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Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - Trancemuta Faraway Comunication
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Trancemuta Faraway Comunication


Started Topics :  2
Posts :  4
Posted : Aug 9, 2008 06:05:40

Hi everybody, I'll like to introduce to you to Trancemuta a project born in Guadalajara:

What is Trancemuta?

Trancemuta is a phenomenon. Transmuting is change and change is constant. Trancemuta is the name we have chosen for a process of change in mexican "rave" scene and now for reaching new locations around the world.
Trance events passed from underground parties where people met in a ambient of experimentation and friendship to big "concerts" where abuses were common (stealing, people abusing drugs, garbage everywhere and promoters doing frauds) all this brought bad reputation to the parties, alienating psy enthusiasts and giving bad reputation to the parties within the general public.

Trancemuta promotes a change of consciousness in the individuals involved in the "rave culture" and in all people interested. We support ourselves in reality and the need for change in the way we are and think.

Tracemutation is for everyone and by everyone who wish to change itself and with it bring new life to this subculture that we love.

The meeting point of this project is the community forum.

We're trying our best to make it a space for free expression, where people can share ideas.

We still have fault's (a lot indeed) we try to be constructive and positive, but as in every forum there are always users that come and screw things a little.

The sections in the forum are:

Trancemuta: To discuss concpets and cultura of the rave scene.

Vida diaria (daily life): Things that members will like to share, from experiences, videos, opinions etc.

Saber de Saber (Knowledge): Science and general knowledge.

Mentes alteradas (Altered minds): Information and discussion on drugs and other things related to them.

Mistica alternative (alternative mystique): Religion, spirituality, mystical experiences.

Creacion tonal(tonal creation): Tips on music production, users can upload their work for feedback.

Fiestas (parties): Promotion of events and opinions by the users.

Organization: Ideas for parties.

Fuck the man: Off topic section, where users can say anything they want, we find this section useful for avoiding stupid discussions in the rest of the forum.

Enjoy your stay

Hey Hello...

well i just want to invite you to meet whit some amazing people full of truth, faith, love and peace... on a beatiful pleace called trancemuta... this is a project created to change the way to see the world, the scene and ourselves, because it goes far away from screen in to your hearts and your mind, its the only pleace where you can find and advise, music, knowledge, software, vst or a real underground rave party... whit that particular vibe taht we all know it has...

i hope to see u soon there =)
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  62
Posts :  953
Posted : Aug 10, 2008 04:32
Full Support to the Trancemuta crew......

venga don KB!
see you @ your birthday bash, which by the way when is it happening???


Started Topics :  0
Posts :  4
Posted : Aug 10, 2008 07:00
i love trancemuta !
Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - Trancemuta Faraway Comunication
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