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Trance Forum » » Forum  Germany - Tor.Ma in Dub euro tour open booking
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Tor.Ma in Dub euro tour open booking

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  11
Posts :  24
Posted : May 24, 2012 10:12:47
hola compadres! hope you are great, well just to let you guys know i'll be attending some great festivals on europe this august

boom festival
chaotic madness

but i still have free from august 4th to 15th, so if you are interested or know somewhere i could play my live acts (psydub, chillout or progressive tech trance) i'll be more than happy to recieve your mail to:
my FB:

also i and Itay (kukan dub lagan) are offering a doubble dub pack, to perform thanx a lot in advance and hope see yu guys in some dancefloor!

Rafael. (Tor.Ma in Dub)
Trance Forum » » Forum  Germany - Tor.Ma in Dub euro tour open booking
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