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Trancefloor Realizations

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 11, 2011 15:08:02
I feel like I take something away from every party / festival besides good memories.

Sometimes I think about how obscure of a music psytrance is and think "Do I really like this music?" which is funny and then when a good beat drops I snap out of it.

Many times when I'm dancing I end up thinking about things going on in the outside world and have realizations about things I want to do and what I want to continue to be. It's helped me realize job changes / friend problems / solutions, etc. And sometimes more profound revelations.

Have you had the same experience?

Whether you act on those realizations when you get home is a different story.

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Posted : Oct 11, 2011 17:49
yea man!it's good for the soul!
Demoniac Insomniac

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Posted : Oct 11, 2011 18:02
For sure, but this is something that you need to keep for yourself and just think about it, what do you want to hear from us? That this is illusion, or that its enlightenment on a high level? Psy trance parties giwe that it giwes, it's up to you to think about how to react on it...           VA - Spiritual Science out now!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 11, 2011 18:21
I have had many realizations about life in general on the trancefloor. It always feels great at the end walking away feeling cleansed and re-energized, figuring out some things in your own head

Spaced-out Rastaman
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 12, 2011 22:04
I feel exactly the same way as you Danrennt98!
Not all of the time, but very often.

I believe it's just that the party creates the right environment/atmosphere for an acid flashback, and hence the revelations.

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 13, 2011 15:43
i realized on the trancefloor once that i am a prisoner of this body           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 13, 2011 21:03

On 2011-10-13 15:43, Xolvexs wrote:
i realized on the trancefloor once that i am a prisoner of this body

Yeah it really sucks when you only have legs, arms, a couple of eyes, ears and a nose to work with
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 14, 2011 09:50
I usually dont think while i am dancing. I dont know, thats how it works for me.           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Oct 15, 2011 05:10
Yes, all these thoughts are familiar to me. Good topic. We are prisoners of the body and we are the same.

Sometimes this is not pleasant, because sometimes thinking about meaningful stuff is hard and maybe unpleasant.

I think it is worth to try to bring back something from the trip. Of course, that is not easy to accomplish everyday.
Respect!           .
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...
Spaced-out Rastaman
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  112
Posted : Oct 15, 2011 15:01

On 2011-10-15 05:10, full_on wrote:
Sometimes this is not pleasant, because sometimes thinking about meaningful stuff is hard and maybe unpleasant.

Usually these thoughts wipe the smile off my face. I don't find them unpleasant or negative, but they are serious.

There have been some occasions when someone comes to me and asks me whether everything is ok. Do I look so much troubled or thoughtful at that moments?

I'm not happy while I'm thinking this stuff, but I'm not sad either.
I can say that I enjoy it.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 17, 2011 23:15
Cool. Demoniac - I'm not suggestion that we share our deepest realizations, but sometimes they are funny or enlightening and sometimes they are serious. So maybe we can share the funny ones and make each other laugh.

I agree that they can be at times unpleasant, but I make a mental note of them and come back to them later.

But sometimes I think its funny when you do go into a total trance state and you start deep thinking while dancing and then you come back out of it only to realize you're moving/dancing without any thought.

And the absolute best is when you are with someone else who maybe points out something funny or does something hilarious and a laughing fit on the trancefloor takes over. My favorite one was when my friend (not really into trance, so she might've been a bit bored) decided that she was going to [covertly and respectfully] imitate the way people were dancing or their style of dance and I had to guess which person it was. Whenever I figured it out, it was quite obvious and hilarity ensued, as we all have our own style of dance whether we know it or not.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 19, 2011 16:26
the funniest weird realazation I use to have when I was eating some shrooms, had some nice time solving non existant global problems and discussing with other shroomy people I met at the floor, the best one that I remeber was at an forestopenair in austria when I was blended by the beatiful nature so I started planing my life, first I gotta get real rich than I would have a really nice house more like a kind of castle but that was not that important what I really would need was a big peace of land around that house something like a park with huge trees and squirrels. What got me out of this movie was the fact that there are no nuts on an oaktree so the poor squirrels would have to suffer and die on hunger because of my bad planing. While I battled this inner conflict I was rolling a nice big kind of cigarette infront of the dj-stage as some people wearing blue uniforms came to the dj and turned off the music, I thought wtf why are the paramedics tourning the sound off, at this moment a friend of me came and said to me it´s not so wise to smoke this kind of cigarettes right infront of the police especially if there are only few people on the dancefloor, then I´ve realized that we were in Austria where the cops are dressed blue not green like in Bavaria (paramedics wear blue uniforms here) so I tried to get rid of my smoke without attracting attention, well at least I tried.
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