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Started Topics :  3
Posts :  38
Posted : Jan 30, 2007 20:30
chong: IF YOU LOOK AT DEEDRAH´S MY SPACE SITE... YOU CAN READ THIS!!!( He is now back in his ibensenco new studio - in the process : the fourth transwave album, the second federico baltimore and a brand new synthetic long play....

Here you have the evidence!!!.... *respect* =)

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  41
Posted : Feb 1, 2007 23:16
the track CODE S9 is superb!....i think their best so far!.......however,i get in my nerves when i hear the error in the Flamycogire track (what a super track although!!!)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  168
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Posted : Feb 1, 2007 23:32
Only Bombay Night is unreleased, but it is still good to get for Transwave fans. Some of these I only had on vinyl previously. I will ask about the corrected version of Flamicogyre as Dado suggested on Psynews and hopefully will receive a response...

I don't know about the politics behind it... just enjoy the music!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
Posts :  2082
Posted : Feb 22, 2010 00:25
This CD was/is fantastic,a true gem.Really good feeling in this one : )
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 22, 2010 03:12
i remember a vinyl one track was sounding like trashish with the guitar, but it was maybe a first version of the track? anyone got the name ? we loved it but can t find it anymore
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