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Posted : Nov 21, 2001 04:56:08
What do you guys think about the house direction some progressive tracks are going these days?? You think that it´s the future of trance or that it´s just a fast fever that´ll get outta the dance floors as soon as ppl realise that the spirit is getting lost?
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Posted : Nov 21, 2001 08:33:19
I think that going into a more housy direction was a matter of time, after all, techtrance already exists, chillout trance does too (Koxbox - Go Fly A Kite for instance), metal influences have been there too...

but IMO, people will always come back to 100% psychedelic trance, it's the mother of all those musics :)
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Posted : Nov 21, 2001 10:37:49
i've heard some dark house stuff that i realy liked...

it's sounds the same , just not uplifting ,but , downlifting....

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Posted : Nov 21, 2001 10:58:56
future,past, who is care.
listen and enjoy whatever u like.

sometimes u realy cant to see the border between.
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Posted : Nov 21, 2001 15:53:38
the direction doesnt matter. i've been trying to see it myself. as long as people who like good music and enjoy it will keep looking for new things, producers will keep on trying to create them. housing it is one of the ways.
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Posted : Nov 21, 2001 16:39:08
House is more easy listened than any kind of trance music and probably thats why it is more commercial and more world wide spreaded.I personally thing that one day House music will be the most popular music in the world if it ain't already.I have no problem with House but it ain't my cup of tea because it sounds too simple to me and except that i heard every vocals in every house track because they are all the same and they all talk about love and bla bla.I hope that trance will never die.
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Posted : Nov 21, 2001 18:55:12
Guys, We all (House, Trance, Techno) came from the same place, Electronica. We are like the different styles of Rock. now in the last few years House got more trancey (looking for new sounds and influences they naturally went to look at the nighbours green grass) and Trance got more Technoey, it's just a crossbreed. now there is also the financial aspect, since house (which is a more comercial and therefore more money in it) got more trancey alot of trance producers (Especially in the UK) got into more comerical stuff, of course we all need more money to survive. I belive that crosunfluence is only good for our music, we would have never had Atmos or Ticon if not for the housy influences that affect our scene. it's only a Q of what each DJ chooses to play and the larger the pool of available music he has the better it is for the people.
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Posted : Nov 22, 2001 13:21:34
right, these are different routes to walk, but it all came from the same place. commercial and sticky music is far more likely to catch on and is a guaranteed money maker.
as sorry i am about that, i cant deny the fact that there's a whole crowd waiting to swallow that cheap thing... :)

but there's a whole lotta good material i've heard that's not that commercial like what's easy to hear today. most people look for easy listening....

music is music and like i've said before - if it makes you fly you dont stop to ask why.

as for me - i'm still loyal and hooked on the old BOOM TSS BOOM TSS. guess it just moves the right brain cells up in the top floor. ;)

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Posted : Nov 22, 2001 15:18:45
same here
lately i have been listening to some progressive house and as tomer said: it's so drifting, not uplifting... but drifting... u just float around dancing.... not going nuts or anything, even at the stringest buildups becuase at the end there is just a really strong vibration in your drifting session...

it's fun! and i like it....
i think there is a bright future here...
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Posted : Nov 22, 2001 18:00:09
sometimes i think dance music is heading upm its own arse, not just in the mainstream but also in the underground
im not sure on the whle were breeding enough new good music
the scene, in terms of the numbers of producers relewasing records ~(here i mean dance music in general, in particular in britian tech house and stuff like that) is just going thru the roof, and oim not really hearing enough new stuff that i reckon will ever go down in history as being groundbreakiung or anything
who knows what the future holds... as far as i can tell, its going far more in to britain vocal house and good house has taken a battering in the mainstream. theres been a little bit of a revival in the charts lately, but in terms of mainstream cliubbing, hard house and loop based vocalless stuff is whats taking control...of course the scenes growing so much, that house has still got a huge following, itas just not the trendiest thing any more

but im not sure that wehen i talk about house i necessarily mean the same thing as u israeli guys... u seem to use house more to refer to mainstream music, rather than the same style id call house
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Posted : Nov 22, 2001 18:06:08
but...well... what is a trance party all about?? where the hell have the spirit gone? Ok, this housey productions are keeps you dancing for hours and hours, but...after 10 hours dancing, where did it take you? from nowhere to anywhere... that´s what I think about this unpsychedelic new style of music that is raising... no soul, no spirit... the Alegria guy (Misha??) played with some polo ralph lauren shirts, ray ban sun glasses, house music and dancing like a bitch ("groovy, baby").... where the hell are we going to? I believe it´s all about the $!
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Posted : Nov 22, 2001 18:12:09
but house has been around for 15 years now, and is one of the longest lasting, best established electronic genres... true soulful, sexy house is a stunning fom of music.. vor, when you meantion housey productions, im not sure whether your referring to mainstream music, or the style
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Posted : Nov 22, 2001 18:25:39
I´m refering to Alegria, Fabel and this kinda music... psychedelic trance producers, on a progressive direction, but with the focus on a house groove... Alegria played some tracks with female vocals, talkin´bout love and all this ibiza crap... this is what really pissed me off, u know...
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Posted : Nov 22, 2001 19:05:32
vor my friend i must say that alegria are so PSYCHEDELIC that whene the dj plays it im thinking to my self geez this guy is a fucking IBIZA PUNK ROCK STAR !!!!!!! , boom
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Posted : Nov 22, 2001 19:55:16
I think I got what V.O.R. is saying, I think he means the bassline remembers the house style, correct me if I'm wrong but when you talk about house style, "Electric Tease - TV is the new god" comes to my mind, it has a house bassline , that in my opinion isn't psychedelic at all, in fact I like this song, but if the Psy-trance starts going to this direction I won't like it at all.

so Allegria was wearing ray-ban and ralph Lauren shirts that's funny... I'm glad I missed his set in Carrancas...    
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