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Trance Forming or conforming culture?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 10, 2010 19:37
taste aside, doesn't all music try to transcend the boundaries that exist between people, cultures and states? its a tad narrow minded to think that only trance music can unite people. whether its lady gaga or gonjasufi , the aim that underlines all music is the same.

music in general is borne into the vacuum that is created by hate , political divide and violence. so lets not limit ourselves to 'trance' or differentiate between music in that particular context           missing plug-in
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jun 10, 2010 19:38
the relation to psytrance is that most of lets say 75-80% of the knowledge and information, (bulshit not accounted for) that i have acquired is through the samples i have heard on psytrance tracks - all the stuff from -what people call intellectuals and books came as consquence of the samples i heard on tracks- psytrance helped me connect the dots all the time--those subliminal messages have according to doctors damaged my brain pattern- they say i have temporal lobe epilepsy and should refrain from listening to it..and thats how i felt let me attempt to consolidate all of this ...without getting it one point i was considering to become a Dj (Dj Suicide BoomBass) and wanted to play Good Morning Israel in Beriut but there are too many Djs and its too competitive and i am not competitive type..i like to listen and analyze the names and understand the meaning behind the names of artists, albums, tracks as well as labels...too much fun...i also made a attempt to be an artist- had my artist name and album name ready but no music -
HoffEin-2 Alberts 1 World....but even that got locked...thats the relation to psytrance in short-           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jun 10, 2010 19:56 does not unite, Sound Unites --theres big differen noce --without sound theres no music, without music there is sound- sound is free- music is controlled           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 10, 2010 20:17

On 2010-06-10 19:38, Xolvexs wrote:
the relation to psytrance is that most of lets say 75-80% of the knowledge and information, (bulshit not accounted for) that i have acquired is through the samples i have heard on psytrance tracks - all the stuff from -what people call intellectuals and books came as consquence of the samples i heard on tracks- psytrance helped me connect the dots all the time

So, then we already know the answer to your original question.


-those subliminal messages have according to doctors damaged my brain pattern- they say i have temporal lobe epilepsy and should refrain from listening to it..

Sorry about your seizures.
By the way, I believe your doctors oversimplified your situation and as a result somewhat mislead you. The damage most likely was already there – from a trauma or even from a bout of bad flu – psy trance just uncovered it. I am reading “Musicophilia” – an excellent book by a neurologist and a music connoisseur. It has a chapter on music and seizures. Among others, it describes a patient who would have seizures every time she heard Neapolitan songs. And another one who would seize after hearing a particular melody played by church bells. I doubt it’s Neapolitan music or a church bell tune that actually damaged their brains. He also says that probably many more people are predisposed to these seizures but never manifest them. They just start feeling bad when listening to a particular type of music, so they turn it off before seizures develop. I believe this theory because I have a real physical sickness coming over me after a few seconds of listening to punk rock. I could never listen to more than a minute of it – and after I read that chapter I am glad I didn’t try to force it.


i like to listen and analyze the names and understand the meaning behind the names of artists, albums, tracks as well as labels...too much fun...

I do the same thing.
When this happens, it’s usually a sign from above to take headphones off and go for a walk. Especially if an artist’s name starts reminding me of something real. Like every time I see “Catatonic Despair” I remember taking care of this catatonic guy in one of my previous lives. Despair it is indeed...

Anyway, why would you think you’d get banned for saying any of this?
Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

Started Topics :  282
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Posted : Jun 10, 2010 20:17
after 10+ years, the only thing i have left to say is:

fuck this scene, big woop over nothing. i'm out.           
The Way Back
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 10, 2010 20:21
Just like that?..
Inactive User

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Posted : Jun 11, 2010 04:17

On 2010-06-10 19:56, Xolvexs wrote: does not unite, Sound Unites --theres big differen noce --without sound theres no music, without music there is sound- sound is free- music is controlled

u r me friend dood
Inactive User

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Posted : Jun 11, 2010 04:19

On 2010-06-10 20:17, faxinadu wrote:
after 10+ years, the only thing i have left to say is:

fuck this scene, big woop over nothing. i'm out.

pitty. when dead end shows up we change direction , stopping is not allowed
Inactive User

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Posted : Jun 11, 2010 17:04

On 2010-06-10 20:17, Maine Coon wrote:

On 2010-06-10 19:38, Xolvexs wrote:
the relation to psytrance is that most of lets say 75-80% of the knowledge and information, (bulshit not accounted for) that i have acquired is through the samples i have heard on psytrance tracks - all the stuff from -what people call intellectuals and books came as consquence of the samples i heard on tracks- psytrance helped me connect the dots all the time

So, then we already know the answer to your original question.


-those subliminal messages have according to doctors damaged my brain pattern- they say i have temporal lobe epilepsy and should refrain from listening to it..

Sorry about your seizures.
By the way, I believe your doctors oversimplified your situation and as a result somewhat mislead you. The damage most likely was already there �from a trauma or even from a bout of bad flu �psy trance just uncovered it. I am reading �usicophilia��an excellent book by a neurologist and a music connoisseur. It has a chapter on music and seizures. Among others, it describes a patient who would have seizures every time she heard Neapolitan songs. And another one who would seize after hearing a particular melody played by church bells. I doubt it� Neapolitan music or a church bell tune that actually damaged their brains. He also says that probably many more people are predisposed to these seizures but never manifest them. They just start feeling bad when listening to a particular type of music, so they turn it off before seizures develop. I believe this theory because I have a real physical sickness coming over me after a few seconds of listening to punk rock. I could never listen to more than a minute of it �and after I read that chapter I am glad I didn� try to force it.


i like to listen and analyze the names and understand the meaning behind the names of artists, albums, tracks as well as labels...too much fun...

I do the same thing.
When this happens, it� usually a sign from above to take headphones off and go for a walk. Especially if an artist� name starts reminding me of something real. Like every time I see �atatonic Despair�I remember taking care of this catatonic guy in one of my previous lives. Despair it is indeed...

Anyway, why would you think you� get banned for saying any of this?

don't take it too personal bro, i get the feeling that you think all posts are made for you to review your conclusion. i really don't wanna be offensive ,understand me please.
i'm saying this because you seem to be true and smart but sometimes happens to all of us to misunderstand something or put our ego a little bit higher than the real meaning of the discussion.

analyzing our invironment is the basic difference we humans have amongst the rest animals of the planet and it is the most direct mean of our progress imo. analyzing can be very tiring yes, everyone though has his own different limits of how much and in wich direction he analyzes his environment..

what i want to say is that we have to try to think MORE as one organism, try to find what we have in common and remove our need to just prove that we do understand something and replace it with the need of helping or finding it's cure. it is not a competition is it? anyway, my goal right now is to help clean our thought from obstacles like ego and competitiveness, and move on to the great unknown that waits for us.

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 11, 2010 19:53

On 2010-06-11 17:04, JohnTaramas wrote:
don't take it too personal bro, i get the feeling that you think all posts are made for you to review your conclusion. i really don't wanna be offensive ,understand me please.
i'm saying this because you seem to be true and smart but sometimes happens to all of us to misunderstand something or put our ego a little bit higher than the real meaning of the discussion.

No worries, John. It all comes from a simple fact that I am a bit fuzzy about “the real meaning of the discussion”, that’s all. No ego here. The whole point of my babbling here is to get you and Xolvexs to illuminate the topic from yet another angle – so that I can better understand what it’s about. True, it’s rather selfish of me. And as for the impression that all posts here are made for me – it’s just because not too many others responded.
Just like you said earlier, I don’t have to say something all the time. And I would not, if the topic didn’t interest me.


anyway, my goal right now is to help clean our thought from obstacles like ego and competitiveness, and move on to the great unknown that waits for us.

See, that’s where I am confused – isn’t this why most of us are here?

Mandala Echos
Mandala Echos

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Posted : Jun 12, 2010 22:33
Nice topic!
I like the way Xolvexs communicate his ideas, also agree and love the videos.

I have being thinking a lot in the word Unity and it's meaning, it kind of say it all by itself, Unity is all that we need to create the heavens on the earth, Unity equals Love, Love is what connect people and this type of connection is the essence of what we need to create another way of peacefully living.
I think that we need to create an international network of union, to expand this Unity unlimitedly by the mutual help of the people involved.
Psytrance unite people, but I'm sure it don't unite as it could be doing because there isn't a strong intention and organization to backup this scene in this great way we're talking about. But that's our mission and this topic is somewhat a good way to begin something.

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Inactive User

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Posted : Jun 14, 2010 12:55
It's a good way to begin changing the way we draw our energy. Understanding basicaly what unity and oganisation can bring us people and what situations we can create with all the means we can access (these days more easily than ever) , would show us maybe new ways to think and act in our life.
It can be generic and suits everyone who lives with the west style of life, no matter the music, job, religion, country, rich, poor, etc.. Unity and organization have various applications in all aspects of life from local organizing of people on matters such as avoiding expropriation of public land in the cities to the detour of the unreasonably invoiced work of intermediaries of domestic food production and trade for example.
Psytrance can/will be seen as network of union only when the profit will lose it's leading position in the game. It's a part of it surely, but more and better situations can be created for people to gather, enjoy and share ideas, thoughts and feelings in an invironment that finaly suits them and they think and act productively. Even embeding this kind of algorithm of thinking in their everyday life is possible, since they adopt it through having fun.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 14, 2010 17:10
It (LSD) opened my eyes. We only use on-tenth of our brain. Just think of what we could accomplish if we could only tap that hidden part! It would mean a whole new world if the politicians would take LSD. There wouldn't be any more war or poverty or famine. - Paul McCartney           Mushrooms make you do crazy stuff. Look at Mario he jumps on animal heads and fights with dragons.
Nomad Moon
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 19, 2010 18:57


Started Topics :  94
Posts :  783
Posted : Jul 19, 2010 19:54
good topic!

thinking like an organism telepathically and automatically or organizing better as groups and talking about things or?

i think there is also the question of how open are the minds. they were open enough to find and discover and get into the scene. it was new and foreign and weird at one point for people generally speaking.

generally we have a whole lot of homogeneity of music, clothing, metaphysical memes, etc...
we have the same original human games in terms of status, mate selection. we have large group dynamics as well...
and none of this likes "new" or "different" very much. we have a pretty closed little world that tends towards sectarianism (styles of trance or general taste in music)
and often is not as inviting as it could be for outsiders, foreigners, etc...

regarding trance parties as vehicles for social change versus merely being another recreation in our increasingly plastic world:
like most well intentioned things,
its just a format.
its HOW do you it that matters.

if you have specific goals its best to meet with people directly to form them.
i highly doubt a permaculture community will just spontaneously form on a dancefloor.
trance parties are good places for high-minded people to meet. i suggest keeping them.

its interesting to see collectives who make parties.
its interesting to see parties made on land that someone friendly to the party owns- and if they install renewable energy sufficient for events this is really good too.
its interesting when food for events is grown onsite. its interesting when local food products are used, its also good when the plates-cups-forks-etc. are biodegradable/compostable, are recycled, or are eschewed in favor of permanent items.
rainbow gatherings require you to carry your own cup-plate with you. they are more advanced than us in many ways.

before all you guys forget one thing- a weekend campout with people who mostly all know each other and dont mind to have a free community kitchen is one thing.
a big festival where loads of people need to eat is another thing and until you have been on a few big festivals its hard to really know what i mean.

one thing- we could use our ground-trodding services to make dancefloors where the people need the ground broken and laid bare for some planting purpose or another.
powering the sound by the dancers on a giant generator dancefloor could be cool as well...

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