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Trance Choreographers

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 28, 2009 05:34
I think its okej to laugh
If someone dance in a funny way..
But out of joy and with a friendly hearth
Not pointing fingers and ridicule/mockery

I hope you understand...

Whatist Rance

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  274
Posted : Nov 28, 2009 13:59
At least here in Brazil, " what ruined all this scene " was the ambiticious of the organizers $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$... Now what matters is MONEY, and thats it...

Dont blame the crowd, the people, if they are pointing fingers and laughing! Hey, they paid, and they can do that if they want, and I`m not saying I think its right, or they are doing it in a bad way...

Blame the organizers who`s not selecting the right people, parties here in brazil are being announced in outdoors, radios, schools` door, television!!! Come on, you`ll bring every kind of people, but, hey, the money is good!!!!
Before, you didn`t have to do this kind of announcements, cause who knows the trance parties, the festivals, would go there with no problems of information, the parties were smaller, great vibes, etc...

Why blaming the peasants? Blame the king...
more people = more money.

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Posted : Nov 28, 2009 15:02
Looks like they've practiced the steps at home.

Practicing the steps do most of musicians especially good ones, but sorry for a bitter tone: Who cares about live mixing skills if the music played is really shit.
No matter what your tastes and influences are, be it Goa, Techno or Prog, bring smth. new to electronic scene or stay away from it
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Nov 28, 2009 15:21

On 2009-11-28 03:25, Elad wrote:
or that wasnt never the 'scnene' thing just something our friends was about and goa music was the soundtrack

i guess thats my answer

and no we are not 'cooler' or better just different in a way that suit us.

and i met people with great souls from around the world with the same point of view. no need to even mention since its obvious. just see the love in the eyes.
beautifull people from the inside out. happened specialy in remote festivals with no 'big names' that asking for rediculus money to play their music..
and hey what do you know even the music was better (for me)


On 2009-11-28 05:34, Freeflow wrote:
I think its okej to laugh
If someone dance in a funny way..
But out of joy and with a friendly hearth
Not pointing fingers and ridicule/mockery

I hope you understand...

its always ok to laugh and if you have friendly heart then always you will be ok anywhere but i was defintly talking on the second type ,its very much depend where are you in the world too.. im sure in sweden small forest parties its still nice and good vibe and as i see in australia doofs and some russian productions and yeah even in israel its still exist only very rare.. but once you got those huge commercial events like the guy from brazil said then its turn to be something else and so is the crowd

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 28, 2009 17:14
I think that It is to be kept on a low level with not too many people! anyway thats how i like it...

Also people should not litter the nature, people should be responsible and act in a good manner!
the problem is also with (hard)drugs! makes people too weird sometimes!

But i think out of all this it will spring out tribes that can handle things good!

So lets be positive for the future

Inactive User
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Posted : Nov 28, 2009 23:49

On 2009-11-27 22:05, Whatist Rance wrote:
Ok... ok... I will introduce you now... Our backstreet boys wannabes!!! Know in Brazil asss...

" The Rebolation "


wigger in da house
el presagio

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  312
Posted : Nov 30, 2009 15:18

On 2009-11-28 03:25, Elad wrote:
[anywayz its not cool to 'laugh' on people in their tripping party mode.. thats what ruined all this scene those idiots sitting on the side laugh on the dude hugging a tree or dance 'too weird'.. or that wasnt never the 'scnene' thing just something our friends was about and goa music was the soundtrack

I share the same point of view Elad. I feel that also on my group of friends. Few years ago, when we went to a party we were a small group and shared the same feelings... at least same of theme! All of we were always excited and respected so much the expirience that we wanted to open our spirit as much as it was possible for us in that time. And because of that respect we didn´t feel to mock with no one because we knew everyone were tring to achive the same:
The hapininess of being alive
The feeling of being free
The energy created by the person next to you
The lucky of being there

And because we know that everyone have his own way of express thoose feeling we were not the one´s that would start to judge the other´s saying stupid and basic stuff just to laugh on their face (or back)

But with the evolution on our scene we started to see more and more people with no respect for the other´s. Altought it´s a normal atitude on our society this days it´s sad to see this vibe growing gradual in the trance parties and festivals around the world.

Without want to be to radical i think people are losing the feeling of what is RESPECT.

Anyway, nowdays trance parties are so normal that people started to go for diferent reasons. And those reasons are changing the vibe. For best and for worst.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 30, 2009 15:44
So you never laughed at the fat kid in school?
Humor can also be dark. And it's the most pure and genuine one.

I'm not saying I hate the person, and I wanna do something about it.
I'm just having a few laughs, and if he want's to have a few at my cost, why shouldn't he??

Be my guest. I'll even laugh with him, if he is really that funny.
Whatist Rance

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Posts :  274
Posted : Nov 30, 2009 16:22

On 2009-11-30 15:44, John Doe® wrote:
So you never laughed at the fat kid in school?

Admit it, u were the fat kid in school and now u`re having ur revenge!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  193
Posts :  3858
Posted : Nov 30, 2009 17:04

On 2009-11-30 16:22, Whatist Rance wrote:

On 2009-11-30 15:44, John Doe® wrote:
So you never laughed at the fat kid in school?

Admit it, u were the fat kid in school and now u`re having ur revenge!

No, I was the kid with the big.................

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 30, 2009 17:17
laughing can hold many faces....
Also some people laugh if others do...

This is some social phenomenon and its very close linked to bullying...
It wont stop
unill someone with more credit/ higher rang steps in and say its not okej!

Btw this thread is nothing to get upset from, i can record me doing some "silly" or funny "trying to be in sync" with music video.. haha, even i laugh at my self in those cases..

Common people laugh... but SERIOUS dont laugh at fat people/kidz its the worst you can do, and dont blame anyone if you get killed by staring and laughing at a fat person, some of them have a very rough time and they feel others eyes so hard.. dont you think they feel bad already, even if its choosen lifestyle its probably very difficult to deal with staring, and especially staring with contempt...

And no i never been fat but i am sharp! and i have worked with people who are mentally and emotionally unstable...
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  193
Posts :  3858
Posted : Nov 30, 2009 17:24
Explain yourself, pls.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  60
Posts :  3709
Posted : Nov 30, 2009 17:29

On 2009-11-30 17:24, John Doe® wrote:
Explain yourself, pls.

just edited... want more explanation on the subject i think its big... especially the laughing thing... hehe
Inactive User
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Posted : Nov 30, 2009 17:34
I hope this isn't going to turn into a small penis humiliation fetish thread.
Whatist Rance

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  274
Posted : Nov 30, 2009 17:39

Common people laugh... but SERIOUS dont laugh at fat people/kidz its the worst you can do, and dont blame anyone if you get killed by staring and laughing at a fat person, some of them have a very rough time and they feel others eyes so hard.. dont you think they feel bad already, even if its choosen lifestyle its probably very difficult to deal with staring, and especially staring with contempt...

And no i never been fat but i am sharp! and i have worked with people who are mentally and emotionally unstable...

you cant control kids man... they are mean!!!!!.....
Nobody will laugh of someone simply because his fat...

come on guys.... "Why so serious?!?!"

I`ll post a famous video to everyone of you reading this, yes, you over there... you ugly bastard... appearence is not everything... you can also have a dream!

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