IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Mar 24, 2007 17:54
I have a track on my computer with no name and it's been driving me crazy for a few days now, so i finally decided to ask here as my last option.
I got it from an original cd from a friend, so i know it was released somewhere in 2005 (file created in 2005 and i remeber he said he just bought it).
It's 07:05min long and it's morning full-on style, maybe some Israeli artist.
(I would ask my friend but i'm not in touch with him anymore it was back in the army.)
There is a sample from a movie or something of a man saying:
"As a hippy ???? we said tune in, turn on and drop out, and then get out of the mainstream culture,
and...pursue your own creative instincts, your own creative urges,
and...it was also separating yourself now ???? ???? ???? shaped you previously, and to create a new self,
and so also i decided to separate yourself from the things that shaped ...ously and create a new self
on a higher plain and a higher vibration.."
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Mar 27, 2007 05:43
don't recognize it but reminds System Nipel's style
"Life is just a vacation Death gives us..."
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Mar 27, 2007 22:43
I just finished listening to all the samples in Saikosounds of System Nipel tracks and i didn't hear this one.
Anyone else has a clue maybe ??
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Posted : Mar 28, 2007 02:19
sounds like Ibojima - Higher Energy
I think from a compilation off Spliff music...not sure though!
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Posted : Mar 28, 2007 12:12
brb345 is spot on - it is definitely Ibojima - Higher Energy. It's on the compilation CD Goa Neo Full-On.
It's a fantastic storming track!
The full samples in the track are:
"Goa's a state of mind, actually. Goa's not a place."
"As a hippie, we sort of ... we said tune in, turn on and drop out - that means get out of the mainstream of culture and pursue your own creative instincts, your own creative urges, and it was also separating yourself from all the things that had shaped you previously to create a new self, and so also I decided to separate yourself from the things that shaped you previously and then create a new self, on a higher plane and a higher vibration."
"I acknowledge the privilege of being alive in a human body at this moment, endowed with senses, memories, emotions, thoughts, and the space of mind in its wisdom aspect."
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Mar 29, 2007 20:46
Thanks so much people
you don't happen to know where the sample was taken from? some Timothy Leary documentary maybe?
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Posted : Mar 30, 2007 00:27
I think it's from a documentary called Last Hippie Standing - however, I don't have a copy of this so I can't confirm.
There is a low quality trailer on YouTube:
The end of this clip has "Goa's not a place, Goa's a state of mind", which sounds exactly like it does in the sample, and it's probably someone like Goa Gil speaking.
"I acknowledge the privilege of being alive in a human body at this moment, endowed with senses, memories, emotions, thoughts, and the space of mind in its wisdom aspect."