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Trance Forming or conforming culture?

IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 19, 2010 21:20

On 2010-06-14 17:10, Boulevard wrote:
We only use on-tenth of our brain.

God DAMN this is such bullshit. This has been debunked so many times and people keep spouting it like it's the damn truth.

Do your research!
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 19, 2010 21:29
in your opinion, do huge festivals do more good or more harm to The Scene (as compared to smaller gatherings)? I am not talking about 400-people North American festivals but about 20-thousand people mega-events.

To use a political analogy, there is a big difference between street demonstrations and kitchen conversations. Kitchen conversations let you connect better with a like-minded person and discuss things deeper. Street meetings are more effective. But they are also much more prone to manipulation by special interests, including plain old commercialization of ideals. It’s much easier to bamboozle 10 million people than a dozen. Festivals are open to the same dangers as political meetings – dangers small parties are immune to.

I understand, as a professional musician you would be much happier if there was a 20 thousand people festival somewhere every weekend. But what do you think is better for the future of The Scene?
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Jul 19, 2010 23:00
+ 1.

Smaller change might be less effective, mass wise, but it always more true (see my signature).

Of course there is place for both, and both are important and needed. Life is lived on many levels. Same goes for parties.           ---------------------------------------------
"Be the change you want to see in the world!"
M.K. Gandhi

"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."
Aldous Huxley

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 20, 2010 07:01

On 2010-07-19 21:20, Shiranui wrote:

On 2010-06-14 17:10, Boulevard wrote:
We only use on-tenth of our brain.

God DAMN this is such bullshit. This has been debunked so many times and people keep spouting it like it's the damn truth.

Do your research!

yeah but maybe in some other way its true. Like I wonder how far we are from our potential as human beings. Like maybe to an enlightened Buddha it does seem like the rest of the population is only using a small percentage of their brain.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 20, 2010 07:30

On 2010-06-08 12:13:06, Xolvexs wrote:
Is the trance or the psychedelic scene today really forming and giving shape to a new way of living creating a paradigm shift changing mindsets, or is it just simply conforming to the existing way and doing things differently..from the looks of it from the fact that my last thread had nothing to do with politics nor religion nor anything in violation of the forum guidelines...i was only saying why is it that Pop Music and pop culture have such a pervasive and intrusive influence on our lives and while we all know trance must be given chance we are all aware that the time is now,..trance has brought us all together...whether u r from israel or lebanon or germany or usa or uae or india or pakistan doesnt really matter--in a state of trance there are no boundaries there are no limits--and this state can be manifested in its true form in its true spirit--through sound through cutting edge sound and ancient methods of tribal drumming circles etc --the tragedy of the commons is that they like words and that is the pop syndrome--the beauty and the essence of trance is that no words are needed, ...can a we establish a State of Trance where the only form of justice is dance
otherwise the tag line Trance Forming Culture looses its essence which is in my opinion is huge insult to its creator

Nice one Xolvexs. And to answer your question I think these days we all starting to look like conformists. And I was thinking the other day that it seems back in the 60s there was much more of a movement going on, like there were huge numbers of people challenging the mainstream mindset. Also the GOA days had a lot of that feeling, where it was not just a few random individuals but there was a sense of a movement or a collective energy where everybody was kind of feeling the magic.

And that beautiful vision of the trance scene you described I think needs to gain more power. Its a vision of unity, freedom and love through art and it goes beyond trance and our scene. So I wonder if its possible for the world to start a new movement to shift the power structure that rules the world.

I mean we already know our current leaders are not going to save us.So why are we waiting for them to decide our fate?

Something has to change here people. I wish we were strong enough to create the world we want. And I actually believe we are! We got to believe in ourselves.

We got create a new world people, everybody knows that.

But we are like spectators watching the movie unfold as if we are not part of it. And that beautiful vision of the world we all want becomes only a dream. It’s like we want it, but somehow we can’t get up to fight for it. We just gave up on it and decided to settle for the half life instead. And that beautiful vision of the world becomes merly a picture we hang on the wall. Yeah it’s nice to gaze at that picture.

Why does it only have to be a dream?

You know maybe we just have to want that dream more. We have to want it soo, soooo, soooooo badly that it will push us to break through the illusion that it’s a mountain we can not reach. And we will breakthrough and we will learn that we can create the world we want.

But we have to really want it and most of all we have to believe we can do it. We have to believe we can create the world we want, that we can bring that beautiful vision into this world as a reality! Its a key element to the puzzle I think: to empower ourselves.

Oh the nostalgia of the trance scene..

the dream remains the same

Nomad Moon
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 20, 2010 13:42

On 2010-07-20 07:01, Aluxe wrote:

On 2010-07-19 21:20, Shiranui wrote:

On 2010-06-14 17:10, Boulevard wrote:
We only use on-tenth of our brain.

God DAMN this is such bullshit. This has been debunked so many times and people keep spouting it like it's the damn truth.

Do your research!

yeah but maybe in some other way its true. Like I wonder how far we are from our potential as human beings. Like maybe to an enlightened Buddha it does seem like the rest of the population is only using a small percentage of their brain.

I was watching a documentary yeasterday on tv form some guys travelling in nicaragua ,at some point they started to show some people that lived near the garbage sites,colecting garbage for a living ,the 5,6 year old kids sell their body for 1$ ,the kids in india work i dont how many hours so that we can have football suitable for our big big circus called the FIFA WORLD CUP , its not easy to tell those people we have a need to protect our planet when we have it all , and i'm an optimist , i see thing like a big worm , there's the head and the bottom , usually the head goes first , thing will change just not as quickly as we might want them to

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Posted : Jul 20, 2010 23:23
Hell yeah, fuck yeah... Ocelot you need to speak more, me like your words

Do you accept that infinity is a linear concept which starts at zero and goes in one direction forever? We can bend this question later to see what fractals we come up with...Human perception is linear but i just have issues since most of us live in a nonlinear World. Its the act of splitting into two branches, Just like the "us and them" bullshit, hence countercoulture, fux the status Quo with their music torture control of what top 40 is..

Destabilization of perceptual homeostasis, cellular automaton, WTF is that? I asked myself, on and off, meanwhile :

Speaking of politics, religion or anything in violation of the forum guidelines or even spiritual, therapeutic or/and entheogenic experience that adds value to the user and their music culture, perhaps from a non professional approach, not a kid state or even cheesy mind, just ones who haven't stopped doing research in sound therapy as a healing art form... Goa trance changed my life when I first heard it... The new sounds of the Goa vibration has changed/morphed into many sounds today but its still keeping my life changed for the win...

It's very sad dat mundane sensory per the status Quo, current rule of thought classify Psychedelic trance as propaganda due to its nature to create nonlinear to new linear complexity. While its true dat any perceptual system can have a psychedelic experience from organic to mechanical, its still a countercoultuarl idea submissioned/lawed by the mainstream to keep us slaved..THEY realize dat Psychedelic trance targets perception, memory, and the complex emotions and they don't want dat..

Language-based memes, regional and tribal traditions have a low durability, it changes rapidly over time as culture changes per its personal information..Its also biological information and species information. Psytrance rocks like bacon, it creates a chemical change, just like Ripley's Believe It or Not!

OH my... I think i just peed my pants or its the pickle i just ate...

Speaking of groups, technological information is culturally agnostic...


On 2010-07-19 19:54, ocelot wrote:
(styles of trance or general taste in music)
and often is not as inviting as it could be for outsiders, foreigners, etc...

Inviting? What do you mean by that? Goa Trance didn't invite me, we had to find it.. A perfect invitation is to suggest something dat is free, like dancing and thinking thus far... Lot's of peeps earn a living from this scene and at the same time the scene is working hard at sustainability.. The permaculture community on the dancefloor is a good hit but it's just a dance party, we have BOOM and Symbiosis Gatherings to do all dat shit, it cost cash to attempt to turn a week festival into a utopia... The rest of our events are for dancing and training for a better way of living, mindset... Maybe if the ones who take from the scene would leave something other than just music and words, we might get this permaculture utopia at smaller events..

Holly fuck!!! Xolvexs post rock as well, big thumbs up to his words... well said Xolvexs


On 2010-07-19 19:54, ocelot wrote:

i suggest keeping them.

I second dat motion...

"If You Always Think What You've Always Thought, You Will Always Feel What You've Always Felt"

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Posted : Jul 22, 2010 01:52

On 2010-07-20 07:01, Aluxe wrote:
yeah but maybe in some other way its true. Like I wonder how far we are from our potential as human beings. Like maybe to an enlightened Buddha it does seem like the rest of the population is only using a small percentage of their brain.

No this is simply ignorance of brain function that gets puppeted by new age nonsense with an agenda that there are some untapped neurons in the brain that never fire.
Its simply false..its wrong, its bullshit as far as how the brain works.
If 100% of your neurons fired all the time you would be not much different than "brain dead" wouldn't be able to process or do anything. People with literal mental disorders like schizophrenia or extreme anxiety are the ones using "more of their brain".
"Smarter" people make faster and stronger connections between neurons.
My experience in "trance culture" is its people of average intelligence who have brainwashed themselves into thinking they are above average intelligence because they take drugs and listen to music in groups...pretty much the standard model of a subculture.
The glue that keeps the subculture together is that its "doing something" to culture as a whole..even though the time frame makes no sense because of how slow culture in general is to change.
Of course everyone inside the subculture feels they are genius and "chosen" for finding the sub culture. As if the sub culture has sampled from something other than the average.

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 22, 2010 02:29

On 2010-07-22 01:52, braininavat wrote:
No this is simply ignorance of brain function that gets puppeted by new age nonsense with an agenda that there are some untapped neurons in the brain that never fire.
Its simply false..its wrong, its bullshit as far as how the brain works.
If 100% of your neurons fired all the time you would be not much different than "brain dead" wouldn't be able to process or do anything. People with literal mental disorders like schizophrenia or extreme anxiety are the ones using "more of their brain".

And he’s back!

+1 on “more of their brain”. It’s actually selective inhibition that is more important than overall excitation. If anybody doesn’t believe me, talk to a meth user. Or better yet – volunteer for an EST. See how enlightening that is when all your neurons are firing.


"Smarter" people make faster and stronger connections between neurons.

If you are talking about “mainstream” smart.
There are people of extraordinary abilities that make those connections not (necessarily) faster and stronger but entirely differently altogether. Savants, for example, who are geniuses in one area and mediocre (usually retarded, in fact) in all others.


The glue that keeps the subculture together is that its "doing something" to culture as a whole.. even though the time frame makes no sense because of how slow culture in general is to change.

I cannot get my wife to listen to a single trance track beyond first 10-15 seconds.
Even when we drive in the middle of corn fields and there is nothing on the radio but twisted interpretations of the Bible. And this is the person closest to me! So, I don’t have any illusions about turning the whole world into a trance party. But it goes back to my question about meetings vs. kitchen conversations. Maybe connecting with a dozen of people (or even just with yourself) in a special way is better than “doing something to culture as a whole”? Somehow I personally prefer the micro scale.


Of course everyone inside the subculture feels they are genius and "chosen" for finding the sub culture. As if the sub culture has sampled from something other than the average.

The original sampling probably was not random, though.
The more popular the subculture becomes, the more it will regress to the ugly overall mean. Yet another reason to keep it small and intimate.

P.S. Complete off-topic: you are not the only one here who appreciates the genius of double auction.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 22, 2010 06:37

No this is simply ignorance of brain function that gets puppeted by new age nonsense with an agenda that there are some untapped neurons in the brain that never fire.
Its simply false..its wrong, its bullshit as far as how the brain works.

The irony is that even though the “only using 10% of our brain” quote may be plain wrong, in some other way it almost sounds right when you wonder about the potential our psyche might have and how little of that we may be tapping into. It’s a different topic altogether, but you know what I mean?


My experience in "trance culture" is its people of average intelligence who have brainwashed themselves into thinking they are above average intelligence because they take drugs and listen to music in groups...pretty much the standard model of a subculture.

But its not all like that, don't forget the good stuff. There are some really psychedelic people out there. I actually met some of the most open minded and inspiring people through the psy scene. People who seriously opened my mind and touched my heart.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 22, 2010 17:03
The only reason the 10% myth started is because early neurological research found that neurons only make up 10% of our brain matter and they thought those were the only pieces that controlled brain function. Relating anything to this myth is just idiotic. It has no relevance to anything else so please stop speculating. - Midwest based psytrance group
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