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trance artists making techno FTW!

Fria Tantrumm

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  368
Posted : Nov 28, 2008 17:00
The thing with you Moki is that in every thread you take part in, you manage to be condescending, rude and quite abusive. With you limited knowledge, a few books you've read, some pseudo psychedelic freaks you've hung out with, YOU THINK YOU'RE "IT"...and all the rest of us are bumbling fools. With all your awareness you seem to be quite a negative person. Now a little headsup up on's is the sound that encompasses all sounds, all frequencies and all spectrums...hence the notion that the universe was created from this primal sound. There is no single frequency to "OM"....more so each person would pronounce OM with a different frequency depending on the pitch of their voice. SO kindly save your rude retorts for a kindergarten forum. And the couple of European theorists you've read on, when they make some ground breaking discoveries or come up with some new formulae, THEN kindly pass on the information. You forget there are a dime a dozen people like this making connections between frequencies and pyramids and the Mayan civilization etc etc. but Custo is not a Scientist, and no where in his book or infering from his theories can you say without a doubt that Techno contains no "Psychedelic frequencies (if a psychedelic frequency even exists)"...for all your blah blah about Psychedelia and how you are a true sound like an extremely narrow minded person who is not psychedelic in any manner. YOu are not even polite..I guess this is why Hoffman called LSD his "Problem Child" It was meant for therapeutic use but instead was taken over by the flower power movement of the 1960's(which actually really pissed HOffman off). And now we have a bunch of trippers, warriors of Psychedelia, running everyone else down. Not very Psychedelic of you MOKI.
Minimal Psychedelic projects to check out:
Beat Bizzare
Son Kite
Reefer Decree
Auricular for sure

Fractal Cowboys : Post Singularity COMING SOON :)
Orestis : Recursice Consciousness OUT
Psykovsky: Na Ve Ka is OUT!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 28, 2008 17:24
so after you tried to shit as much as you could on the goa gil discussion, now you are trying to do it also with another important topic that is quite objective to observe. and you are unfortunately again very bad informed, exactly as in the goa gil topic. i tried to be as much polite as i could in the goa gil discussion, but you show only that you dont even deserve it. so i will not be polite now:). you are writing again as someone who diesnt have a fucking clue, exactly like the naga baba discussion. which is pity for you. really pity. it is the secod time i see you in these discussions, but i definitely dont like your games of theories. your way to deny everything. actually i somehow think that you are jelous or it hurts your ego that i am here. dont know, may be i am wrong , it is only 1010101010 here, but this is the impression.
in your place i would at least try to read his books ( hans cousto), and keep in mind that they are not all translated. so even if you would like to know it, you cannot, you have to speak the language first. and yes, he states at one point that it is the same tune what the hindi have for om, and it is not just om, it is a special frequence. whatever. i lost any interest in discussing it with you. and these projects, they are all already known.
so and now i hope you calm down, cause it is not good for your health to vibrate on that level.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 28, 2008 18:05
and btw tell me, do you really seriously believe that you can take any tone from any octave and sing om with it? tell me that fria. it is not about who is right or wrong, it is also not about being agressive, although i know myslef that i can be very very agressive especially in internet forums, i dont know why but it pisses me off in the forums, it is not the firist time. i can be evil, at least now i accept it, earlier i was putting the peace and love shit in every sentence 10 years ago. but anyway do you really believe that there is no special frequence for om in the holy rituals?? what is it that is written in your books of music education. and why do you think that cousto is not a scientist? what is a scientist for you? he is a mathematician! and i didnt get the point why you asked who has played the piano for twenty years. you did see that it was me that wrote it, what does it have to mean. and why dont you fucking promote the style that you release , this is what i dont get???????????????????????????????????
i dont wanna disrespect the artist from your signarute, this is the thing, otherwise i could be mnuch more direct with you. but may be it is time for you to realize that you are not the only one either, fria. it is just a mirror. everything is a mirror.
Fria Tantrumm

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  368
Posted : Nov 28, 2008 18:29
I promote good it fast or slow, "dark" or lite, psychedelic but sometimes not. But mostly electronic Dance music that tends to be termed as "trance". I promote my artists and each of them have their own "Style".
Custo's book is available in English actually. You might not like my "theories"...but that's what it is "MY" theories, and since they don't coincide with yours you seem to get pissy.
I'm not an expert on this by any means, but a key aspect of aum is that it is a symbol that represents all possible sounds, including the empty sound.

To properly pronounce the syallable, the sound starts at the back of the mouth and is rolled forward to the front of the mouth, ending with the 'm' sound that effectively closes off the mouth.

This is intended to symbollically convey the idea that all possible sounds are incorporated into aum, or that the syallable encompasses all of what can be said. The final state of the sound, where the mouth is closed results in silence, or no-sound.

It is intended therefore to be a symbol for all of reality and to focus the mind on Brahman, hence its extensive use in meditative chants. In Classical Music for example AUM or OM is at same frequency as "Shadaj" or Sa(as in Sa Re Ga Ma...). So this sound or frequency would vary slightly from person to person, because OM should be recited at our middle or madhya comfort sound, ie without raising the pitch to higher octave or lowering to lower octave. This applies to vocals obviously, Sa or Om in Sitar say would be set to C# because this is the frequency where the tension of strings is just right to give optimum resonance to teak wood.
This is why when we recite OM at our comfort middle sound or frequency or Sa we get the best results in relaxing our senses and moods and bodily functions.
Fractal Cowboys : Post Singularity COMING SOON :)
Orestis : Recursice Consciousness OUT
Psykovsky: Na Ve Ka is OUT!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 28, 2008 18:48
this is not an answer! so much preconditioning in your thoughts. i mean it really good with you, i dont usually meet women that are into dark psy around, if you are not aware, and i am happy about you, but you have to be able to accept critic also.

om as a souns as a pronunciated sound has a certain frequence, ommmmmmmm, it is a certain frequence like all other notes from the octave. and no, you cannot find the books, you can only find a much much smaller version of only one of them in english, have them all at home and especially wanted to have to english versions to translate some videos that i have done with this scientist. and other scientists. you dont get the main point, every note in every octave has a frequence, and so does the OM while being song. it has a very special frequence. you get it? is is agressive to say that you just have to be a little bit more informed in order to make such statements as the first post. and if you are not an expert, then you are simply not. exactly like the naga baba topic. i dont mean it bad with oyu, really not, i love sisters, actually i like it much more to be negative and agressive with men, so i hope we finish the stupid conversations once. would be nice.
Fria Tantrumm

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  368
Posted : Nov 28, 2008 18:56
I rest my are ill informed and there is nothing more dangerous than people with a little knowledge who think they know too much. The theory is that the universe began from "OM"...the sound of all sounds, the sound that encompasses silence as well (silence has no frequency)..the point being it is ALL, and from this ALL the universe came into being. It has all the frequencies, all the octaves, all tones, all keys, all the syllables. Now, when you say "Om" or sing "Om" it's at a frequency different from a child singing "OM". I am more informed, I'm being polite when I say I am not an expert, I'm quoting from my books on classical Indian music and "THE HINDU MIND" which is dedicated solely to the understanding of OM. In fact I am answering all your questions in a very simple and objective manner, but nothing is satisfactory for you...You answer everyone's questions with a whole paragraph of "fuck" and a whole bunch of aggression which is in fact "No answer at all". You find everything "Boring" or "Stupid" so then why are you wasting your precious time on all us "Boring" and "Stupid" people??
Fractal Cowboys : Post Singularity COMING SOON :)
Orestis : Recursice Consciousness OUT
Psykovsky: Na Ve Ka is OUT!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Nov 28, 2008 19:31
yes, but how can you state that it has no damn frequence. and i am not interested in the difference between pronuncing the om by a child and someone else, facts is that the holy men of india have one frequence for this ommmmmmm-ing. many people dont pronounce it right, but traditionally it has only one frequence in the rituals. you see? how can you negate that? om as a philosophical approach was not the subject of this topic. the subject was the ommmmmmmmmmmmmmm as a sound. ad not as a silence. and the thing is, cousto came to india and the tuning forks were an incredible founding for the hindu holy men too. they were wondering about the fact that with mathematics we got to the same frequence as they did in their oral traditions since 1000 of years. i got the point that you are strongly unhappy that i am the way i am and i leave you promote dance music further. just dont forget that it is the dark psy artists that usually dont get a cent for their thing. they dont get paid. no people to buy them. so whats the point to promote dance music that sells relatively good, like techno? i never said that i dnt find anything musically interesting in techno, i just dont find it nowadays. what is the thing that you want me to do so that you let me breathe in freedom? if you come and say no, this is nonsense, there is no damn frequence for the om, then you have to accept that i will answer another thing too, and probably will tell you also that you dont have a clue cause you are simply wrong. this is a normal thing. if you want me to delete fucking from my vocabulary, it will never happen.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 28, 2008 19:38

          We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
Fria Tantrumm

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  368
Posted : Nov 28, 2008 19:41
OM is universal, breaking all boundaries and following no rules. I don't care what the Holy Men you met say...I'm tired of you referring to these "Holy Men". I specifically gave a detailed account of the musicality of OM as per the Indian classical music scales, but you have ignored that. If Custo was so damn on da ball then his book would have been translated into many languages..not only full length German, as you insist. So I guess it had nothing really insightfull to add to the growing libraries of scientific knowledge since it seems to be only available for ze germans. "Fuck" is a great word, and when used in context it goes a loong way. I'm not trying to change your belief system...just letting you know that you ARE wrong according to ME. Silence has no FREQUENCY, OM encompasses this aspect of Silence as well. It is meant NOT TO HAVE a particular frequency, but yes there is a correct method for pronouncing it. Don't lecture me on my Traditions and my rituals, unfortunately I am way more experienced in that department than you are. There is a method for pronouncing OM, but there is no limitation on it's pitch and hence it's frequency.           **************************************
Fractal Cowboys : Post Singularity COMING SOON :)
Orestis : Recursice Consciousness OUT
Psykovsky: Na Ve Ka is OUT!

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  358
Posted : Nov 28, 2008 20:03
could you please stop with that om, om, bla bla bla. Who cares, we are talking techno here, geez

what is a scientist for you?

for you? This is not a subjective opinion, a scientist is someone who publishes articles on science magazines that are later, reviewd by other scientists.
My personal opinion or your personal opinion doesn't matter.

I ask again , were are the articles, and which magazines or science site did he published his theories, and who reviewed them????

This is science, the rest is wishfull thinking, like the bible.

I can write a thounsand books, and be really convincing about how the mooo of a cow has the frequencie of mars... who cares, oh i'm sorry, you do..

Om, frequencies, psychedelic ? ---> random new age BS (from the other side)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  65
Posts :  1707
Posted : Nov 28, 2008 20:10
I really doubt you have read The open society and its enemies all your language is full of platonic ideas and you have a lot of totalitarian ideas.

You're a fundamentalism, fanatical believer. You are the most unpsychedelic person in this topic.

But one day you will grow up and find you were just holding to this ideas because you were franatically searching for something you can believe in, something "pure", mystical and true, as other things in this world dont appeal to you.

Man TRUTH doesnt exist, not in science religion or music. stop searching for it like a maniac, just stick to your tastes because you like them not because they will enlighten your conciousness.
          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Nov 28, 2008 20:44
yes i am a psychedelic fundamentalist. really. it is my religion. so leave it by that. i hope i will not grow up soon.

to the post above - well as i said the name is hans cousto. a mathematician. a scientist. whatever. you have search machines in your computers too. i dont need to serve anyone who is lazy even to search. the books: the cosmic octave. or others by fritz. you ever heard of star sound orchestra or tangerine dream? anyway. i have already posted my videos on that. what do i have to explain anymore, nothing actually.

i leave it by that. i am a fanatic believer, and you know what, i will even leave it by that too. that is what i want to be. and i better leave the forum as well. actually i knew i had to leave it from the first post about goa gil. iam socially no suitable. anti social, anti psychedelic whatever. you are totally right.
Remy [POF]
Principles Of Flight

Started Topics :  48
Posts :  509
Posted : Nov 28, 2008 20:44

On 2008-11-28 20:10, Login wrote:

Man TRUTH doesnt exist, not in science religion or music. stop searching for it like a maniac, just stick to your tastes because you like them not because they will enlighten your conciousness.

i agree with the above statement
          On 2011-03-08 23:13, moki wrote:
listening only to free music is like having the free possibility to satisfy yourself with thousends of different free sexual acts.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  65
Posts :  1707
Posted : Nov 28, 2008 20:52

On 2008-11-28 20:44, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
yes i am a psychedelic fundamentalist. really. it is my religion. so leave it by that. i hope i will not grow up soon.

to the post above - well as i said the name is hans cousto. a mathematician. a scientist. whatever. you have search machines in your computers too. i dont need to serve anyone who is lazy even to search. the books: the cosmic octave. or others by fritz. you ever heard of star sound orchestra or tangerine dream? anyway. i have already posted my videos on that. what do i have to explain anymore, nothing actually.

i leave it by that. i am a fanatic believer, and you know what, i will even leave it by that too. that is what i want to be. and i better leave the forum as well. actually i knew i had to leave it from the first post about goa gil. iam socially no suitable. anti social, anti psychedelic whatever. you are totally right.

Well I think you're an idealist, curious, intelligent person. You're just in a stage in your life, you will grow up and will learn no to be tolerant and more open minded.

While if its you're religion there is no point in discussing it in a rational fashion with anyone since you are not willing to change your point of view. better enjoy what you believe in and see where it takes you.

          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  279
Posts :  5475
Posted : Nov 28, 2008 21:15
Could you please write in a more respectful way? This is not the kinder garden.
Also what about coming back to the topic?
Respect!           .
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...
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