trance vs Blank mind
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Aug 25, 2011 19:47:55
I was reading "General History of drugs" by Antonio Escohotado (which is considered the must complete book on the subject and I higly recomended) and in the first chapter it talks about two types of religious rituals in which intoxication with alcohol or drugs are used:
a) Posesion type: in order for the chaman to enter in contact with the deity or mystic force he must "clear" his conciussness and be "posesed". Commonly enhanced by physical activity (dance or even sex). In this type of use the premise is that only clearing your mind of any thought can bring the answers you are seeking.
b) Trance/Journey type: In this type of use of drugs allows to travel, consciously, to other dimensions in search of truths. The important part here is the experience while in altered mind states, this is what brings knowledge.
So, in this little subculture of psytrance, how do you aproach your altered mind states? Do you seek to leave you mind in blank and and dance till you are no longer here? Or you seek to travel with the music to other universe? Or it depends on your needs in a particular moment?
"The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures." |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Aug 25, 2011 23:23
for me they are the same part from the same thing...
first i need to blank my mind and observe the music instead of the thoughts...
and then if the moment s right... it ll allow me to travel to "other universes" BUT if i get trapped by thoghts i ll come back again and have to make the process all over again...
and how deep i go will depent of my mood , the external and many other things...
for me its not something like "press the button" and u are there..
also i d like to point that when i first got interested for those experience and started to explore was always with drugs... halucinogenec ones.. like LSD , Mushs, mescaline , those types...
nowadays many times i seek that experience without them...and its totaly possible..
i dont know bout 500 or 1000 years ago..
but now a days i can guarante its possible...
its all bout how centered we are.. |
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Posted : Oct 25, 2011 17:34
From my experiences with hallucinogens they can be a tool to achieve euphoria but these experiences are far from spiritual. They are actually presenting us with illusions and progressing us in the wrong direction.
Meditation is characterised by stillness and calmness. By being still and concentrating to clear the mind of thought, one can experience the energy of this earth and the cosmos and what is even deeper than the creation. Self-discipline is one of many personal development tools available to you. Meditation can take many forms and can be practised throughout every second of the day. If practised persistently your being will begin to advance by progressing in a positive direction.
Do not be fooled by the illusions of this earth. Seek truth within, use prayer and be disciplined enough to not stray from your path. Look a little closer and be sure not to overlook the true essence of life! This world is so beautiful but as it is with ying yang, there is great evil. Be vigilant and nurture those states of mind which are helpful!
Peace, love & prosperity! |