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trance artists making techno FTW!

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 27, 2008 14:15
Rich, you rock !           .
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Posted : Nov 27, 2008 18:48

On 2008-11-26 14:56, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
yeah but as progressive rose at the turn of the century, it was something new, it was again breaking the boundaries. it was musically interesting, i even enjoyed it at the beginning. but the ideas were quite the same with the time, i would even say that many of the artists were just rewriting ideas to have the honour to call themselves artists or just ot make a bit of living. then at the end ot this prog era , it was all quite same, quite predictable. you still find some really weird prog but it is veeery seldom. and the point is, what is the actual swing for psytrance in connection to techno. back to the last century?????? what is so new about it???????????????????? musically?????????????????????
i mean sure there are probably people nowadays, that just right now discover trance states, and i gues for them it is psychedelic, as well as the goa from the last century or whatever. but if you ve followed the development of psy trance from the last centuries to now, you can hardly find anything trancing in techno.

and btw it is not soooo subjective. you have scientifical researches with brain waves and EEGs connected to the monitors of the djs, you have scientifical data. what is psychedelic.

scientifical researches on what's psychedelic? mmm

I can only imagine the "scientists" testing what is, and what's not psychedelic.

Well maybe you're just pissed that EDM lovers dont pay attention to darkpsy, i mean, its not even recognized as a genre in beatport, yep, sorry to say so, but hearing someone bashing on techno these days, is just embarrassing.

You have techno, minimal, tech-house, progressive house, deep house, yep psy-trance thats a genuine genre, but no darkpsy of any kind.
And this is the main source for people who love EDM in the whole world.

Darkpsy is not loved by the vast numbers of people who enjoy EDM, its not played by ANY of the big (or not so big) names in the scene, if you play it in a regular club, with regular people who enjoy EDM you better take cover.
No artist of darkpsy has ever evolved into anything acceptable by the lovers of EDM, like many, ands i mean many progressive, psy tech-trance, prog-house artist did.

Some of the best, recognized by anyone with a decent pair of ears, projects that came out this and last year have techno influences, and its been spreading in most of the biggest and more important psy-trance festivals and parties, but you, and others for that matter, seem to miss that, ... makes me wonder...

To enjoy the exelent, and inovative releases that have came out of the techno scene in the last years, you must have a sofisticated taste and knowledge on EDM, clearly its not your case. We can only hope someday in the future, you, and others like you, will be able to grasp it, ....
personally, and after reading your deep insights on the subject, i don't think so
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 27, 2008 19:15
wish you a lot of fun while hoping.

no, we actually dont seem to miss that. i know that techno has been spreading in the biggest festivals. thats why i am here in this topic. cause i know about the up to date influence. i just find it incredibly abusing that dark psy, which is for me the latest up to date development of psychedelic music , and i stated already why, gets ignored from its own roots. and techno is invading the scene. by the way i wouldnt even slightly have anything against that but i really think that together with the music, it brings also a vast variety of cultural aspects that i dont like. they have different virtues of life. well most of the trance scene has also lost their virtues with the time but you still find warriors that protect these virtues.

( and sorry to tell you that but psychedelics have nothing to do with psychedelic music or at least, you cannot call a music style psychedelic just because you took psychedelics and went on a trip while listening to that music). we are talking about the music and its influence on the brain.

and yes, scientists can tell you many things about the world, especially nowadays as they finally connect almost entirely to the ancient knowledge of all religions. scientists can see what is your brain frequence while sleeping, while trancing, while writing on the forum or while making sex or while being on lsd. so at the end you will know which frequence is for what.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 27, 2008 19:21
Wow it's getting kinda hectic ! I love it !           .
"Get your dose of BoOgie !"

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Posted : Nov 27, 2008 19:37

On 2008-11-27 19:15, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:

and yes, scientists can tell you many things about the world, especially nowadays as they finally connect almost entirely to the ancient knowledge of all religions. scientists can see what is your brain frequence while sleeping, while trancing, while writing on the forum or while making sex or while being on lsd. so at the end you will know which frequence is for what.

Do you watch some sort of a Hippie Fox News or something? Where the hell do you get all this pseudo science babble? Ancient knowledge of religions? That doesn't make the slightest sense.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me

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Posted : Nov 27, 2008 19:46
i was really missing your arrogance we go again...!!
your humor never changes....the ego gets bigger tho i see....

spreading of techno?
....hello they just added a dance floor....parties became more commercial...more people=more money.
BUT they are the best, this is what big names play, this is what is been spreading to the more important festivals, this is what more people listen to.. so YOU must follow!!????....and WE have to try to grasp??!!!!!....give us a break crazy man!!

genuine genres??sophisticated taste and knowledge?regular clubs??
what are you talking about...??

bah....before we start again.. im out!!
actually your quote works well too.....
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 27, 2008 20:32

On 2008-11-27 19:15, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
i just find it incredibly abusing that dark psy, which is for me the latest up to date development of psychedelic music , and i stated already why, gets ignored from its own roots. and techno is invading the scene.

Hehehe this is getting ridiculus!Why do you think that dark psy is the latest development?Don't you recognize other music genres? Dark psy is enough old at all and became the totem of the arrogant psy trancers!And why so much offence about techno?Did techno make you hurt or something?Yes trance has its roots in techno but we are not going back at all!Techno is much much different today!But only and only because all the other music styles don't have connections with "ancestors" and spirituals my ass are not psychedelic and are threat to psy scene?Damn it I am getting so nervous with such things!Open your mind!We are electronic music lovers and we live in 2008!It doesn't matter how we call it,techno,house,dub,breaks,psy trance etc can be all together and this has been proved in so many festivals the last years!Now if you feel sick with those "invations"just move to a jungle to pray to the ancient ancestors with your drum and don't break our balls!


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Posted : Nov 27, 2008 20:49
i just find it incredibly abusing that dark psy, which is for me the latest up to date development of psychedelic music , and i stated already why, gets ignored from its own roots.

Ignored from its own roots? What do you mean techno?

Maybe it is for YOU the latest up to date development of psychedelic music, certainly not for me, so we've got a problem here:

Is your "psychedelic" stronger than mine? I think not.

Maybe, and I’m just guessing here, average 170bpm music, is just not so acceptable for most people in this community, that were used to, quality, deep, meaningful, creative music, most of it below 150 bpm, for more than 10 years now.
Honestly bpm is not the real issue here, but you have to admit, that to really appreciate darkpsy, at that fast speed, you need to take a lot of mind altering substances, in order to fully enjoy it for more than 30 minutes, and I guess most people are just not into that anymore these days.
well most of the trance scene has also lost their virtues with the time but you still find warriors that protect these virtues.

I personally know a lot of “warriors” that just got bored to the bone, especially after the event of darkpsy, and the generic crowd that goes after that kind of events, go figure.
we are talking about the music and its influence on the brain.

I know. Me too. And honestly the influence of darkpsy in my brain is: "yawn"

scientists can tell you many things about the world, especially nowadays as they finally connect almost entirely to the ancient knowledge of all religions.

errr, ... What?

The scientists (?) are finally connected to the ancient knowledge of all religions? .... Wow that's just brilliant you know, you can promote a whole trance festival just based on that new age sentence.
Which scientists are you talking about btw? Or is it just rhetorical, like "the scientists".

it brings also a vast variety of cultural aspects that I don’t like. They have different virtues of life.

cultural aspects? Like what, happy people dancing and enjoying good music?
Oh you mean that people who listen to darkpsy or psy-trance are in fact better than the rest of the human beings, are more open-minded and have better respect, and love for the planet, the animals and the bees, and are more aware, and self-conscious? Is that it?
Don't you think that's a little bit presumptuous to say the least?

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 27, 2008 20:51
again another funny topic on isratrance. i am almost amusing myself with your posts of nervousness...
let me have my opinion man, did i ever come to a techno floor on the big festivals lately to shout at you to get the hell out of here?:) no. you see? it is just an opinion.
if you think this has been proved by many festivals last years okey. i dont think so. i see sort of decading direction of the spirit at the festivals. and you will say, what is the fucking spirit that you are talking about, but it is just the unifying collective energy of all the people present. if they hurt me with something? well yes, as i said i find their virtues of life generally a little bit too steril. but anyway.

the question about why is dark psy so psychedelic has been answered already. didnt you get it? trance is about going beyond borders, beyond every day life emotions and approaches, trancing over to another state of mind which turns to be very healing for the whole mental and physic health.....and it has to offer varieties of unimaginable possibilities and experiments. besides it has a slightly faster appeal and it makes a difference too
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 27, 2008 21:04

The scientists (?) are finally connected to the ancient knowledge of all religions? .... Wow that's just brilliant you know, you can promote a whole trance festival just based on that new age sentence.
Which scientists are you talking about btw? Or is it just rhetorical, like "the scientists".

i am talking mainly about hans cousto, a scientist that experiments with the frequences of the planets and transposes them into our audio spectrum . he found out at the end that the earth frequence in his formula is exactly the same as the frequence of om in the hindu religion. or other scientists found out with quantum mechanics that the smallest particles behave in accordance with the human mind that observes them. that is, they found out that reality is an opinion. and we create it just in our head which is another thing that religions told us quite a long time ago.


Honestly bpm is not the real issue here, but you have to admit, that to really appreciate darkpsy, at that fast speed, you need to take a lot of mind altering substances, in order to fully enjoy it for more than 30 minutes,

i definitely dont have to admit that.
i listen to dark also for much longer time without substances in the week and it doesnt slightly influence its variety of rich sound.


cultural aspects? Like what, happy people dancing and enjoying good music?

like this one with the tribal experience. going back to the oldest roots of humanity. this one they dont have.


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Posts :  358
Posted : Nov 27, 2008 21:20


On 2008-11-27 19:46, NIKTHEQUICK wrote:
i was really missing your arrogance we go again...!!
your humor never changes....the ego gets bigger tho i see...

ty, ty, ty it’s good to be missed, to bad I don’t miss you back.

BUT they are the best, this is what big names play, this is what is been spreading to the more important festivals, this is what more people listen to.. so YOU must follow!!????....and WE have to try to grasp??!!!!!....give us a break crazy man

YES, you MUST follow and grasp it, I’m being friendly here, thinking about the development of your brain, you should thank me god damn it....,, otherwise you’ll get outdated, and will stay like a statue in 2001. And no, i wont give you a break.

genuine genres??sophisticated taste and knowledge?regular clubs??
what are you talking about...??

Facts.... just plain and simple facts bro
And don't bash me, send a mail to beatport and complain, they are the ones ignoring darkpsy, i'm doing my best to help you people.

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
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Posted : Nov 27, 2008 21:39
oh i hope your list of distributors doesnt end with beatport.

p.s. and this is another thing that happens often at those floors. at least what the statistics of observement is concerned. people dont get along good with each other. why?

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Posted : Nov 27, 2008 22:17

On 2008-11-27 21:04, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:

i am talking mainly about hans cousto, a scientist that experiments with the frequences of the planets and transposes them into our audio spectrum . he found out at the end that the earth frequence in his formula is exactly the same as the frequence of om in the hindu religion. or other scientists found out with quantum mechanics that the smallest particles behave in accordance with the human mind that observes them. that is, they found out that reality is an opinion. and we create it just in our head which is another thing that religions told us quite a long time ago.

so its A scientist, that kind of narrows it down. And he does not experiment, he theorizes something about the frequency of a planet, which is obviously arguable, and not real science.
The frequancy of the om? In what pitch? A,B, C, D, E, F, G?
In what commonly and widely accepted science magazine did he published that theory?
It doesn´t really matter, it's a good ideia, hardly has anything to do with what we are here talking about, and i have a hard time thinking that he's talking about darkpsy for that matter.

About reality, sure, read anything from Phillip k Dick, he´s the master of realities.
That's not new, does not concern this isssue, and its not really blowing my mind, at least not anymore, i acknowledged that some time ago. And now that i think about it, it was just about the time when i started to listen to other realities of music, in the same spectrum of trance.

As for distrubuitors, well Beatport is the biggets,no doubt about that, followed probably closely by: or

you're right it has more options when it comes to trance:

Hard trance
Pop Trance
Psy/goa trance
Uplifting trance

ups ... no darkpsy

its not fair....
Fria Tantrumm

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Posted : Nov 27, 2008 22:35
For a very long time now, I've been trying to grasp the concept of "WHAT DARK PSY IS??" I would like to know which artists are considered to be making "Dark Psy". Is it music for the Night?? Or is it just music that has "horror demonish"apects? Kindly shed some light on this In my experience I have realized there is no such term as "Dark Psy". It's just an elitist term certain people like to use to further divide themselves and separate themselves from the whole. In fact, what I have noticed is that a majority of people making really BAD music call themselves "Dark Psy" artists.
Now to the topic..while I have my reservations on "how psychedelic" techno is, I think that it is really a matter of taste. I will say though, that I have heard some amazing techno and would definitely give it a great amount of respect, yes and some techno does have subtle psychedelic influences that surpass the crap "Dark Psy" artists tend to make under the term "experimental". I find classical music extremely psychedelic, does any one want to talk about that??
Now, I will say that, the higher the BPM, the greater the chance that the music is NOT psychedelic. High BPM, with it's diminished time lag between each sound, is the biggest threat to "psychedelic" music. It might be good, it might sound great, but it's simply usually NOT psychedelic. It's more sonic and acoustic in nature, but it ain't trancey and it ain't psychedelic. The brain needs time to process information and to translate the information into a physical reaction or an optical image...High bpm music is like a continuous assault on the mind, with no time to process any information, leading to an adrenaline "flight or fight" situation that increases the heart rate and just hampers digestion etc.
In fact techno would be far closer to "the ancient tribal drumming rituals" than alot of psy trance these days. Yes it might be electronic in nature, but thats just a matter of progress and's the "new age" tribal music..repetitive beats, that gets the brain in a constant cyclicic mode, that eventually induces hypnosis...
While I still lean toward psychedelic trance, and it's my music of choice, I think "what is TRANCEY" is entirely subjective.
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Fria Tantrumm

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Posted : Nov 27, 2008 22:40
Hans Custo is not SCIENTIST. He is a mathematician and musicologist and has written one book that is quite interesting but doesn't contain any ground breaking research. There is also a lot of research being done on the 12 note system of Western Classical music and how alot of it corresponds to 666 and the devil..Thus in traditional church music, alot of note sequences were forbidden and music had to follow certain "Rules". There was a very recent research done with plants hooked up to a meter that recorded the reactions of the plants on hearing certain types of music. In fact in my university we fine tuned this experiment and I dare say, PLANTS don't like HIGH BPM MUSIC...they don't like DEATH METAL, they hate alot of "Dark Psy".....should we trust the plants?? They too are natural??

I wouldn't say that "Dark Psy (if it exists)" is the most "up to date". There is nothing to substantiate such a claim, in fact it seems to be getting worse, more redundant, no music no harmony, no concept of tonality. I like good music, be it techno or trance or classical, afro cubano etc. And what one finds "psychedelic" depends on one's own state of mind.
Fractal Cowboys : Post Singularity COMING SOON :)
Orestis : Recursice Consciousness OUT
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