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trance artists making techno FTW!

Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Nov 25, 2008 02:08

On 2008-11-24 23:18, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
i just like to hear music, notes, variety. techno is not such. same with progressive. but actually in comparison to techno, i could say that i would even love to here prog in comparison to techno

agreed ,but only to some level.

you obviously so not into it , what is the chanse u really heard the best stuff of techno?
seems that you have allready idea 'how it sounds like' and you dont wanna accept the fact that there is more to it.

and yet , i didnt heard techno that is musicaly developed that much as some trance artists i like , but at the same time neither any 'dark' that is anywhere close to it (listen to talpa or terrafractyl for example , even if they are not world wide famous guru's , they have better music according to your own definitions)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 25, 2008 02:54
well okey, what is then this techno that you would suggest. could hear it right now i guess. fortunately the internet makes it possible to hear whatever you want. what are the projects that you mean would be musically interesting.
i ve heard a bit or two before i got to trance. actually i went to techno parties pretty often in the beginning of the nineties. well anyway after hallucinogen i never ever got back to techno again. but if you mean there would be something of interest, i am open to hear. what are the trance artists doing actually, that do techno nowadays. heard in chaishop news or read somewhere in chaishop that techno is invading the scene. i dont even check their projects actually. may be i am too preconditioned. i should hear.

well in dark psy there is a lot of musically cheap things too, may be even more than in any other sub scene. cause one of the main virtues of dark psy is the aspect of experimenting. and some of them experiment too much but have no idea of harmonics and music theory and what happens at the end is just a distorted sound sounding like nothing. but there are also very very good things to find. and very musical things, i mean with real melodies and stories, they are just too subtle to hear at once. you have to really hear. they have besides this unimaginable variety that i really really strive for in trance. i need this variety, the breaking of the borders , like i need to breathe. it is what keeps me alive. some dark psy artists just dont take it seriously enough to really work on the sound for longer time, to really really make the harmonics perfect. but some of them can. really. dont know why you mean that they dont fit to my definitions....

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 25, 2008 05:38
Moki no offence but you are acting like a small child,you are actually remind me when I was 14 years old believing that was only psy trance and nothing else.Techno in psy scene is the fresh air that this scene needs all those years and it can give to us the same vibes with the lost psy trance vibes.
However that's the second coming of techno in psy scene,the fisrt was in the end of 90's with X-dream.Now techno came back with different ways of course but offering us the same vibes

Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

Started Topics :  158
Posts :  5306
Posted : Nov 25, 2008 07:39

moki:i cant help you with techno since i dont listen to it much at all , but i think there is fair amount of links and ppl that into it here...
i defintly visited some friends and heard some amazing stuff from specific artist but i cant remember the name ATM , will let you know when i remember

about dark i never said there is nothing good , i love jahbo and derango and even realesed couple of tracks myself on parvati and doof but still i cant even bare listen to more then 2-3 hours of that..
i like the 'experiment' procedure while creating but its not enough if there is no real musical idea behind it

and if its psy reccomend you after:

Reality Pixie
Neuron Compost
crazy ducks

vertigo records
adapted records
giiwa records
morning monsters records

check this out i think you will find music, notes, variety , and much more like groove , funny bits , emotion.
what emotion there is in techno thats what i didnt figure out unless its 'drunk and horney' lol
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 25, 2008 14:24
Ah ! All these guyz finally realized that the girls on the second/alternative/smaller floors are more hot !

"Get your dose of BoOgie !"

Started Topics :  8
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Posted : Nov 25, 2008 17:06
wow some boring music posted offence!

moki you are not the only one thinking these things on that music....
but in the end you just have to accept some people's each his own..!

check out the old topics...trance vs techno...some funny discussions there...!

Martian Arts

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Posted : Nov 25, 2008 23:06
Sub-genre wars are stupid.
I could go on and on about "dark" trance being not dark at all, not psychedelic at all, boring and backwards thinking instead of the new ground breaking thing people claim it is, but I am not.
I simply don't want to give things I don't like the time of day cause I simply know, I just don't like them.

Spend time listening to what you like, instead of busting people's balls simply because different things floats their boats.

Psychedelia is extremely subjective. Arguing about extremely subjective things, means wasting time from the get go.

Peace out.  
Horrordelic Records

Started Topics :  25
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Posted : Nov 26, 2008 02:25
I agree, it just gets too boring with techno.. But for sure enjoy it if you like it..
For me its not interesting in the psyscene.. Hope it doesnt get too big hehe..
           3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 26, 2008 03:19
ah kriz so nice to see you here right now:)
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 26, 2008 03:48
That's completely right. Whatever floats your boat. So there's no room for discrediting anyone's floaty thing.

As far as any one style getting too big, I think you have to differentiate between what's a bandwagon and what's a genuine direction of the music. At the turn of the century when minimal/tech/prog rose up I think that was an actual energy swing for psytrance. Some hated it and some flowed with it. It was healthy though. People need to be able to recognize when they have grown enough from the periods they really connected with and got something out of to not bitch when the style takes a particular turn. Instead, ride it. If riding it means detaching and exploring other musics or life activities then embrace that. It's not the music's fault, so don't blame it for not getting you off.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 26, 2008 14:56
yeah but as progressive rose at the turn of the century, it was something new, it was again breaking the boundaries. it was musically interesting, i even enjoyed it at the beginning. but the ideas were quite the same with the time, i would even say that many of the artists were just rewriting ideas to have the honour to call themselves artists or just ot make a bit of living. then at the end ot this prog era , it was all quite same, quite predictable. you still find some really weird prog but it is veeery seldom. and the point is, what is the actual swing for psytrance in connection to techno. back to the last century?????? what is so new about it???????????????????? musically?????????????????????
i mean sure there are probably people nowadays, that just right now discover trance states, and i gues for them it is psychedelic, as well as the goa from the last century or whatever. but if you ve followed the development of psy trance from the last centuries to now, you can hardly find anything trancing in techno.

and btw it is not soooo subjective. you have scientifical researches with brain waves and EEGs connected to the monitors of the djs, you have scientifical data. what is psychedelic.

Started Topics :  312
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Posted : Nov 26, 2008 16:33

On 2008-11-26 14:56, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
and btw it is not soooo subjective. you have scientifical researches with brain waves and EEGs connected to the monitors of the djs, you have scientifical data. what is psychedelic.

Links or STFU           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
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Posted : Nov 26, 2008 17:57
i have no links. i have only books and articles and they are not even in english but in german. but i am every time surprised to see that ppl in the forums dont know about these researches done in berlin...i will try to collect the info soon and post it in english.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 26, 2008 19:41
Hm, techno is very trance inducing to me. I guess I'm easy like that


and btw it is not soooo subjective. you have scientifical researches with brain waves and EEGs connected to the monitors of the djs, you have scientifical data. what is psychedelic.

Again, I think people have different thresholds. And those thresholds can change throughout a person's life.
Techno, with it's very subtle touches of psy elements (even just a well crafted hi hat!), can be enough for certain people, at a time in their life, to get them very high. For you it's not.
I think we have to leave it at that. Nothing more to be said really.

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  42
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Posted : Nov 26, 2008 21:17

On 2008-11-26 14:56, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:

and btw it is not soooo subjective. you have scientifical researches with brain waves and EEGs connected to the monitors of the djs, you have scientifical data. what is psychedelic.

          `Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules, which are repeated without end` Mandelbrot
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