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trance vs psytrance

Soul Kontakt
Soul Kontakt

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Posted : Sep 23, 2006 14:20
Hehehehe i am sure that i love Goa most and the some of the early fullon. Psytrance is a Misunderstood Goa, with an improved beat but lost story...We love and live for the Goa feeling, not the beat but the story, the voyage, the feeling of being taken somewere else! We also have been working for long time now makeing music and all i can say is that we are finally getting great results which hopefully will help to give a special special something to people who love and beleive in Trance as being one unique specialised feeling in the dancefloor...I hope that our efforts will help in building a new a better scene, because i honestly feel this is not our scene anymore right now.
          Boom :)

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 1, 2006 01:08

On 2006-04-24 09:28, l337 wrote:

On 2006-04-24 07:11, FaceHead wrote:
so many times have I said "I make psychedelic trance" and gotten the response "oh ya im into all that shit"

sometimes I eat drugs and I listen to alice deejay or this one megamix I bought from wal*mart

and our scene is viewed as just another lost rave subculture when this is the revival this is the neo psychedelic movement a world unified under the most basic principals of positive human behavior one group having ditched the distractions and viruses forced on us by our out of control societies, to search within themselves for improvement enlightenment and peace with or without the use of psychedelic drugs. it is not a group based on doing drugs given a repetitive beat to keep your feet occupied when you are overwhelmed by the huge line of crystal you just blew of some dirty toilet tank. oh man im going to bed now

basically trance is transparent and empty with false emotion

psy and goa is intelligently engineered for a pure and fruitfull purpose.

im out.


thanks for your response....but quite frankly i think you are wrong!

problem is i think is that you are talking from your own expierence,....which is american....not exactly the frontrunners in either psy trance or trance....

again your example of alice deejay is eurodance and not trance......

euro trance, can be pretty decent if you got some decent tunage to listen too

our scene has nothing to do with rave...., our scene is under no revial whatsoever....

please dont make these sweeping statements on behalf of us all....thanks

That is the "american experience", true..but you shouldn't criticize him for making "sweeping statements on behalf of us all"..
The "trance" as opposed to psy scene in america is directly related to the rave scene, i'd say its almost all of the rave scene, which is what facehead is accurately describing..
So yeah, it may not apply to the entire world, but don't start complaining about somebody on a forum giving an entire genre a bad image.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 1, 2006 02:46
The old school goa is alive...
you just have to search for him
odd sequence
Odd Sequence

Started Topics :  56
Posts :  136
Posted : Oct 2, 2006 20:03
psychedelic trance with goa influences is my style.... ;o)
love to make this kind of music! ! !           Odd Sequence
((( MOKKSHH )))
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 2, 2006 20:09
old school goa is alive?????           IT T@KES TIME N DEEPER SELF-RE@L!Z@T!ON TO FEEL IT ..... N WHN IT H@PPENS , U KNW TH@T U H@V FIN@LLY ST@RTED!!!!!!!!!!
LiFe Is A TriP.....It HaS BeGuN

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Posted : Oct 3, 2006 12:58
it's alive! oh my god it's alive! nature is talking to us!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 3, 2006 22:32

On 2006-10-02 20:09, djmokshter wrote:
old school goa is alive?????

and i didn't know there was a new school goa.
goa went to college, in a dorm room at dead university.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : May 19, 2011 21:34

On 2006-10-02 20:03, odd sequence wrote:
psychedelic trance with goa influences is my style.... ;o)
love to make this kind of music! ! !

Like this stuff:

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  46
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Posted : May 20, 2011 06:55

On 2011-05-19 21:34, Djones wrote:

On 2006-10-02 20:03, odd sequence wrote:
psychedelic trance with goa influences is my style.... ;o)
love to make this kind of music! ! !

Like this stuff:

indeed, the first stone it's da shit, great stuff from those 3 guys!

todo mundo Tosiendo...          DJ of Sourcecode
A&R from Horns and Hoofs Entertainment
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 20, 2011 11:27
Goa Trance is the best.           Mushrooms make you do crazy stuff. Look at Mario he jumps on animal heads and fights with dragons.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  100
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Posted : May 20, 2011 13:12
The First Stone is great indeed..amazing music.

And Cosmos Vibration!

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  75
Posted : May 21, 2011 14:40
there is enaugh good trance, like there is enaugh shitty psy on the other side.
every genre has its goodies, u just have to find them.
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  267
Posts :  1766
Posted : May 21, 2011 19:51

On 2011-05-21 14:40, decoder wrote:
there is enaugh good trance, like there is enaugh shitty psy on the other side.
every genre has its goodies, u just have to find them.

Suggest me some underground Euro-trance artists, I'm interested.

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  75
Posted : May 22, 2011 07:02
i rly dont know what euro trance means to u, is it just general trance made in europe or is it a sub genre from trance, because reading euro trance remembers me of euro dance and this is rly disgusting
btw i dont like these catigorisations that much, some tracks u cant just call trance or techno or minimal, they are influenced by every direction imo. its not like every track has to have the kbbb build up like full on in psytrance at the moment

a track i'd describe as minimal ambient prog tech trance.


Started Topics :  7
Posts :  84
Posted : May 22, 2011 16:41
"Trance" isn't a monolith, it's a more diversified body then most think. What is pop is mostly shallow and boring. The aim of this music is just mating. That's why it goes pretty well with uninspiring drugs like speed and alcohol. But even the underground (like gabber or minimal) is mostly just dull.

What makes a psytrance so special is this spark of psychedelic magic. Not every label, artist or even attendant "get it" but most do and the magic is still there.

What I find sad is that the vibe frequency has been lowered and individuals on the parties start to be disconnected. I find more arguments and prejudices then I would like to but luckily I didn't saw any violence from the participants so I can bear it. Violance is what has driven me out of the punk scene and from the revolutionary anarchist circles. But I do get some worrying news that our scene is loosing it's vibe. It's just getting too big, too well-known, too commercial. Less psychedelics, more speeds. Less psychedelic music, more fast music. Less hippies, more bullies. Communal feeling is dropping and the use of drugs is rising. Or am I all wrong?

P.S. The First Stone is awesome! Thanks for the link! Have they released anything?
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