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trance artists making techno FTW!


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Posted : Nov 20, 2008 03:58

On 2008-11-12 11:08, thinkingsound wrote:
Trance is techno just as Goa was when it came out.. The music in hip hop is techno and just about all music that doesn't have actual organic musicians.
Take the chip of your shoulders if you think psytrance isn't techno or go back to school.
A laptop can make anyone a talented musician.. How hard can point,click,drag,copy and paste really get once you learn the programs? Now, techno.. i mean psytrance definitely was harder to compose in the earlier days but thanks cubase and so on for making it so easy to become an artist..

thats the biggest BS i heard in long time

come on , click drag copy and paste and show us how amazing your tune is

what makes you thing that its "easier" to work on cubase rather then having midi sequencer and some synths and 8 track recorder exept for the costs and storage space???? since when to be an artist has to got also 20000$ equipment??

just like movie industry move to digital technology so what now all the movie writers are idiots that click and drag and drop?? they have a story to tell and its easier and better to make it with todays technology like any other thing on this planet..

it is really true that some of the base is fundemental similar , but so much music use guitar bass and drums so what there is no heavy metal that is so oposed to country music???
or any electronic music for you is "techno(logy)" then change your definition cause thats not what the rest of the world talk about

or you compare cubase to guitar hero in any way? then it would be really a joke

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Posts :  213
Posted : Nov 22, 2008 12:21

On 2008-10-21 21:58, Mr.Hanky wrote:
check out FREE CLOUD from Yulius aka perfect stranger....

definitly relates to this topic

shameless promotion(O_=)>>>__| i don t think that guys with trance background makes the best tekno there is out there and one problem also is that many people listen to names not the music which is a disgrace

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Posts :  213
Posted : Nov 22, 2008 12:27

On 2008-11-20 03:58, kalgos wrote:

thats the biggest BS i heard in long time

come on , click drag copy and paste and show us how amazing your tune is

he just might get lucky who knows|||:::

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Posted : Nov 22, 2008 15:25
Joti Sidhu's on the case as well


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Posted : Nov 23, 2008 12:42

On 2008-11-12 11:08, thinkingsound wrote:
Trance is techno just as Goa was when it came out.. The music in hip hop is techno and just about all music that doesn't have actual organic musicians.
Take the chip of your shoulders if you think psytrance isn't techno or go back to school.
A laptop can make anyone a talented musician.. How hard can point,click,drag,copy and paste really get once you learn the programs? Now, techno.. i mean psytrance definitely was harder to compose in the earlier days but thanks cubase and so on for making it so easy to become an artist..

anyone can get some software and samples and be a preset monkey with very little original ideas, but it takes someone with dedication, vision, and maybe even a slight concept of how music works to make something of substtance.           An Eagle may soar, but Weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

Started Topics :  71
Posts :  2219
Posted : Nov 23, 2008 12:52

On 2008-11-20 03:58, kalgos wrote:

what makes you thing that its "easier" to work on cubase rather then having midi sequencer and some synths and 8 track recorder exept for the costs and storage space???? since when to be an artist has to got also 20000$ equipment??

Anyone who has ever set up a fully working all midi studio and worked with an 8 track recorder will be quick to tell you that it is much easier to use a software solution. Not worrying about improper cabling, making sure your midi clock is transmitting accurately to each device, noise floor when recording, and working with limited resources are all something that the old hardware only studios all have to deal with. Software does alleviate most of those problems.

          An Eagle may soar, but Weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 24, 2008 17:10
Quote: "and trust me when i say,techno can be VERY psychedelic"

i dont trust you. )))))
what is so psychedelic about techno?????????????

psychedelic is about going beyond borders guys, breaking boundaries. if you have one and the same cycle twirling around, i dont see anything psychedelic in that. it is just a simple trancing of the mind into one point, almost the same thing like the frequence of the tv is doing to your brain halfs - getting you in trance but it is just the sequential trance of repeating and getting your brain cells sleeping. it is the very same trance that you could have in the day while you are driving your car and watching the white points on the highway. it is trancing indeed, but it is not psychedelic. it is fucking predictable.
i dont find anything so much psychedelic about techno, actually nothing at all. and the fact that the trance scene is more turning to techno just makes me sick. i think that the guys are actually just TOTALLY BORED to do one and the same music for 10 years and thats why they search another fields. But i would never call it psychedelic.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 24, 2008 17:37
what about trying to break some of your borders moki

          `Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules, which are repeated without end` Mandelbrot
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 24, 2008 18:12
okey may be i am a hard core psychedelic fundamentalist too. BUT. you always have to put priorities to your principles of life. you have one main principle of life and the rest of your principles follow the first one. so if my principle is " go beyond any boundaries" then may be my principle can be considered as a boundary itself, which is may be contradictory indeed. but the point is that this principle is the only border i have and i would break even this principle if it would put a boundary in my mind itself. but this is not the case with being a psychedelic fundamentalist cause i am just denying all boundaries. dont know if i put it right. may be no one understood me. i have to check the release section of this forum to make a picture what is going on there , what is being reviewd by whom and by how many ppl.
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Nov 24, 2008 18:24

On 2008-11-24 17:10, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero
i dont find anything so much psychedelic about techno, actually nothing at all.

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 24, 2008 18:40
TIME LOCK is making minimal techno also !
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Nov 24, 2008 19:47

On 2008-11-24 17:10, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero

i dont find anything so much psychedelic about techno

You need an open mind to experience something psychedelic. Do you have one?

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IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Nov 24, 2008 19:48

On 2008-11-24 18:24, Colin OOOD wrote:

On 2008-11-24 17:10, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero
i dont find anything so much psychedelic about techno, actually nothing at all.


Know thy roots- ignoramus!!!

Thanks for the goose bumps, Colin           ---------------------------------------------
"Be the change you want to see in the world!"
M.K. Gandhi

"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."
Aldous Huxley

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Nov 24, 2008 20:01
mhm. where did i land
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Nov 24, 2008 20:11
but before i spoil the fun of the guys that are so fucking bored of making trance for 10 years and are now making techno--> i leave the discussion. it is definitely not my place to be here.

to put an end, i would say that:
yes, it is MAY BE potentially possible for someone to go into trance with the cycle, but it is not posssible for me so i definitely leave any techno. this is the most open minded thing that i can shit on that topic. have fun doing music
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