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trance artists making techno FTW!

Martian Arts

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Posted : Nov 28, 2008 23:00  
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 29, 2008 03:07
On 2008-11-28 20:52, Login wrote:

Well I think you're an idealist, curious, intelligent person. You're just in a stage in your life, you will grow up and will learn no to be tolerant and more open minded.

While if its you're religion there is no point in discussing it in a rational fashion with anyone since you are not willing to change your point of view. better enjoy what you believe in and see where it takes you.

well sorry to disturb you. i was just discussing frequencies. theories about cosmic octaves done by a techno activist an scientist. all the time i was just discussing frequencies cause it is the only thing that interests me. and i just thought that i could tell one or two things about the latest developement of science cause i guess not every one has the opportunity to read it, or to get the books in a language that he knows or whatever or just not every one got to this scientist and asked him more. if i ppresent facts from science, then i dont really have to even consider changing my views or whatever. it is just information. what this thread had been turned to, is just ridiclous to me. i dont usually follow the discussion on this forum very very detailed, only if i go to a country, i check.....but otherwise not really often, and i feel really strange to be here. not that i would break my ideals because of that, this already happened 5 years ago but anyway it is funny. and it is also ridiculous to sit in forums and to judge people if they are negative or whatever, about their person. actually the personal space is absolutely private, i definitely dont like to get any judgements on my person . also in media low it is a private thing, what are they judjing so much, i am talking about ffrequencies . i really think that people here have collected quite a lot of nervousness somehow. it doesnt slightly bother me, i dont give you know what, but it is not good for you yourself to vibrate on that level. and then we are again by the meaning of vibration.
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Nov 29, 2008 04:52

moki: i do believe in them tuning forks .. but do you really think that 'cosmic octave' ever been readen by any 'dark' or 'techno' artist lol
and even if someone read it , do you think they use it for trance/techno music ???
plz plz show me , cause if you were right we could all instantly feel it (like REAL tuning fork that has obvious effect) and you wouldnt have to convience us. or yourself.

one's believe is never obselete truth you know.. once science said the earth isnt round

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 29, 2008 12:02
well the author hans cousto is very active in the techno scene of berlin, or at least he was very active in the peak years of techno. yes, some musicians are using these frequences, like for instance star sound orchestra . akasha project and many many more. just go to a gig of star sound and you will feel it, really recomendable. about the other frequences at the beginning, they were done with EEG machine connected from the head ot the people to the monitor of the djs where he was seeing the waves. well one thing is certain from those researches. the faster it is, the more psychedelic influence it has. so you may be do techno or whatever other minimalistic sound faster and it will be much better:))) i really love the theories of hans cousto, he is incredible. i am fanatic about them.
people, i really sort of insist to separate my beliefs from the facts. if i talk about the facts, or argue on the facts, then it is just facts at the end of the day. i can tell you you are wrong and it is not the fucking end of the world to be told that. to @all - please dont turn every discussion where i went to a psychological overview of my personality, it is first of all boring, it is private and you have nothing to do with it, and secondly you are far away from understanding me and my philosophical or political approaches in any way so better leave it. i am not here to preach anyone, IT IS FACTS . not that i give a fuck though..but just go the hell to a soup opera to judge personalities and the way they are, this is a trance forum and as such, concentrate on the frequences.
Remy [POF]
Principles Of Flight

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Posted : Nov 29, 2008 12:03

On 2008-11-28 23:00, pipe&slippers wrote:

          On 2011-03-08 23:13, moki wrote:
listening only to free music is like having the free possibility to satisfy yourself with thousends of different free sexual acts.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 29, 2008 13:12

On 2008-11-24 23:18, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
i just like to hear music, notes, variety. techno is not such.

What brings me satisfaction with dancefloor oriented eletronic music is when it is mesmerizing. When I was younger I used to enjoy quite rough Music, higher in tempo than nowadays.. Probably I was still quite into some anger from the teenage-hood, when I was quite into "fuck the system".. Then slowly but surely I found myself getting more "into the sound" when on smaller floors at parties, or during afterhours, the deejays were spinning slower and somehow less "loaded with stuff" Music. I'm much more into dancing smoothly with a wide smile than jumping all around, throwing the arms all around. Hypnotic loops are my bread, they're the tool that are bringing me into, let's say : a state of trance.. I just can't explain why, Moki, it is just as it is, and fortunately, after now more than 12 years partying I still can hear dance music that is delivering me this satisfaction.

To illustrate the quote above I would suggest you to give a listen to King Roc's "DiscoVery 1" (an example amongst many others), that is obviously gathering these ingredients you're mentionning : music, notes, variety. I'll add "coherence, suspense, hypnotism". But you may not agree, that's a point, as well as I don't get the thing with dark-psy. It's just a vibration that is not talking to me.. And that doesn't prevent Earth from keeping on spinning.. I'm all cool with that.. Are you ?

Now, I can understand in a way the fact that the trendy aspect of "psy artists making techno" can upset you. Well, some can do it with quite some talent, while some do encounter more difficulties in this exercice. The only funny aspect is that some of them, not so long ago, were arguing in a mocking way about "progressive" being too soft. Hence this feeling of opportunism that can come out.

However, there is so much great things being released that it's quite easy to find some music that will bring some boogie in one's bones, and sometimes, it would be stuff released by guyz that used to make "psy" before.

But that demands a minimum of search, indeed, which is true for every genre of Music.


On 2008-11-29 12:02, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
the faster it is, the more psychedelic influence it has. so you may be do techno or whatever other minimalistic sound faster and it will be much better:)))


It's good you're posting this while I was writing mine, and was explaining why I went slower in Music along my "party life".

Different vibrations, that's all, Moki !
If're you're into speedness, well go for it, enjoy, party on ! Just please let me enjoy in peace my slow but steady stuff in my little corner of the party.. Milega ?

"Get your dose of BoOgie !"
Fria Tantrumm

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  368
Posted : Nov 29, 2008 14:08

On 2008-11-29 12:02, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
about the other frequences at the beginning, they were done with EEG machine connected from the head ot the people to the monitor of the djs where he was seeing the waves. well one thing is certain from those researches. the faster it is, the more psychedelic influence it has.

As much as I do not want to continue this conversation I just HAVE to because this is just utter Rubbish. Electroencephalography (EEG) is the measurement of electrical activity produced by the brain as recorded from electrodes placed on the scalp. It cannot be connected to the head and the monitor of the dj. It is connected to the scalp of a person and the brain activity is measured by the EEG which aggregates the electric voltage fields from millions of neurons. It cannot be connected to a mixing console. This is utter rubbish. Secondly an EEG will not give any data about "psychedelicness". The data measured by the scalp EEG are used for clinical and research purposes. In neurology, the main diagnostic application of EEG is for epilepsy but this technique is also used to investigate many other pathologies such as sleep-related disorders, sensory deficits, brain tumors, etc. In cognitive neuroscience, EEG is used to investigate the neural correlates of mental activity from low-level perceptual and motor processes to higher-order cognition (attention, memory, reading, etc). Don't. In fact the faster the music, the heightened the brain activity which is very much similar to that which is seen in epileptic patients. There IS NOTHING PSYCHEDELIC ABOUT EPILEPSY, or having ones brain narrate signals at that speed. This is utter nonsense, unfortunately for you I AM an expert in this field.
ALso at a greater speed music loses any form space and musicality so thats another load of crap you're trying to feed us. Are you trying to tell me speed core and Gabba are psychedelic?? Also at faster music, more information fed into the brain, more electric signals stimulate heightened secretion of neurotransmitters they send a message to the pituitary glad, which resides at the base of our brain. When the pituitary gland hears our brain’s battle cry in the form of a hormone called corticotropin (CRH), it revs up its production of the hormone adrenocorticotrophin—affectionately referred to ACTH. (Try that word in your next Scrabble game!) The secretion of ACTH rallies the adrenal glands to step up the secretion of cortisol. These secretions increase our heart rate, blood pressure, blood sugar, and fatty acids to insure our body and brain get all the energy needed to handle the threat. All of this leads to a block down on serotonin secretion. NO SEROTONIN baby..Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that moves from neuron to neuron attaching to their receptor sites to communicate or stop the communication of messages in our brains and bodies. Scientists believe that serotonin’s role in communication is to mediate between emotion and judgment. It is often referred to as our bodies’ natural “feel good” drug. Infact Psychotropic substances mimic serotonin and latch onto Serotonin receptors, this is the neurotransmitter responsible for a if you got less of it, you're basically not in Psychedelic LALA LAND. So please, what you say about faster music is just a total is not at all objective, IT IS A FACT THAT WHAT YOU SAY IS UNTRUE.
Fractal Cowboys : Post Singularity COMING SOON :)
Orestis : Recursice Consciousness OUT
Psykovsky: Na Ve Ka is OUT!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 29, 2008 14:20
well fria, i am really tired of you. really. i just dont wanna vibrate on that level. well, welcome to berlin, you can give me a call if you are here, and then we visit the scientist. he is the cutest scientist i know. and btw he is explaining in one of my videos the thing with the EEG too, it is just on german. but german is a beautiful language and i am glad that i learned it early in life so that i can get to know such beautiful people. i will not explain any of the things anymore, cause i didnt even read your post after the second sentence. of course it can be connected if it is a scientifical experiment. i am really tired of you. you are the best explanation why i dont buy psy trance any more. you have a boring attitude. even the mission statement on the last page is boring. dance music. and i dont have to explain anything to you anymore, since you are like a horse with closed eyes. it is just not only boring but also very very old approach that you have. and i definitely dont wanna vibrate on your level.
Fria Tantrumm

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Posted : Nov 29, 2008 14:38
If you find Scientific and Physiological FACTS boring then you are right...we do NOT "vibrate" on the same level. I am not the one with the eyes wide shut It seems that you are the one who won't accept proven facts, but go with theories of a "german scientist" who was very big in the techno scene. Why isn't Kusto more involved with the Trance scene, considering you insist it is more "Psychedelic". Ya i have a boring attitude, boring because instead of hanging out with a bunch of "psychedelic freaks" I study the factual aspects of biology and physiology. Can be quite boring to someone who has no grasp of how the human body works. Hoffman was a boring scientist too you know And his Boring research brought about the advent of Psychotropics. And if PsyTrance is so psychedelic for you, and the most updated aspect and you love it so much, yet you don't buy it...WOW. Another bone of contention, Leave alone insulting me, which you have a reasonable explanation for considering we are at logger heads with each other, You've insulted my label, my statement, my artists...while I have not stooped so low as to insult your videos or your work..I merely refute your ill informed statements.
Fractal Cowboys : Post Singularity COMING SOON :)
Orestis : Recursice Consciousness OUT
Psykovsky: Na Ve Ka is OUT!
Remy [POF]
Principles Of Flight

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Posts :  509
Posted : Nov 29, 2008 15:22

On 2008-11-24 23:18, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
i just like to hear music, notes, variety. techno is not such.

Because in crappy dark 170bpm music there is variety? hold on... let me laugh one sec

Maybe there are shit load of techno releases that sound quite the same and boring. But at least the production is good. What is referred as dark psy-trance sounds in 99.9% of the time like it has been produced in cave by someone who is half deaf.


On 2008-11-29 12:02, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
the faster it is, the more psychedelic influence it has.

for sure i agree, DnB, Hardcore and Death Metal are very psychedelic...
          On 2011-03-08 23:13, moki wrote:
listening only to free music is like having the free possibility to satisfy yourself with thousends of different free sexual acts.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 29, 2008 15:28
fria. i understand your need to be always right but in this case it is just ridicoulous. of course it can be connected, do you actually know what cousto mostly does nowadays. he does drug checking projects at trance parties - he sees the frequences of a substance in a monitor and can tell the guy what their drugs hae inside. and even if you say that this is again not possible, it is the reality, my dear. you are boring because you are sticking to your theories that you ve read, and if someone comes to tell you what is the latest development of science you start to prove yourself desperately right. thats why i tried many times to calm down your ego also in the goa gil discussion but you are a funny case. you seem to have developed a big ego with YOUR artists, but actually it is just the artist that are the big thing not those that release, if you have forgotten.
i dont find the facts boring but your attitude to label it rubbish. exactly like your labeled the frequence of om. i will read your facts right now, but i know that i will just be another boring conversation with you. cause you know it so right. well let me tell that there is no such scientist in the whole rest of the world that was to such extent such a freak, so i rather suggest you to think about the fact that you dont know anything about his experiment. did you know that you can connect two ppl with eeg and mind machines while they do sex too? another rubbish. well sorry but your are not the latest development of science, you are just repeating theories. but i will read the post and give my arguments anyway
Fria Tantrumm

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Posts :  368
Posted : Nov 29, 2008 15:37
It is you who are repeating theories of one not very well known dude. Offcourse you can tell what substances a person is on via an EEG. Each substance produces a different electrical output in the brain, a different rate of signals being processed. Yes you can connect 2 people to an EEG, but you cannot connect a mixer to a bloody EEG. And for your information, I am not orating theories, this is my area of study, 6 years in higher university for this, on my way to a damned PHD. Yes, it's all bloody boring to you. Custo does not have any latest scientific developments EXCUSE ME. And once again, if he was so damned knowledgeable, why are his "Theories" only available to ze german speaking public. I'm not against latest scientific breakthroughs, Custo unfortunately has nothing new to add, has not proven anything, and is not even a scientist. I'm not trying to desperately prove how right I am, I'm desperately trying to prove how WRONG you are, and how much disillusionment you exude. I am repeating scientific facts, you are repeating the theories of ONE GUY. I say MY ARTISTS because unlike you who doesn't even buy Psytrance, I actually take alot of time, energy, and work for the music I love. So yes, we have a family, it is not an expression of the ego, it was the natural flow of words "my label, my work, my artists". Like poetry

Fractal Cowboys : Post Singularity COMING SOON :)
Orestis : Recursice Consciousness OUT
Psykovsky: Na Ve Ka is OUT!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 29, 2008 15:45
Okey. So about your facts. ( BTW looks like a copy pasted page of an old encyclopedia:))))))))))))
1. EEG can be connected to any monitor where you see the deelopment of your brain waves. Then you can compare it to the frequences played by the DJ in the same second and you can make statistical conclusions about how the brain reacts on what.

2. Yes, as far as i know in this study gaba was the best style for getting the brain into a trance frequence. Well i adont listen to gabba but i definitely think that dark psy is the best approach to that from all psychedelic styles. What is psychedelicness, i already explained that i have my own definitions, but i am talking about the conclusions of the study.

3. About serotonin. Well another boring theory that you write. To this case i suggest you take into consideration that with the cosmic octave you can also transpose tones from the microcosmos , that is, you can have MDMA music for instance. If you have checked the topic come again and we speak again.

4. Actually the whole post is boring. We know that. I mean I know that. Exactly like i know what is Aum. Thats why God is my frequence , and since I am not a Hindu and simply dont have the religious old tradiotional approach but i prefer science, frequences and so on, i just concetrate on what the science has said about it. And COusto is really really amazing case. Sorry to tell you that but he is genious, not everone understands him, but he really is! I love mathematics too, but i am not an expert, you see, all i say is, that he is an expert. and you are not. You are just someone who tries to tell everyone how informed he is, and at the end of the day you dont have a fucking clue.
Fria Tantrumm

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  368
Posted : Nov 29, 2008 16:14
1. SO you agree an EEG cannot be connected to the Dj's mixer, but readings of the EEG maybe compared to the sound frequencies. WHoo Hoo..finally some sense.

2. What you say about Gabba and trance induced states here is completely conflicting and untrue. Trance phenomena result from the behavior of intense focusing of attention, which is the key psychological mechanism of trance induction. One cannot focus attention when listening to is a continuous information assault on the mind which takes away ones focus. The usage of repetitive rhythms to induce trance states is an ancient phenomenon. Throughout the world, shamanistic practitioners have been employing this method for millennia. Anthropologists and other researchers have documented the similarity of shamanistic auditory driving rituals among different cultures.

Said simply, entrainment is the synchronization of different rhythmic cycles. Breathing and heart rate have been shown to be affected by auditory stimulus, along with brain wave activity. The ability of rhythmic sound (there is nothing rhythmic in Gabba) to affect human brain wave activity, especially theta brain waves, is the essence of auditory driving, and is the cause of the altered states of consciousness that it can induce.
The music genre of Trance is supposed to have the same effect on the human mind as military drums, causing listeners to dance in unison with simple movements including head bobs, light bouncing/jumping and humming.

3. What you say here about the Cosmic octave (The natural formula of the Cosmic Octave makes it possible to openly demonstrate the direct relationship of astronomical data, such as the frequencies of planatery orbits, to architectural works, ancient and modern measuring systems, the human body, music and medicine). the cosmic octave merely shows a correlation. And about transposing frequencies from the microcosm. This is too vague a sentence to even refute. MDMA music??? what do you mean?? Music that induces the same brain signals as MDMA?? Kindly have a structured discussion with me that I can dissect and analyze. Music that increases the heart rate (gabba for example), reduces the release of wouldn;t be tripping in such a state, you'ld be freaking out.

4. Yes this is all boring because I'm stating medical, biological, physiological facts minus the hippee bullshit. I don;t know what science you are reading up on, but it's not what SCIENTISTS term as SCIENCE. Science is a proven body of knowledge, a hypothesis is developed (this is a theory like Cousto's) and then must be published, tested by other scientists and if the hypothesis can be successfully tested it becomes a fact. Cousto merely theorises on a correlation unifying mathematics, science, philosophy and music. Everyone knows these are connected, he merely defined HOW.
I do have a clue, that is why I am taking the time to explain.

Fractal Cowboys : Post Singularity COMING SOON :)
Orestis : Recursice Consciousness OUT
Psykovsky: Na Ve Ka is OUT!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 29, 2008 16:25
well sorry but this is exactly the reason why i cant have a discussion with you that you can dissect and analyze. you seem to insult every sentence being said about new things that you did not know before. sorry but if the discussion starts with a clear statement of you that there is no damn frequence of om, then it is just not the right place to discuss it seriously. i just come here to drop a short line but i cannot afford to lose so much time on that, cause i simply put priorities, and i would rather prefer not to lose energy with you as i did yesterday with your personal post on the previous page. what is the meaning to explain it in detail just to serve you? it is all there, and may be if i have more time in life, i will also write an article specially for you or translate the german videos that i have. the mdma music or lsd music is a very wide known phenomenon in our scene. well i mean the core of the scene anyway , for me the psy trance scene has never been outside the core. it is done on quantum level and it is one of the most interesting foundings that i know in science. it is striking. but you see, that if you never heard of it, i will never be able to put it in one sentence in isratrance forum, just to make you happy, especially if i see that you just lack any respect. really. you lack any respect not only in this topic but especially in the goa gil topic, which is as i said for me really insulting cause insult the most special person in this scene. i see you are an intelligent person, but at the end of the day you are not even slightly open for the latest developments. i btw strongly even doupt that there are much countries that have such drug checking projects at all, so it is nice to learn from those that already have it.
btw why do you think there is nothing rythmic in gaba. of course there is. tell me have you ever experimented with mind machine, do you have one?
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