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Trance Choreographers

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  60
Posts :  3709
Posted : Nov 30, 2009 18:06

On 2009-11-30 17:34, Google wrote:
I hope this isn't going to turn into a small penis humiliation fetish thread.

No wait a minute, thats just what you want! haha
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  193
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Posted : Nov 30, 2009 18:07
el presagio

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  312
Posted : Nov 30, 2009 18:12

On 2009-11-30 15:44, John DoeŪ wrote:
So you never laughed at the fat kid in school?
Humor can also be dark. And it's the most pure and genuine one.

I'm not saying I hate the person, and I wanna do something about it.
I'm just having a few laughs, and if he want's to have a few at my cost, why shouldn't he??

Be my guest. I'll even laugh with him, if he is really that funny.

I know wht you mean, and i even made a point for that issue in my reply because itīs not dificult to understand that everyone nowdays have the same atitude regarding to criticism. Or because itīs easier ; Or because itīs funnier; Or because we can feed our ego taking from the others....

Whatever itīs the reson thats exacly why i agree with Elad. In the pass when i went to a partie/festival i didnt feel that vibe in the air. Now i do! And im sad because back then i could express myself without being conscience. Now days in spite of all the effort i dont see that happening, and the reason is because i know their is slighty possibilitie that i am being judge about the way i express myself making me uncomfortable.

And this works for both sides ( the radical ones):

1-People tring to be something they arenīt and make fool of theme selfs (normaly the so called "wannabes")

2- People that became ultra conscience and canīt free theme selfs becoming boring and without colour
Whatist Rance

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  274
Posted : Nov 30, 2009 18:31

On 2009-11-30 18:12, el presagio wrote:

In the pass when i went to a partie/festival i didnt feel that vibe in the air. Now i do! And im sad because back then i could express myself without being conscience. Now days in spite of all the effort i dont see that happening, and the reason is because i know their is slighty possibilitie that i am being judge about the way i express myself making me uncomfortable.

I agree with you... In my case, I just don`t care about others and do whatever fits me...
Who cares if someone is laughing at me, judging me? I dont even know him! Everybody has been to unconfortable situations before, and in my opinion, the older you get, less importance you give to this...

I tell you what... The problem is all about GOOGLE and YOUTUBE!!!! There are no privacy anymore!!! lol
Inactive User
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Posted : Nov 30, 2009 18:56
I sometimes take the piss out me mates dancing. Sometimes it is funny. No need to take it too seriously. I refrain from doing that to a stranger though. I think that is understandable.
el presagio

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  312
Posted : Nov 30, 2009 19:06

On 2009-11-30 18:31, Whatist Rance wrote:

On 2009-11-30 18:12, el presagio wrote:

In the pass when i went to a partie/festival i didnt feel that vibe in the air. Now i do! And im sad because back then i could express myself without being conscience. Now days in spite of all the effort i dont see that happening, and the reason is because i know their is slighty possibilitie that i am being judge about the way i express myself making me uncomfortable.

I agree with you... In my case, I just don`t care about others and do whatever fits me...
Who cares if someone is laughing at me, judging me? I dont even know him! Everybody has been to unconfortable situations before, and in my opinion, the older you get, less importance you give to this...

I tell you what... The problem is all about GOOGLE and YOUTUBE!!!! There are no privacy anymore!!! lol

You are right! With the age people tend to be more and more secure of theme selfs. So naturaly you start to not give a shit to the others people opinion. But the aspect i wanted to refer itīs the vibe you can feel in the air, Some people are affected by that, otherīs arenīt.

You are lucky to have a strong personality mate and in a ideal world everyone should have the same atitude as you have.

About the "social tools" funny enough itīs a issue that i talked same days ago with couple of friends:
-For one hand you can see/have a lot more information about something
-For the other hand you loose your privacy

Anyway it could be a good theme for a another topic here on Isratrance Forum
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  60
Posts :  3709
Posted : Nov 30, 2009 19:42
Yeah with cellphones with videocam and instant internet access to youtube its best to just act like a robot!

haha hell no, ill dance naked and you can all film me!!
please dont tease me for my small penis!! i have a complex <-- a penis or a head with a penis... im losing it

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