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Trold - Time of Illusion (Glowing Flame Records, 2007)


Started Topics :  8
Posts :  109
Posted : Jul 10, 2007 02:39
Trold - Time of Illusion

My last review was of an album released by the guys from Glowing Flame records as well, and I was deeply impressed (VA - The Well of Enchanted Sounds). This time around it's an artist album that's being put under the microscope to see what's been cooking in the Glowing Flame labs. Trold (S.V. Skjoldal & B. Ophein) are no stranger to Glowing Flame, having released on the label before. What I've heard till now from these producers has been impressive to say the least, and get regular playback here. Enough with the chit-chat, on to the tracks....

1. The Big Secret

This is the most haunting astounding opening I've heard in a long time. This, dear people, is uber-hypnotic, spiralling, forest trance. A relentless bassline drives this haunting mist around trees, every one of which has a different story to tell. Acid weaves itself through the track, and starts flowing in all kinds of lovely directions, guiding you to a pure climax. The track gently puts you back down, ending this opening journey into what promises to be something quite different, but oh so special. I'm completely loving this.

2. Teasers.

And we're being dropped in an indian alley, blistering heat, musty smells and dust getting into every fiber of your clothing. The track takes a bit of a darker turn, with a wobbly bassline giving it a playful backbone. Effects start popping up here and there, creating a synergy, which drives the track to its first break, if one could call it that. The track makes it clear, teasers are over, the fun is getting started. Acid starts flowing under a bassline that somehow just turned a bit more menacing. After this first climax, the track folds into itself, taking a deep breath, and slowly getting ready to deliver the ultimate rush. Acid starts building again in the background, subtly accentuated by effects which weave a song of their own in the process. With a knowing grin the track slides into a break, teasing you to dare it to unleash its power. And it delivers. Mental 303's start polluting the ether with their poison, a relentless frenzied energy flowing out. And with a kiss and a wink farewell, the track opens the curtains for the third track. Goodness.

3. Tricky Reality

This one doesn't leave a whole lot of room for floaty intro's, but gets right down and dirty. A twisted atmosphere unfolds, somehow guiding you deeper and deeper in the track. The track slows down on itself, and decides on a new direction. Tricky reality indeed, for over time the track slowly manages to build right back to the twisted atmosphere found in the first part of the track. There's something boiling under the surface. A wild unyielding energy just wanting to get freed and released into the universe. And then a lovely run just pops up, 303's tingling the fringes of the cosmos, like tentacles reaching out into the unknown. The energy feeds into these tentacles over time, making them ever more intricate. And there's where the track starts to pick up the pace. The rhythms just take control, moving you onward, like a gust of wind in the back you just can't deny. It gets a bit darker, claustrofobic-like, after which the track manages its way back to the surface, like a nearly drowning man gasping for air. Impressive stuff.

4. Alchemy of the Sun

The word that comes to mind when hearing the opening, is 'metallic'. Until it takes off its mask when the first beat drops. Morning madness here. This will put a smile on your face. Totally psychedelic and still uplifting. And then a cello like string weaves it's carpet; a misty morning, dewdrops hanging from the grass and collecting in the cobwebs. This is mesmerising music, make no mistake. Then a subtle turn makes the track turn in a bit more focused direction. The dreamy elements evaporated, and the track has found a target: The dancefloor. I can see crowds go absolutely wild on this. Euphoria without ever getting anywhere near cheesy. It just keeps on building and building, and just when you thought the fun was over, you get slapped in the face with another dose of joy. This is pure morning brilliance!

5. Observer

The first half of the album has been nothing but astounding. the quality just drips from the speakers. Let's see if the quality is maintained on the second half. We're still in morning territory, and the intro puts me in mind of Space Tribe's earlier stuff. It takes a full 2 and a half minutes to get the track started, but the subtle droning bassline slides in ever so smoothly. And from there it's forward to the fireworks. Acid starts echoing through the backbone, claiming its place while hypnotising the listener. Some spoken samples give the track some room to find a new way to build up the hypnotism. And soon its off again. The build up here is just to die for. Every element gets its time to develop and move the track onwards. The percussive section, while already impressive by itself, truly is astoundingly used to give the track room to build itself to maturity. A break that shocks you out of your stupor comes from nowhere, seeming totally unrelated and out of place, which actually has its weird charm. The track takes on a bit of weirdness in the last half, with some experimentation with weird stopstarts, and somehow random spoken sampling. Pretty nifty track.

6.It's All About Cycles.

The first minutes are almost uncomfortable. A bassline that just won't get started humps along, leading us to the first true statement the track makes. Acid drops like a bomb, a 303 screeching its fury. Kicking stuff. The bassline finally comes to its senses and starts a furious run, supported by subtle acidic sounds. The track suddenly takes on a very goa-esque melody, after which the acid comes boiling up to drive this track to the next level, taking the old spirit of goa by the hand and helping it back on its pedestal. I guess the cycle has brought us back to the beautiful days of 96-99. The track weaves itself back to present day psychedelia. Acid is sprayed on the walls in a frenzy. Effects take over control to guide you back down, ending this magnificent track.

7. A Way Will Be Made

A nervous bassline doesn't waste time with playfullness and plunges you right in the middle of the track. If I'd had to put a label on it, I'd go for forest trance. Deeply psychedelic, hypnotic, but with just enough room to breathe. I'm a bit lost for words with this one. It simply doesn't really know how to grab me, but still I can't turn my attention away from it. Fascinating.

8. The Path

No chill-out to end this album. This is a four-to-the-floor stomper, building a murky atmosphere, but picking up some patches of light along the road, and kneeding it into an overwhelming monster of a tune. There's energy, with a bit of an aggressive undertone just feeding the track. The track is rather straightforward altogether. No discovering itself, no weaving ways to other levels. It lies down its cards flat on the table, and you know you just got beat by a Full House. Good Stuff.

So, how to sum this up? This is a magnificent artist album. There is not a single bad track to be found here. The first 4 tracks are simply stellar, along with the 6th. Five and eight are stompers as well, with the seventh track being a bit of an oddball, which in this case is not nescesarilly bad. Get this people. This is not for the weak of heart. This is not for raver-fluoro kids. This is for those who like their psy hypnotic, relentless, and unpretentious. This is pure craftsmanship. The highest accolade to Glowing Flame and Trold for bringing this piece of beauty into the world.

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  115
Posted : Jul 10, 2007 11:44
Awesome review, can;t wait for my copy to arrive.... 
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  254
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Posted : Jul 10, 2007 15:15
heard a couple of tracks and am really intrigued by this release. its got a unique balance between stomping percussion work and really sublime melodies. really unique stuff. great review and my luck to trold n glowing flame recds (Y)
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  244
Posted : Jul 10, 2007 16:46
this is music , u listen to it, u get freaked out but thnx god u dont say shit like KILLER, this is just music, pure music that talks to you, it cuts a piece of your heart, just like a friend of mine sad, its not just music, its audio therapy

every single track is like a like conversation of a group of scientists arguing about quantum stuff or however they call it

this is just good music, i wasnt a fan of them till Monoatomic came out, and now i have to flip out every time i hear em           PSYKS
!Ce M@n
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  30
Posts :  857
Posted : Jul 10, 2007 23:11
Crazy album.. heard it today ...
strong kicks ... tricky reality, alchemy of the sun,observer and a way will be made .. mad mad trax...
If I was supposed to play these trax would play this after dawn .. or at dusk ..
mad acidic melodies will get ur face squeezed ... loved this album
man realy psychedelicc.. some thing wonderfull..I guess loot of efforts have been put in this album .. nice sounds ..
and a neat review by timetwister ..
Boom to trold and glowin flame recds .
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  72
Posts :  355
Posted : Jul 12, 2007 09:35
very original, best psychedelic sounds i have heard in recent times.           --------
Radio Schizoid

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  1406
Posted : Jul 12, 2007 22:48
Awesome material from Trold!..and nice review 2.My best wishes 4 Trold and GF team!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  32
Posts :  984
Posted : Jul 13, 2007 16:17
woooow......the melodies are back!

finaly something without toilet sounds
and killer delay fx

pure psychedelic trance with melodies- even some goa melodies- and phat basslines.......
best music for party!

teasers is one of the best tracks in this year! 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  244
Posted : Jul 13, 2007 16:31

On 2007-07-13 16:17, Alias wrote:
woooow......the melodies are back!

finaly something without toilet sounds
and killer delay fx

pure psychedelic trance with melodies- even some goa melodies- and phat basslines.......
best music for party!

teasers is one of the best tracks in this year!

post this one again come on, u can smell the new/old lines of simple/intelligent music           PSYKS
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  32
Posts :  984
Posted : Jul 13, 2007 16:49
PlutoDelic : .....sorry i dont understand what you mean! 

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  140
Posted : Jul 13, 2007 16:58
First of all want wish Trold good luck with perfect musical album.!!!!!Waiting for my copy actualy one of the best album in this year music= music!!!!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  45
Posts :  1046
Posted : Jul 14, 2007 23:00
dident hear this one yet... but their first album on apoxina is true psychedelic night music imao the best one!! hope its like that this album.. or even much better..

good luck guys
Inactive User

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Posted : Jul 17, 2007 10:03
every once in a while , along comes an album from out of nowhere and completely reinforces the faith in psytrance .. this is one of em ! .. feel the music .. real nice .. go buy it now .. on the downside (if i may cal it that) .. its slightly fullon .. but super music .. glowing flame rox !

also im curiuos about xilium records ..was a sub label for darker sound from these guys right ?.. what happened there ?
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  216
Posts :  4980
Posted : Jul 17, 2007 18:30
Good question's there mk47 !!!

A true gem of an album, observer, the big secret and tricky reality are awesome number's, its a mystical album loads of atmosphere's and mystery.

Loved it            “What we need is the development of the Inner Spiritual man, the unique individual, whose treasure is hidden in the symbols of our mythological tradition and in man’s unconscious psych.” - CJ Jung
MorNinG MaGiC

Started Topics :  0
Posts :  1815
Posted : Jul 18, 2007 12:59
After bombarding BOOM 2006 .. wid their true gems and one of the more slightly morning acts that appeared on the boom 2006 dance floors ...these guys have released an BOMB IN MY OPINION ..!
beautiful mysterious twilite delights i would say with just enuf to keep u grooving and shaking and yet make u encapsulate with that liquid drive feeling ..!
glowing flame recs have thus for me released one of the artist albums of the year ..!
some strong groove excellent rhythm very original very true to their styles and the depth in the atmosphere is scuttle and really varied something that you wouldn't observe in todays psy music around..!

Tricky Reality
Alchemy of the Sun
It's All About Cycles<-- beautiful reminiscent of the old times reflects in this trax and the breaks in the middle squeezes the utter delight out of u ..!

al in all a really good releases keep up the good work guys keep em coming luv n lite always n lodsa luck for the future ..!
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Trold - Time of Illusion (Glowing Flame Records, 2007)

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