals .
Horrordelic Records

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Posted : Nov 6, 2009 22:35
yes for sure, the time for the big labels are gone.
           3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 9, 2009 08:57
The best solution for this crisis is to promote Younger Brother in the indie market along with other rock bands.

I had shared The last days of gravity album with a lot of people who dont even like or know what is psytrance and they love it.

"All I want" could be a top 40 any day. They could be playing at coachella if they made their mind up to it.
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Posted : Nov 9, 2009 23:23

On 2009-11-09 08:57, Login wrote:
The best solution for this crisis is to promote Younger Brother in the indie market along with other rock bands.

I had shared The last days of gravity album with a lot of people who dont even like or know what is psytrance and they love it.

"All I want" could be a top 40 any day. They could be playing at coachella if they made their mind up to it.

Very true, they should promote the hell out of their next album. The second one has a strong crossover appeal.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me

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Posted : Dec 16, 2009 11:07
u do know how this REALLY goes? the shpongle album leaking to the internet before the actual releasedate, what a shame, BUT, to me it seems like a lame-ass marketing idea. "oooo lets leek out our masterpiece and act frustrated and be super duper pissed off about it, so maybe ppl will start buying our cd's again and our label will survive". I'm probably going to be stoned(and not in a good way) because of this post, but im just here to tell my point of view, like all of you. Why i think like this?

Let's see.. if u do share unrlsd tracks with close friends, they wont be on btjunkie or piratebay on the very next day. and the thing here is, that i dont think for one second that neither simon or raj have shared this album with anyone they dont know and trust fully(and if they did, then its their own fault,idiots). of course this is just speculation, but doesnt it sound a bit "strange" that album so awaited like the shpongle's, just happen to "leak out" MONTHS before the actual rlsdate? maybe its just me.

The real deal here to save the label would be posford amongst all other recording/performing artists on the label, to split(i dont care how, let's say 60-40 or 70-30) their fees from livesets WITH THE LABEL THAT THEY SO DESPERATELY WANT TO SURVIVE!
i know it sounds utopistic but what doesnt nowadays.
No label can survive forever only on cd-sales and so called "profits".

i mean come on, who actually deserves 5000-20000 euros per live(and possibly a dj-set at the same party), just for ONE FUCKING PERSON(ok sorry i forgot that OTT and SHPONGLE have a few more stage performers in their livesets, but i bet the fees wont be even close to that 20 000 euros paid for let's say hallucinogen live etc.)


Twisted artists, respect the label that you're signed on to, and make new deals or something which will change your and the labels future for better(or for worse who knows?) Twisted has released a lot of your work which has been bloody amazing compared to 95% of the shit that's been released nowadays. save the label by yourselves, dont expect it to be saved by your "12 fans hanging out at the forums", because you're the only ones who can really do it at this stage.

and yes i know my english might not be top-notch, but hey, its morning so it couldnt be anyway.

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