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Twelve Monkeys

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 29, 2010 21:23
She's pretty good. I like her.

pales in comparison to the awesome that is Walter though. The extreme contrast between the silly/likeable Walter and the pure unmitigated evil of Walternate is very well done.            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe

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Posted : Dec 30, 2010 07:34
I don't think that Walternet is evil, I think one of the greatest things that we see in the last 10 years in movies and TV is that there is less and less "Total Evil" characters. Think about it, the original Walter fucked up Walternet's world and it's only logical that he and the Fringe team took such harsh measures to secure it again. Look at Prison Break, 24, Lost and more. There's less and less pure evil characters and more characters that make mistakes or are being dragged to do evil stuff for good reasons.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 30, 2010 07:40

On 2010-12-30 07:34, Pavel wrote:
I don't think that Walternet is evil, I think one of the greatest things that we see in the last 10 years in movies and TV is that there is less and less "Total Evil" characters. Think about it, the original Walter fucked up Walternet's world and it's only logical that he and the Fringe team took such harsh measures to secure it again. Look at Prison Break, 24, Lost and more. There's less and less pure evil characters and more characters that make mistakes or are being dragged to do evil stuff for good reasons.

This is a really good observation.  - Midwest based psytrance group
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 30, 2010 16:00

On 2010-12-30 07:34, Pavel wrote:

There's less and less pure evil characters and more characters that make mistakes or are being dragged to do evil stuff for good reasons.

As in real life too.

Walternate is not evil - just pragmatic. He does what needs to be done, that's all.

So, finally we are having a Fringe discussion - and it's in a wrong forum.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 30, 2010 20:52
Well, no not pure evil. I guess I went a bit overboard. Definitely more sadistic.

That is an interesting observation - the moral grey area and the hopping back and forth over the line of 'good/evil' is something that I really enjoyed in Lost and (the first couple seasons) Heroes. Too bad they fucked up both shows so much at the end.

Hopefully Fringe stays good. I think that it will, as it doesn't take itself so seriously and plays around a lot.            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 30, 2010 22:13
Oh - and I am totally calling sample dibs on that episode where Leonard Nemoy says "...That's how many atom bombs I am"


(this is the part where someone links a track that has that sample in it and its really, really well done and I cry a little bit on the inside)
           If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 30, 2010 22:44
Moral grey zone (and morally grey protagonists) is at the core of some "real" (i.e. no magic/aliens/paranormal etc) shows too. "Lie to Me" is a good example. "House, MD" would be a good example too, if it weren't so full of crap.

Coincidently, I just finished watching "Lost". They did not screw it up as much as I feared theu would. Somewhere on the par with "Harry Potter's" finale.

P.S. Am I the only one who feels a bit awkward having this discussion outside the Movies forum?

Started Topics :  312
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Posted : Dec 30, 2010 23:04

On 2010-12-30 22:44, Maine Coon wrote:
Moral grey zone (and morally grey protagonists) is at the core of some "real" (i.e. no magic/aliens/paranormal etc) shows too. "Lie to Me" is a good example. "House, MD" would be a good example too, if it weren't so full of crap.

Coincidently, I just finished watching "Lost". They did not screw it up as much as I feared theu would. Somewhere on the par with "Harry Potter's" finale.

P.S. Am I the only one who feels a bit awkward having this discussion outside the Movies forum?

Unfortunately the Movies forum doesn't garner as much attention so we shall proceed here
Lie To Me is great, I really need to finish the first season and see the newer episodes. Gotta love Tim Roth.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 30, 2010 23:08
Oh yeah, it's worrying me a lot. Because isra is an incredibly specific, non-rambling forum where nothing ever goes off topic. I feel like I'm pissing on holy ground!


Lost was interesting...I watched it when it first came out up until the first couple episodes of the 2nd season, and then I just threw my hands up and said fuck this show, its super dramatic and nothing makes any sense.

Then around 6 months or so ago I watched all the seasons with my got bad...we would watch like 6 episodes back to back every night until it was done. I have absolutely no clue how anyone without a photographic memory could make sense of that show watching it as it was released, with a week inbetween each viewing. I really could have done without the walk-into-the-light finale though. Gr @ religious bullshit.

Are you referring to the Harry Potter finale in the books? I thought that was awesome - I actually sampled one of the final scenes from the books on tape in my Is This Real (I think that's the title...soundcloud is blocked @ work...) track.

"is this....real? or is this happening inside my head?

"of course it is happening inside your head harry! but why on earth should that mean that it is not real..."

the track itself is probably shite, but I really like that sample.           If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 30, 2010 23:23
Yes, I was talking about HP books. The last one was a bit of a disappointment: most of the book was about either sitting in a tent in the middle of nowhere or moving it to another place (in the middle of nowhere again). Then suddenly the pace picked up, everybody ran to the battle, the Good Guy died but not quite and the Bad Guy suddenly lost his superpowers and got killed for real. Kinda like "Locke" suddenly becoming a regular human and getting shot by Kate.

Most of the book is a boring blur. But it probably would not be as bad if it didn't come after the magnificent 6th book.

BTW, I am surprised there haven't been any Lost/Fringe crossover episodes.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 30, 2010 23:46
Really? The last one is probably my favorite! I might have a different impression as I've actually never read any of them, but listened to them all at least 3x because Jim Dale does such an AMAZING job with the voice acting.

Probably will have to find time to listen to them again at some point to pour through them for funny/interesting samples hehehe

I want to blow someone's mind with harry potter. That would be awesome.            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  63
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Posted : Dec 31, 2010 00:42
it takes only 3 monkeys to describe the entire history of this scene:

          "no one ever sweats on a plug-in" -moby
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