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trance artists making techno FTW!


Started Topics :  111
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Posted : Dec 5, 2008 14:29

On 2008-11-10 15:32, Kane wrote:

On 2008-11-10 14:34, Fragletrollet wrote:
I make prog and tech aswell

Anything released? Where can I listen?

Its under my pseudo as Unknown Cause, but basicly all released so far is older stuff. I have quite some tracks, some will be for an album, and some will be released on VA's. If you add me to messenger, ill give you a sneak preview 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 6, 2008 16:50
Then I google searched and there is no supporting evidence that Hans Custo's theories have been tested to be a FACT...everywhere it is said "According to Hans Custo..." NO one tested his hypothesis

last thing on this thread ( promise).
just wanted to mention that his theory has been proved in medicine already. do you see this woman from my videos here on this page

she works on using the healing potential of sounds on the human body and has tested it in hospitals already. and yes, cousto did say it is the frequence of om, but btw at least here in germany it is officialy politically vorbidden to talk about it in publik. it is a way of the pharma industry to keep its monopoly on the human minds as the only way to heal. but sound can heal too. and since this guy is mostly involved with techno, i really think that trance artists doing techno should pay attention to that. this is all. i hope i dod not desturb your discussion, but actually i do think it is connected to the topic. end of post.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 7, 2008 18:29
Hahaha i enjoy reading these topics!
Some "psytrance" people are so narrowminded!
For me any music BUT fullon psychedelic trance is psychedelic
And especially glitchy minimal techno

And psychedelic still is a word that can be interpreted in many ways, thus there is no way of judging a whole genre of music to be psychedelic or not
This is where it all went wrong anyway, when people started naming goa psytrance.
Because it made it more easy to make bullshit trance and say its psychedelic because of the way they label it

Enough of that shit

For me the best one of the moment: GABE!!
also known as wrecked machines.
I liked his collab with marcello vor aswell, Velkro.
For the rest check out dimitri nakov, miki litvak and ido ophir.
Also upcoming: Astronivo and some shameless self promotion : SQL aka Organix           SQL:
Coming up: Releases
Planned: make tracks

Started Topics :  312
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Posted : Dec 7, 2008 19:37

          Everyone in the world is doing something without me

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Posted : Dec 7, 2008 22:42
let your love grow is even better ;p 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 5, 2009 17:46
I've been digging into this new trend in a major way... here's my report:

Started Topics :  94
Posts :  783
Posted : Sep 9, 2009 04:48


not trance. at all... different stuff...


Started Topics :  94
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Posted : Sep 9, 2009 05:07
and my drum n bass project=

but thats not techno... i know...
check Legjobb...

Started Topics :  94
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Posted : Sep 9, 2009 05:17
but you COULD use an EEG (with proper support electronics) as a control voltage (for analog synthesizers for example)
and/or convert the signal to a digital approximation and use that to control things in an appropriate context like PD, Max/MSP etc...

i've seen this done.

this is not to restart the argument from earlier in this thread (note to self, get ouf of this forum and stop while i still can...) just to point out a little thing lost in the mix as the latest installment in human misunderstanding aka trance music forums unfolded... be sure to catch the thread where i call electronic music shite and get roundly beaten by a few people for it.

but seriously check my minimal techno project... Legjobb
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 9, 2009 09:11
acid techno/dub techno ftw...
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
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Posted : Sep 9, 2009 15:24
of course you could use EEG as a control voltage. there is no question. ( there are only professors who love to discuss things they have never seen like lots of ppl in this fabulous thread).
you could see bio feedback and such control voltages in almost any prestige neurological hospital. and actually in any bio lab course for teenagers as well. you can even try it and just watch your brain on your monitors. may be after we all did it ( all participants in this gorgeous thread), then we would REALLY KNOW more about the difference between techno and techno.

hey aaron, i would really love to check your minimal project. i am sure it belongs to the more interesting minimal projects with psychedelic touch. and not to the boring ones.

but yes, lets not restart the arguments of this topic earlier ( it is almost half an year now since we had it). it is like the cheese of yesterday. totally boring. those who wanted to see more in the discussion, did do this.

belongs to most open minded threads i have ever seen in isratrance. (someone get me out of here. luckily i can always go too. ).
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Sep 9, 2009 15:52
Some "psytrance" people are so narrowminded!

btw just a note - do we really have to read this like a couple of hundred times more?

who are the psy trance ppl btw? this term is totally out of definition. you cannot define it. never ever.

besides , are we actually allowed to have quality standards as any other consumer in any other field of entertainment media??? to know what we want???
would be so great if we had this right in the psy trance scene as well. i absolutelly cannot hear this appell of plur and this appell never to critisize a product or a festival you paid for. this is absolutely old school and very much lack of consciousness. i expect a different attitude if i am paying for something.

if you want me to pay for a release, then let me keep my quality standards as well. and dont put the word psychedelic as a promo description of a minimal release.
is it so difficult to do???????????????

oh and btw how is tantrum doing? still " releasing all kind of various styles of electronic music" as we read the label mission in this gorgeous thread???? someone following them????? i stopped.


Started Topics :  94
Posts :  783
Posted : Sep 9, 2009 21:16
well dont go starting shit again with Fria-
its pretty clear she wanted to discuss specifics
and you are proposing that she read someone elses work because you don't want to get into specifics here.
(to say nothing of the subject matter- remember we had our own discussion on this cosmic octave and i was curious WHAT was being measured in this vast universe of ours and i was feeling also that it was all a bit theoretical and intuitive and starting from a basis that there WAS an octave like relationship between various vibrational states of things. rather like starting a-priori with a conclusion... but supposing this guy and pythagoras more or less hit it on the head its a bit fuzzy to discuss on isratrance. just recommend it -with specific LINKS- for reading and if someone gets rude just forget it or go ahead and make some carnival entertainment for the forum...)
and of course she can be a bit hot headed but then so can you... not to mention me... i like to get very specific and i really dont like this hit-n-run forum troll behaviour but i suppose i set myself up for it... but i digress....

anyway- dont get paranoid. dont let a few people make you feel like you need to scold the whole forum. most are just watching for vicarious thrills (the thrill of watching like a voyeur and getting satisfaction as if doing it...)

this is unrelated from some other guys who just like to tell people to shut up or go away and you give them a perfect opportunity..
and democracy was a system in ancient athens where 50,000 citizens ruled (daily forums imagine!) over 1,000,000 slaves approximately...representative democracy aka most modern systems is another thing and this has nothing to do with any silly notion that majority rules or something and can tell one person to shut up, at least on most forums... you are free to be irrelevent and ignored or inspirational, or instigational, or concurrent, or simply read...whatever...

anyway- this is about psytrance artists that also make techno

and i do. please check out my minimal (apparently acid and dub?) techno project

and of course i released a few daytime-twisted-techno-psy-weirdo tracks like the one i made with haltya aka justin-space on the halu-beats compilation,
and the one i released solo 'supercool' on the fabula records ultrapop2 comp...

which reminds me- Haltya aka Justin Space makes techno

Valo- Vishnudata aka DJ Oval makes also minimal techno sounds.

mmmmm who else...
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  103
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Posted : Sep 9, 2009 23:29

diggin it


Started Topics :  94
Posts :  783
Posted : Sep 17, 2009 13:30
seems like most trance artists who have a groovy mid-tempo side project make some kind of electro...
sometimes its mixed with techno or minimal but seems like electro. different ball of wax. totally different vibes.
i find purely minimal to be very psychedelic...
electro just seems like a cheap ploy to grab attention IMO but anyway im biased i guess. maybe i just don't understand the good side of electro vibes... too much pink and teal.
can we leave the 80's already? its been about 9 years...

late 90's minimal psytrance also had some wicked vibes...

many folks went into breakz from psy- that was a late 90's thing- they never came back...its rolling on its own steam and seems bigger than psy in english speaking countries...
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