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Trance in 5.1

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  113
Posted : Aug 5, 2009 16:21:13
Hello forum!
I know it was discussed here already. Also curious about the Shanti Jatra 5.1 sound

Looking in the search i found some topics about it but still i couldnt find some answers, maybe someone can point me some directions.

1. What albuns, compilations and tracks can i find in 5.1? Where can i find/buy them?

2. What music production software (cubase, fl, etc) do you use to make tracks in 5.1? The final file is different than wav?

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  87
Posts :  2822
Posted : Aug 5, 2009 18:09

i use Nuendo 4 for this purpose, but still not enough material to present something..

the final file will be an AC3 file..wich contains all individual out by every dvd player..

cannot state a good album or at least one anyway..heard it on fullmoon festival some years ago and was absolutly crazy stuff i never heard before/from the technical side in this genre so it was quite mindblowing for me..

maybe till next summer i got something like an album or am able to perform this stuff..we`ll see..

cheers           -------......-------...-..-..-..-.-.-.-.-
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 5, 2009 18:47
I know people that use Cubase for this. If you look on KVR there are plug-ins made for surround sound production.  - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  87
Posts :  2822
Posted : Aug 5, 2009 19:24
yes cubase /Logic / Pro Tools are possible things to use..

Ableton Live / Fruity and so on are not supporting multichannel sadly..

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  113
Posted : Aug 5, 2009 20:50

Thnx for the answers zork and ascension. Going to look for the tips
Its been hard to find what albuns were made in 5.1
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  87
Posts :  2822
Posted : Aug 5, 2009 21:33

they claim to send in 5.1 but i doubt that they send out true 5.1 mixed sets or tracks since there are not that many ouit there..

i got some dvds that are mixed in 5.1 but its really oldschoocl music and i didn`t get it to work yet cause its not ac3..dont know..will check @ some point..           -------......-------...-..-..-..-.-.-.-.-

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  233
Posted : Aug 5, 2009 22:53
Chromatone and Helios and myself did it live a few times using Logic to send the 7.1 surround signal, after rendering multitracks of our songs we would send groups to different outputs on a motu 828 with controller nobs for all three of us to pan different sounds groups around a 7.1 set up sound system. we did this 2 times at burning man on huge stacks and at a club in San Francisco that had a surround set up installed. it was lots of work to set up and really intense sounding to stand in the middle of the turbosound rig on the playa. sounds flying everywhere with kick and bass sent to all channels. we still have the multitracks if anyone ever sets up something like that again and wants some insanity! 

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  274
Posted : Aug 7, 2009 21:48

I've heard a surround set up once before, and man, that's something else! (when done properly, mind you)

Random, I'd love to hear your surround set some time... Coming to denmark soon?
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

Started Topics :  158
Posts :  5306
Posted : Aug 8, 2009 00:39
great album
Tipper: Surround: DVD Audio (2003) 
Started Topics :  10
Posts :  546
Posted : Aug 9, 2009 12:52
Random, that's really interesting! would be ace to hear some

we have a very exciting surround project happening next summer (european)... more news soon! 
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Trance in 5.1
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