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trance artists making techno FTW!


Started Topics :  312
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Posted : Dec 1, 2008 20:47

On 2008-12-01 19:22, Login wrote:
some links or something to those books articles you talk about all the time?

It's all in ze German language           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 2, 2008 03:49

On 2008-12-01 18:48, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
and this is the real totalitarian idea . BE IN MY OPINION OR LEAVE. this is the real crap. i dont wanna be in your opinion , so i have to leave. it is fucking easy, i will not miss this brilliant forum much, you can trust me.
i came just to make you aware of really interesting psychedelic research made by someone who loves techno, and is one of the people i really really respect and as someone who has written 5 books and done hundreds of speeches and lecture on conferences, deserves more respect than the small haters on isratrance. but you dont even wanna hear that , you are the real narrow minded people. small german asses? something else to add? YOU ARE THE BIG THING! and actually the most totalitarian community of trance on the internet. yes, i go, dont worry. do i have to mention in every topic that if you want me to go, then dont write me anything. i go. it is the easiest thing to do.

Sorry lady!We have democracy!You are one ,we are many!We talk about music and experiences and not about books and theories!Fuck the stereotypes!Evolution Revolution Love as Tricky says!Do you know him? His is not spiritual and he has nothing to do with trance cosmic octave so you may not! You say:Oh just another funny topic...Yes it's funny!You are make it funny!OK you have your opinion,but you are just one,we are many and you are trying to pass your opinion in front of all of ours!this is facism and arrogance lady!just open your mind,don't stuck on fake guru goa gil theories and accept the reality with cosmic octaves and shitty matters!after this you are welcome to come back in this forum!we have live many great moments with many music styles,and this you support and this we support!we can have great time with your music but you can't with our!who is the loser?and we are actually the most totalitarian community of trance on the internet??!we are the most open minded maybe!I don't like to pray myself but those are the most clear words I can say!What more do you want?Just understand some things and we are all ok!Some proved things god damn it!
sorry to all for the hard words but I really can't get more of this "spiritual" crap and stereotypes!

Now which trance artists are making techno also?stay to the topic!

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 2, 2008 06:00
ah ok, then discuss it further in your fucking democracy. and yes you are absolutely right - it is about experience and not about books and theories and i am happy that my keyboard is tuned in, and so are the synthesizers of some of the people i know making music. i am happy that we DO it and dont just fucking talk about it or deny it. Also dont be sure if i have not experiences nice moments with this music - i have also had trance moments with this style of music and they are even quite a few during the years especially before dark psy appeared. and what the hell, i should accept the reality with cosmic octaves and then come back again? what the hell does this mean?????????????? what is the fucking reality with the cosmic octae, you dont even know what it is at all, you are just talking, others are playing.
and yes you are many, but it is only because most of the ppl dont even wanna lose time in isratrance with bullshit and narrowmindedness.
i find it extremely stupid that you call this fascism and arrogance that i am simply talking about a way to make music and what scientists say. but anyway, fuck off, then i leave your precious democracy
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Dec 2, 2008 06:53
i think its more addictive then you suspect.
and you would never never get so pissed off and write so so much unless you thought actualy even in 1% someone else might be right. you love this discussion , it makes your own opinions deeper to you , it give you "test" on them and how much u can proove it , nice challange after all no?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 4, 2008 06:27

On 2008-11-22 12:21, papay wrote:
i don t think that guys with trance background makes the best tekno there is out there

i am not sure about the best, but some of the stuff posted here is very decent. Monoxcide, Schnorkel, some of the Suomi guys.. plus Extrawelt, Minilogue and others that made the transition years ago. it seems there's a lot more freedom to experiment in techno, the sound evolves a lot faster, and you can do a lot more musically and still have an audience. i think psytrance fans are not as musically mature generally, they are really hooked on certain frequencies/basslines and feel uncomfortable when the music goes outside those boundaries.

hence this thread... 's just another party..
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 4, 2008 07:02
What is very curious is that psy producers choose techno. Nobody looks at house or even mainstream trance.

Psy trance and - techno are the most abstract genres I think, the most drug driven.           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 4, 2008 07:55

On 2008-12-04 07:02, Login wrote:
Psy trance and - techno are the most abstract genres I think, the most drug driven.

there's plenty of drugs in the mainstream 'club' trance scene as well.

techno and psy are both intelligent genres. made for the head, not just for the ass.
's just another party..
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 4, 2008 12:40

On 2008-12-04 06:27, DiMiTry wrote:

On 2008-11-22 12:21, papay wrote:
i don t think that guys with trance background makes the best tekno there is out there

i am not sure about the best, but some of the stuff posted here is very decent. Monoxcide, Schnorkel, some of the Suomi guys.. plus Extrawelt, Minilogue and others that made the transition years ago. it seems there's a lot more freedom to experiment in techno, the sound evolves a lot faster, and you can do a lot more musically and still have an audience. i think psytrance fans are not as musically mature generally, they are really hooked on certain frequencies/basslines and feel uncomfortable when the music goes outside those boundaries.

hence this thread...

I think that this is the best explanation in this topic

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Dec 4, 2008 16:28

On 2008-12-02 06:53, Elad wrote:
i think its more addictive then you suspect.
and you would never never get so pissed off and write so so much unless you thought actualy even in 1% someone else might be right. you love this discussion , it makes your own opinions deeper to you , it give you "test" on them and how much u can proove it , nice challange after all no?

WRONG! i dont love this discussion, i find it the most childish discussion that i have read for long time. it pisses me off.
the frequence connected to om is 136,10.

and i am not fucking interested in old fashioned approaches. neither do i find your abuses that i had to read in this topic even slightly interesting, they are FUCKIN G BORING. totalitarian bla bla bla. may be yo try to fucking forget the past from the last century, none of us was born at that time, and i strongly disrespect anyone who called this discussion fascism, 1984 or whatever.
i am not responsible that you dont fucking even know the latest developments in science.


Fria Tantrumm

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Posts :  368
Posted : Dec 4, 2008 16:44

On 2008-11-28 18:29, Fria Tantrumm wrote:
In Classical Music for example AUM or OM is at same frequency as "Shadaj" or Sa(as in Sa Re Ga Ma...). So this sound or frequency would vary slightly from person to person, because OM should be recited at our middle or madhya comfort sound, ie without raising the pitch to higher octave or lowering to lower octave. This applies to vocals obviously, Sa or Om in Sitar say would be set to C# because this is the frequency where the tension of strings is just right to give optimum resonance to teak wood.
This is why when we recite OM at our comfort middle sound or frequency or Sa we get the best results in relaxing our senses and moods and bodily functions.


"The frequency of the year, C# with 136.10 Hz is the 32nd octave of the earth year.
In India this tone is the keynote of sitar and tambura music and is called "sadja" which also means "Father of the others". Also the sacred syllable "OM" is tuned to this tone like mostly all the religous temple music. Many bells and other instruments are tuned to this tone. Who wonders why Hindus talk so much about the soul and transmigration of the soul when knowing that their music is tuned to the frequency of the soul."

SO I agree with him, when OM is incorporated into MUSIC and he even specifically says OM" is tuned to this if you understand this statement it means that when using it in a musical context it is TUNED to this frequency.I do not agree that this is the FREQUENCY OF "OM" and Hans Custo doesn't even call it THE FREQUENCY OF OM.
He calls it:
The Frequency Of The Earth-year
Then I google searched and there is no supporting evidence that Hans Custo's theories have been tested to be a FACT...everywhere it is said "According to Hans Custo..." NO one tested his hypothesis Then I read that Hans has figured specific frequencies for each chakra (this does make sense), 136.10 corresponding to the heart chakra....then I find that one can purchase a 136.10 heart chakra tuning fork etc. etc.
BUT this is not the frequency of OM, OM is tuned to this frequency when used in a musical process...
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 4, 2008 18:05

On 2008-12-04 16:28, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:

On 2008-12-02 06:53, Elad wrote:
i think its more addictive then you suspect.
and you would never never get so pissed off and write so so much unless you thought actualy even in 1% someone else might be right. you love this discussion , it makes your own opinions deeper to you , it give you "test" on them and how much u can proove it , nice challange after all no?

WRONG! i dont love this discussion, i find it the most childish discussion that i have read for long time. it pisses me off.
the frequence connected to om is 136,10.

and i am not fucking interested in old fashioned approaches. neither do i find your abuses that i had to read in this topic even slightly interesting, they are FUCKIN G BORING. totalitarian bla bla bla. may be yo try to fucking forget the past from the last century, none of us was born at that time, and i strongly disrespect anyone who called this discussion fascism, 1984 or whatever.
i am not responsible that you dont fucking even know the latest developments in science.


Yes Moki..You say that all those are boring and this discussion is crap..So why you are still here breaking our balls with your arrogance and don't let us to have a nice discussion??Is this less childish action than ours??As I wrote on a previous post your act here reminds my 14-old self believing that there is only psy trance and nothing else..

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  50
Posts :  8779
Posted : Dec 4, 2008 18:35

On 2008-12-04 06:27, DiMiTry wrote:
i think psytrance fans are not as musically mature generally, they are really hooked on certain frequencies/basslines and feel uncomfortable when the music goes outside those boundaries.

yea, agree on that one.

plus these days there are many producers who are not musically mature enough


On 2008-12-04 06:27, DiMiTry wrote:
hence this thread...

I guess the point of this thread is about Psytrance artists making Techno, so being nusically immature is not the reason for this thread IMO

          We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Dec 4, 2008 19:37

On 2008-12-04 18:35, Dogon wrote:

On 2008-12-04 06:27, DiMiTry wrote:
hence this thread...

I guess the point of this thread is about Psytrance artists making Techno, so being nusically immature is not the reason for this thread IMO

Exactly. I am not commenting on whether trance artists are mature enough.
I am not implying that the techno tunes made by trance artists are "more psychedelic" than the trance tuines made by trance artists.
Just expressing my love for some of the techno tunes, made by some trance artists.
That is all.  
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  70
Posts :  2299
Posted : Dec 4, 2008 23:21

On 2008-12-04 18:35, Dogon wrote:


On 2008-12-04 06:27, DiMiTry wrote:
hence this thread...

I guess the point of this thread is about Psytrance artists making Techno, so being nusically immature is not the reason for this thread IMO

not the original posts, i was referring more to the subsequent 'discussion'.
's just another party..
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  50
Posts :  8779
Posted : Dec 4, 2008 23:35

On 2008-12-04 23:21, DiMiTry wrote:

not the original posts, i was referring more to the subsequent 'discussion'.

o ok mate...... 'discussion'....

          We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
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