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trees as the key element of spirit

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  55
Posts :  1465
Posted : Apr 13, 2014 16:19:01
Somehow I feel that trees are very very important not only on a natural science level of view but also from a energy and spirituality based point of view. Trees emit such powerful energy. Might sound hippiesc, but is deffenitly true for me. Anybody else feeling the same?
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 15, 2014 18:13
I feel the same way too. But I also realize that it's probably just my imagination.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Nov 12, 2014 12:21
I felt like that too untill I read some books from Ken Wilber, who thoroughly opened my mind

Here is a link to wikipedia but I think Wilber is ways too complicated to be explained in a wikipedia entry. Anyway, very recommendable. I finally read someone who said everything I have always wanted to say . Seriously, I have never read anyone like him who explains in a better way how much more there is to know and to experience about the universe than simple mystical experiences or religious blisses.

Anyone knows his work?

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  55
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Posted : Nov 19, 2014 22:28
Danke fürs anstubsen.

Please explain what he says about trees. Thank you.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Nov 26, 2014 14:24
If you are new to the transpersonal integral modell of Wilber this website is a good start and offers very nice media ressources as well:

As you see in this image, the spirits of trees belong to the "first level of the integral modell" - the level of magic. There is a very long way towards a transpersonal mind - the spirits of trees are just the beginning. Indeed, for Wilber even rational science is a further development of the mind on the way to global mind, to meta mind and to supermind than the megis is.

For Wilber, in comparison to other experts,, the level of magic, which includes beiing one with Gaia, with nature spirits, or believing in your own magical skills (like " I can change the world outside of me through magic") are not transpersonal but a regression, preoperational, sometimes even egocentric. But it is simply hard to put his whole wisdom in a line or two - there are dozens and dozens books from him, where the subject is treated quite sophisticated and needs more explanation. All in all - trees are a part of the spiritual transpersonal experience, but not the key part. Wilber is a zen buddhist btw - for him the key part is the satory practise, the insight into one's true nature....
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  55
Posts :  1465
Posted : Dec 7, 2014 14:59
Jo, I do not see the word "tree" in that picture. Why?
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Dec 16, 2014 14:14
you are right . but the word gaia system:

the point of those 4 quadrants is that we have to develop ourselves "spiritually" in all dimensions and not only in one of them.

what i really like about his idea is his point about spiritually evolved persons who really know how to meditate, fall into transpersonal states and so on, but are neurotic or even cruel as individuals or are very egoistic and egocentric. how many of such people do we know - literally most of the spiritual leaders are somehow not very social. the reason is that they only evolve in one quandrant of this picture.

same thing happens to people who glorify gaia mind ( wilber really has brilliant arguments against this whole new age esoteric side of life, which i truly admire, because i never liked those guys either ). they evolve only in one quandrant...other quandrants i.e. dimensions of their spiritual path stay untouched - they are even on a path of regression, of childish self-adorement in a world of magic and fairytale, where everything ends well. unfortunately happy end is not always the way things evolve in this universe...

but as i said, it is a long story to discuss wilber. i just wanted to say, i admire the way he critisises the esoteric movement - and those who believe in magic gaia mind. it makes sense
Trance Forum » » Forum  Spirituality - trees as the key element of spirit
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