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Traveling abroad, your experiences as a musician


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Posted : Oct 14, 2009 14:50:24
Hi, I'm new here.

I have a few questions to the artists/DJs that perform or DJ abroad. How do you organize? Maybe you're part of a band, or have a manager organize everything, or maybe you do all the preparations yourself. How do you prepare, do you have a checklist of things you need to do before anything else? Which are the most important items you carry with you when you travel, and how do you protect them (and yourself)? What are your good and bad experiences while traveling abroad to perform somewhere?

And lastly, and most importantly, do you have any word of advice or tips you might want to share with future musicians that might perform abroad? Anything from protecting your equipment, to finding your way around a city you've never been to. Share your tips!

If there's a thread like this already, please post me a link. I couldn't find it via search really.
Solid Snake

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Posts :  4138
Posted : Oct 14, 2009 19:24
-All info regarding contact to organizer
-Cables (including powertransformator, very important.)
-Backup for live/cd's
-A smile on your face

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 14, 2009 19:45
I heard a clean change of underwear is tops on most people's lists.  - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 14, 2009 20:19
..artists are weird
i mean Michael Jackson hello
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 14, 2009 20:43

On 2009-10-14 20:19, Xolvexs wrote:
..artists are weird
i mean Michael Jackson hello

Artists can read music, michael jackson good bye

 - Midwest based psytrance group
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posts :  1848
Posted : Oct 14, 2009 20:54
Mubali's got some interesting stories for this thread, I'm sure

That dude is the Indiana Jones of psytrance
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 14, 2009 21:17
first thing he'd tell you is make sure your return flight is booked before you leave  - Midwest based psytrance group
Grapes Of Wrath

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Posts :  454
Posted : Oct 15, 2009 07:50
never tell immigration you are there to play a gig

i know a lot of countries frown upon such activities being undertaken while visiting on a tourist visa or under some form of bilateral visa waiver agreement. Also very short durations of stay in some countries makes certain officials suspicious of it not being wholly a tourist thing. The legal option would be to obtain a proper visa for the occasion, but those things usually take endless amounts of red-tape and time. Better to be a tourist than to be deported with possible limits on re-entry if some sort of artist visa cannot be had. This is not taking into consideration that even a tourist visa can be hard to get for some nationalities for entry into say the EU or USA.           Mastering available here:

Started Topics :  71
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Posted : Oct 15, 2009 21:42

On 2009-10-14 21:17, Ascension wrote:
first thing he'd tell you is make sure your return flight is booked before you leave

That's for certain. Never go anywhere unless you know how you're getting back home.

Make sure you have the address and name of who you are going to be staying with so you can appropriately fill out your landing card prior to getting to immigration if such is needed for where you are going.

It also helps to know something about where you are going. A landmark or a national monument or something cool and touristy to see in the place where you're going. It helps to sell the tourist thing.

I know this sounds strange, but the more normal you look, the easier it is to pass customs. Purple hair, big dreadlocks, 20 million piercings, can raise a red flag to more conservative countries.

If you are going to a country with pretty strict borders, you might want to think about only going once a year. I've known some artists that have come to the US more than once in a year that have been denied entry when they've come for the 3rd time.

Above all else, remember that you are a guest in the country and you not only represent yourself, but your country or area too... Don't act like an ass.
          An Eagle may soar, but Weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  1055
Posted : Oct 16, 2009 12:42

On 2009-10-15 21:42, mubali wrote:

On 2009-10-14 21:17, Ascension wrote:
first thing he'd tell you is make sure your return flight is booked before you leave

That's for certain. Never go anywhere unless you know how you're getting back home.

Keep in mind that MANY countries requires you to have a return flight when you arrive otherwise they take for granted that you are going to immigrate on a tourist visa, and won´t let you into the country. Countries i encountered that on is US and Guatemala. I guess it applies to most countries, anyone who knows where it doesn´t apply.... Except Somalia           Demand recognition for the Armenian genocide 1915
Ankur / Virgin Suicide

Started Topics :  35
Posts :  599
Posted : Oct 17, 2009 03:18
always bring some cash, do not trust on the organisers to be there at the airport, shit always can happen and then the only thing will help u is MONEY.           Freqs of Nature Festival 2012
Lost Theory Label DJ
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posts :  1848
Posted : Oct 17, 2009 10:21
Handy tip! US Customs will take your blocks of chocolate covered marzipan because it has a very similar texture, consistency, and odor as C4 explosive material.
Solid Snake

Started Topics :  266
Posts :  4138
Posted : Oct 17, 2009 12:21
My Novation Nocturn got wiped for explosive residue in Frankfurt and my bag was wiped with a 'sniffer'. I don't have dreads, 20000000 piercings or hair

Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

Started Topics :  75
Posts :  1848
Posted : Oct 17, 2009 12:46
Haha that happens to me all the time with my Virus Snow.

When I flew into Amsterdam with a Virus 61-key keyboard in an SKB flight case that looks like a torpedo, I wheeled it right through customs and they didn't even blink an eye at it.

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : Oct 17, 2009 12:48
Been thinking for a while, as offers are starting to come in, and this thread has quite put me off travelling outside Europe for gigs....

Not to mention the carbon footprint involved..
Interesting insights though, thanks for sharing.
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