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Trance- chaos or order?

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2011 17:33:21
is trance chaos or is it order?

i think its order for it has sequence
people dont understand order and therefore think its chaos..everything that we humans do with our mind is to organize chaos and bring order so that we can have control over it..when we loose control we are actually not loosing control we are gaining access to more chaos and we synchornize ourselves and adapt to i thinking right?
the mind is always in search of order amidst the intersection of chaos and order is the real trance experience...where you feel you are being lifted as though you are flying or something because u have grabbed more chaos and you have embraced chaos...and by doing that its no longer chaos..therefore you have brought order
and you enjoy doing this over and over again
i could be wrong i could be right
but i think its worth exploring since the question i ask
What is trance is it Chaos or is it Order?
or is it a combination..i have been trying to find an answer but its not coming...if everything in the universe comes back to one then there is no chaos only order..therefor chaos would be an illusion which makes it the inability to understand order ...
Chaos and Order, system vs no system
anarchy vs government techno vs classical
...if we accept its all order then there is no VERSES its all its different way of arranging chaos to suite our minds ...creating compartments and putting the things in right places so as to have a better memory a better understanding..chaos is great to have around for it increase the power of imagination order on the other hand makes you complacent ...trance is something of mix imagination blissfullness etc..i dont know just felt like rambling
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Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 29, 2011 17:40
trance is a cool story
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2011 17:47
so you saying its no feeling or sensation involved in is like u cant experience it ?
whose story..yours mine or theirs ?

One of the important findings of modern chaos theory is that seeds of order seem to be embedded in chaos, while seeds of chaos are apparently embedded in order. Systems that are stable in relation to their environment can become unstable. Systems that are unstable can return to stability. Another important finding is that the behavior of a system in stability and its behavior after becoming unstable are acausal. These findings can be transposed to Jungian psychology by assuming the psyche to be a dynamic dissipative system as defined in chaos theory. The psyche functions in our causal space-time continuum via the conscious ego, but also functions in a psychic continuum which is wholly unconscious to the ego. Events that intercept both continuums are acausal and are said to be synchronistic. This paper investigates the relationship between the conscious ego (order) and the personal and collective unconscious (chaos). It proposes that Jung's personal unconscious is a psychological 'edge of chaos,' a psychic region of complexity bridging the acausal gap between the collective unconscious and the conscious ego.

          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 29, 2011 17:56
riveting thoughts bro
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2011 18:35
I was thinking about this the other day! Great post.

To me, it's mostly order, with a little bit of chaos on top. I determined this while I spent the day listening to trance at a friends, but then more friends came over, hence me having to turn it off. And I noticed that when my friends had music on and the beats were erratic and disorganized in my opinion, I would be itching for the song to change to the next (Ipod on random) and when a trance/electro/housey/4-4 or hip hop song came on, that itch went away. IMO, due to the repetition of the beats and some order being placed in a beat chaos. This was especially more noticeable to me since I had trance on all day, so it was more of a change of pace.

Later, while dancing, I was thinking about how organized the music was, but then again, I was thinking about how someone unfamiliar with the genre could just interpret the music as chaos by simply listening to the leads.

Anyways, I feel you brah. thnx.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2011 18:40
Also, in conversations with people about the music, I often hear, "Don't you want to hear lyrics? Don't you need to identify with the song?" But when I listen to music, I almost never even listen to the lyrics unless I hear a song over and over, like on the radio. I listen right for the beat and then work my way up. So, I suspect people unfamiliar with the genre don't listen to the bottom layers and are solely trying to identify with the top layer, which is, just that, the top layer. (Note: This may be why I have a problem listening to non-trance music because I'm only listening to the beat, mostly, not the lyrics or guitar, etc.)
Martian Arts

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Posted : Apr 29, 2011 18:47
It follows a certain time signature and tempo.
That should answer your question.

Peace out.  
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2011 22:29
It depends on the person experimenting it.

As we can see here in isra, for many its order since they want strict forms, they follow an idealistic goal in their trance experience.

FOr others, like me, trance is more about being open, to discover and experiment, to avoid confort zones and keep moving, evolving in surprising directions.

          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2011 22:48
Some people can make chaos out of order in a jiffy.


Started Topics :  12
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Posted : Apr 30, 2011 12:50
It used to be chaos.
Now its pre-calculated order.
You can predict every note, every sound. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 1, 2011 13:00

I wish it was order though!           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 1, 2011 13:59
Imho trance (at its emotional core), like any other art form or culture is a teacher.

I think the heart of trance is living mythology, telling the story of the creation of the universe, of the interplay between order and chaos, of the emmegence of patterns in a sea of apparent randomness - eternal metaphorical cycles of birth and death.

Imho the heart of trance also sonically teaches us to look closer, behind the apparent chaos. Even in seems random, it doesnt mean it neccesarliy is - even in the greatest chaos, patterns can be identified - we just need to listen more carefully, And when, the patterns become clearer, a new day is born

Order whitin chaos, rising and falling interlocked in expressive trance dance for eternity.
Dark el kante
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 2, 2011 16:40

Could you give me a glass o chaos with a few drops or order please?

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Posted : May 2, 2011 16:58
chaos in order and vice versa
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : May 2, 2011 17:00

On 2011-04-29 17:33:21, Xolvexs wrote:
is trance chaos or is it order?

What do you mean by 'is'?           Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
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