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trance artists making techno FTW!

Fria Tantrumm

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  368
Posted : Nov 29, 2008 17:16
Your "dropping a short line" has become awfully long and frequent. Kindly do not get into a discussion on quantum physics with me cause I will "whoop your ass" there. Sorry to sound crass but my serotonin is low and my adrenaline is HIGHH.
A mind machine, also known as a Psychowalkman (:)) uses sound and/or light to alter the brainwave frequency of the user, resulting in altered states of consciousness that have been compared to those obtained from meditation and shamanic exploration.

The process is also known as brainwave synchronization or entrainment. (if you read one of my above posts I have talked about entrainment)
Here's a little heads up on it : Rapidly flashing lights may be dangerous for people with photosensitive epilepsy or other nervous disorders. It is thought that one out of 10,000 adults will experience a seizure while viewing such a device; about twice as many children will have a similar ill effect.
Gabba, yes has a hyper rhythm, one that will not induce a Trance state but this too is objective actually. I am open to latest developments that are PROVEN and add some practical insight. Merely theorizing on the Cosmic octave, while it sounds extremely interesting and esoteric, is not really is HIS theory, and a nice one at that. While my comments about Gil might insult you (though I didn;t comment on him, just some People's notion about his Sadhu status), I find it extremely insulting that you just condescend everyone who does not share your own fantastical views. I find it extremely insulting that you continuously refer to the Indian religion and use it as a source to legitimize your delusions. But each to his own.
Fractal Cowboys : Post Singularity COMING SOON :)
Orestis : Recursice Consciousness OUT
Psykovsky: Na Ve Ka is OUT!
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Nov 30, 2008 05:43

On 2008-11-29 15:22, Remy [POF] wrote:

Maybe there are shit load of techno releases that sound quite the same and boring. But at least the production is good.

for sure i agree, DnB, Hardcore and Death Metal are very psychedelic...

for the first sentence i hope you are joking.
who the fuck care if production is good or not once its boring?!?!?
you are on the right way to start listen to mtv hits i guess... or what ??
their "production" is higher then your boring techno.

and yes most Hardcore PsyBreaks is usualy heaps more intence psychadelics then any techno and trance together. its for those who actualy take too much drops on top of too much speed. i never wanted to go that direction , i think evrything in life should be moderated (exept bongz ) . and for once i can SAY IT... im not after the "most psychadelic" but after "most beautifull psychadelic"

and if i will make short thinking why metal offer more musical variety - is just becuase you have to be real musician to play it.. and if you not stuck on 3 chords for life your musical develope is so much faster then trance artists that fiedling with cubse hotkeys , eq's , compressors etc. instead of music.
also alot trance sound like someone pressed on the random button on his pc evry 2 seconds , and techno like he forgot to push any button for 6 minutes...

and still offcourse there are some techno and some trance artists that actualy get to this high levels of music , but they are instant gods in their scene (like bodzin or posford)

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 30, 2008 12:22
fria , then i "kindly" do not get into a discussion with you on quantum physics. you the big thing, you know, you are the next nobel award scientist. i kindly do not get into a discussion with you cause you are boring.
all your old boring theories might be very impressing for the bunch of users in this fucking forum, but it is nothing new you know. we have read quantum physics too and experimented with all kinds of mind machines too. have them at home too and all the literature too. you know, you dont have to demonstrate your vast knowledge cause at the end of the day you are repeating other scientists. and hans cousto with the comsic octave is not repeating, it is a unique theory but not for blind horse like you. i am happy that i know many people whe use these theories in their music. and i will discuss it with them, not with great specialists like you. if i wanna read the old theories, i caan do it in my books too, dont need your unpleasant energy.
and i can refer to the hindu religion as much as i want. it does not belong you? you get the fucking idea? it is not only YOUR religion. i dont have religions besides psychedelic trance, but i can refer to any other culture that i want and i can comment on it, you are not the fucking middle of the hindu knowledge.
Fria Tantrumm

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  368
Posted : Nov 30, 2008 16:42
Fucking Boring Fucking Boring....fucking boring...fucking boring
your vocabularly seems so hugely limited that in fact it is not me but you who sound "FUCKING BORING". You have not substantiated any of your hard core theories with any facts, cause all the facts are only for ze Germans somehow. German scientist (but i insists he is not), german books, german videos. I think it's better to repeat other scientist than one techno testing math music german bro. I mean are you trying to tell me that Einstein and Hertz are just not worth quoting?? Please do refer to the Hindu religion. You are absolutely right, I do not have a monopoly over it. BUT kindly have the respect to refer to it in a noble and elegant manner as there are alot of HIndu's on this forum. Have some respect for something that is a part of our lives...for you it's just some pseudo hippee crap that gives slight meaning to your distorted ideas. So if you are going to use it in a negatove and wrong sense then you should expect that some of us will take offense and bitch you out. For you it's a little fashion statement, Dark Music Dark Religion Dark GODS...for us it's a little more serious. Have some respect. This topic was about trance artists making techno, and you parked your little german ass here and started to bitch techno out, the people who like techno, ad the artists who make techno. No one asked for your bloody opinion on the matter but you just stormed in like a big european woman with a minimum of elegance or grace and made the big bullshit statement "THERE IS NOTHING PSYCHEDELIC AB OUT TECHNO....ALL FUCKING BORING"
There is nothing bloody psychedelic about alot of "Dark Psy" or alot of High Bpm music, or alot of the artwork (by the way that cannibal holocaust artwork has not an iota of anything's looks more Gothic and just plain sick). No one asked your opinion, you dropped it many times with no valid i mean, you just come across as very stupid and narrow minded harping about your Hans Cousto all the time. I mean no offence, but you are riding this blind horse to a point of intense irritation, based on very limited knowledge and a very elitist attitude that is just NASTY.
It's very objective to say something is and isn't psychedelic. There is alot of very good techno out there, and if you or other peeps find it "Unpsychedelic" or "boring" it's your opinion and I am just sad to say that with such an elitist bloody attitude you guys are missing out on alot of good music in the world. PSYTRANCE is not THE END ALL AND BE ALL. Given that if you consumed a bunch of psychotropic substances, even cleaning a toilet might become a real "Psychedelic" lay off defining a term which cannot really be defined.
Oh I know what you'll say "IT"S ALL ABOUT THE FREQUENCIESSSS...HANS CUSTO FOUND TEH PSYCHEDELIC FREQUENCY..." so stop harping about it and kindly enlighten us all..what is the psychedelic frequency?? give me numbers or the range so we all can share in this great knowledge.
Fractal Cowboys : Post Singularity COMING SOON :)
Orestis : Recursice Consciousness OUT
Psykovsky: Na Ve Ka is OUT!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 30, 2008 17:33


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Posted : Nov 30, 2008 18:20

On 2008-11-30 17:33, Zman wrote:
K.O           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Nov 30, 2008 19:16
offf fria.
i have not substantiated any of the theories?
first of all, i did, in articles and videos on 3 different languages that you dont understand and i am not responsible that you dont. it is not my problem. it is yours. and all of it is done for free, that is, i have taken my time to do it and if i explain anything to you here, i will again have to take my time to do it for free in comparison with people like you who are on top of commercializing the pyramid. you get it, i have no time to explain, and if i have i will, as i already said.

second, you are all the time trying to deny something that is very established in europe. the molecular music. it is being played in our biggest psychedelic conferences and it is being discussed since years. and you deny it even before you hear it. look at your posts, they are so fucking full of your ego that has not stopped to shit bullshit here. you know. first you say om has no frequence. of course it has a frequence and i dont need to be hindi to know that if i sing omm it has a frequence. btw the hindu religion is not the centre of the world, and many people in europe actually see it as sects and have very negative attitude to sects, so i think you could be at least a little be more friendly because of the fact that i am interested at all,, i have read the holy scriptures, i have taken my time to go on a pilgrimige in kumbha mela. very few people here have done it. so respect at least the interested attitude.

then you seem to be the latest exeprt of quantums and drug checking that i am sure you never even saw in reality. when was the last time you came to europe?
yes. i have nothing else to tell you here besides that you sound fucking boring. you know. like a fuck that bores you to death and you just wanna get out and change the fuck. cause you deny something that you are not even interested to hear.

and the facts are not in german only, i could write it, but i dont see the point to. i have spent my time reading and learnign it, why should i lose time to explain it to your holiness fria of india. you have your keyboard, i guess, or whatever you play, so just tune into it and play. i guess you will realize. you are a really incredibly negative person for me, all the time just denying denying denying. why should i care to sit and explain anything to you? go and read it, see the videos on that, translate the books. whatever. german is not my mother language either.
Hero #1
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 30, 2008 19:25

On 2008-11-30 19:16, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
you know. like a fuck that bores you to death and you just wanna get out and change the fuck.

Fria Tantrumm

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  368
Posted : Nov 30, 2008 20:49
WOWWW your educated responses and flowery verbiage indicative of your upbringing and your roots. I mean, if your psychedelic religion teaches you to be so abusive and aggressive, for sure you are from "ze dark side .
I mean, what a can take 28 paragraphs to bitch me out and indulge in extremely intelligent sentence formation like "you know. like a fuck that bores you to death and you just wanna get out and change the fuck." but you can't waste time substantiating any of your bullshit theories.
OM HAS NO FREQUENCIEZZ BIATHCHHH...yes I'm saying it to your face. Your frequency different from mine, different from your mama's different from my mama's...get the vibe?? Or are the dreads on your head preventing positive reinforcing intelectual philosophy from entering your grey matter??
How can I respect your pilgrimages to the Kumbh when all it has given you is a whole lot of prejudices, a mouthfull of foul language and a disposition that would put a Hip Hop Bitch to shame??
I am in Europe, I've been here for the past 1 year (barring the travels me and my husband take out of Europe)...what the hell does that have to do with anything...are you saying Europe has some cutting edge music research that the rest of the world is not privy to. For fuck's sake, I think you would very much benefit from "a boring fuck" right now.
If you can take the time to bitch and moan and talk about all your boring sex experiences, why don;t you take the bloody time instead to explain and give proper facts to your argument...If you don't care to explain to me, do us all a favour a "FUCK OFF TO DA DARK SIDE"..cause you are just depraved, deprived and really I agree, you are wasting your time with not adding anything of interest or intelligence save for your foul language.           **************************************
Fractal Cowboys : Post Singularity COMING SOON :)
Orestis : Recursice Consciousness OUT
Psykovsky: Na Ve Ka is OUT!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  1931
Posted : Nov 30, 2008 21:02
just to let you know something dear. if you expect from me to lose ground and get very agressive and transfer you energy in this way, it will not happen soon:). you dont even slightly disturb me. you know.
with europe i meant not europe but when was the last time you saw drug checking and realized how the hell do they do it and with what scientifical method.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 30, 2008 21:05
so,any other trance artists that doing techno???           Signature:


Started Topics :  312
Posts :  8647
Posted : Nov 30, 2008 21:49
Some more Techno

And here's a snippet of what used to be the most Psychedelic group in the world

          Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  1395
Posted : Dec 1, 2008 03:12
donato dozzy!Moki if you believe that this is an invation and all those beautiful people are enemies of your music and culture then just go away from this forum!we don't like narrowminded people!

son kite/minilogue vs system 7

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Dec 1, 2008 18:48
and this is the real totalitarian idea . BE IN MY OPINION OR LEAVE. this is the real crap. i dont wanna be in your opinion , so i have to leave. it is fucking easy, i will not miss this brilliant forum much, you can trust me.
i came just to make you aware of really interesting psychedelic research made by someone who loves techno, and is one of the people i really really respect and as someone who has written 5 books and done hundreds of speeches and lecture on conferences, deserves more respect than the small haters on isratrance. but you dont even wanna hear that , you are the real narrow minded people. small german asses? something else to add? YOU ARE THE BIG THING! and actually the most totalitarian community of trance on the internet. yes, i go, dont worry. do i have to mention in every topic that if you want me to go, then dont write me anything. i go. it is the easiest thing to do.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  65
Posts :  1707
Posted : Dec 1, 2008 19:22
some links or something to those books articles you talk about all the time?           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
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