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too many porn stars not enough shamans

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 10, 2011 07:49
also, shamanism is a shite term. not the right word at all. but it's the best i got.
mica: can i meet your granny? she might be able to teach me some stuff

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Posted : Jun 10, 2011 12:46
I've had enough of the male porn stars in the scene.

It's time for some female pornstars, that's what i'm talkin about 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 10, 2011 15:01

On 2011-06-10 07:48, dreadieg wrote:
e-scape: good sir, shamanism is much more than taking drugs. i don't need drugs to enter into my states. i mean, if you can't more power to you, but i get higher and more tripped out being sober. and that's a damn straight fact.

and if a person promotes, Djs and produces, well they do that, and they don't pose. sorry brother, your points are invalid.

Maybe you are right...Do you feel sometimes you just want to die and go somewhere else?I do lately...I'm a bit frustrated,sorry brother if I insulted you,I feel let down by everything,including the thing I like the most-music.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 10, 2011 17:47

On 2011-06-10 15:01, e-scape wrote:
[I feel let down by everything,including the thing I like the most-music.

good sir, i understand entirely. hell, that's why i started to explore shamanism (shite term, but hey it's the best i have to describe my journey) , just cause i got so fed up with everything around me.

i mean, i'm not trying to escape it, life sucks. but i'm trying to understand why it sucks. and short answer is, cause we let it. the balance is upset, doesn't take a shaman OR a porn star to figure that out :/

this applies to psytrance as much as anything else. it's like everything is either prog or darkpsy, and not enough ocelot/cosmosis/ajja
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : Jun 10, 2011 19:20
Personally I like the direction it's taking because it's becoming to more true to what people as human beings really want.

Let's face it, nobody gives a shit about anyone's spiritual beliefs aside from their own, but everyone enjoys having hot sluts on the dancefloor (and other areas).

There's a reason why some of the oldest professions are still more popular than others.
Inactive User

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Posted : Jun 10, 2011 19:55

On 2011-06-10 07:49, dreadieg wrote:
also, shamanism is a shite term. not the right word at all. but it's the best i got.
mica: can i meet your granny? she might be able to teach me some stuff

Hey dreadlig!
well then if shamanism is not the right terminology then it is not shamanism that you our experiencing It must be something that is elevating your senses which has certain effects and makes you more sensible and open to certain forces, and that can be many things. A real shaman does not usually tell the world openly that he/she is a shaman nor does he ever let people figure him out ,or know of his true personality(Carlos Castanheda,).
A real Shaman is like a medium , he/she is sensible to the spirits and communicates with them or they communicate through the shaman/medium, I hope you are not experiencing this because then you are screwed for life.
In my opinion you could elevate your senses by feeding your brain with a particular knowledge of Quantum physics. To me it is like the logical and scientific explanation for many of these subjects and you can find a correlation between the two. Its all about manipulating forces we dont understand may the force be with you young Jedi
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 10, 2011 22:18
axisM: heehee, shamanism and hookers. take a look at core shamanism and they're damn near the same thing.

mica: i dislike the term shaman because it's become a catch all phrase for any tribal medicine fellow. the term shaman is actually siberian. it's just easier to say shaman cause it's what people associate with it.
and i'm not a shaman, i'm not that cool, nor that powerful, but i do my stuff with shamanic intent, if that makes any since.

but yes! i agree 100% about the quantum physics knowledge, and i'm slowly learning about that as well.

all this stuff is connected, it's just about making the connections. which my poor ol brain is sorting out just as lickitydamnsplit as it can. which is not very fast. mysticism is a goddamn broad field.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 10, 2011 22:19
and castaneda is a terrible example. crazy bastard. his invention don juan was a great story (or, if real a great and powerful man) but carlos turned out the be a self absorbed power hungry dick.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 10, 2011 22:37

On 2011-06-10 07:48, dreadieg wrote:
e-scape: good sir, shamanism is much more than taking drugs. i don't need drugs to enter into my states. i mean, if you can't more power to you, but i get higher and more tripped out being sober. and that's a damn straight fact.

thats some damn straight motherfuckin must've got some crap drugs when/if you tried them if you think that you get higher being sober. whatever your technique for entering a trance state....try it on a heavy acid dose or 7g of shrooms and then come back here and tell me it wasn't as good as when you were sober. or fuck your technique and take an honest hit of'll be singing a different tune for sure.

sorry dude, i'm not knocking your abstinence from drugs; do what thou wilt. but to go around telling people that your trance states are stronger without psychedelics is just plain insulting. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 10, 2011 22:41
dude, i've run the drug gambit. quite heavily in fact. hell, check my criminal record and you'll see. i actually made the decision to pursue "sober" trance states on a pretty decent amount of cid. it was at equinox two years ago and i had a bizarre all night out of body experience, danced all night, had some very serious insights, and decided to set aside the drugs and pursue sober trance states and other methods than drugs.

don't get me wrong, i'm damn straight skippy aware of the fact that they're easier to achieve with chemicals, but that doesn't mean i can't do it sober does it? if i can get to the point where i can have something as strong as i did, and i can do it sober, tell me that wouldn't be worth a few years of not dropping?

also, i've come to learn that i really don't need the drugs to have a good time and trance out abit. i haven't had the chance to hit any festies or anything for quite some time, but my little events have taught me alot about how my own mind works and how to use the vibe and the situation to the advantage of the trance/mystic state.
Inactive User

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Posted : Jun 10, 2011 23:41
^ I agree, no need for drugs if you can do it .Many ancient and modern day tribesmen achieve trance state without any form of psychoactives, just drumming chanting and dance.
Glad you agree on the quantum physics idea, it is mind blowing stuff . I have to read it a couple times until I get it myself.

Inactive User

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Posted : Jun 11, 2011 01:40
Or you could just listen to this Gem for 14 minutes and also do some mind shreading:)

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 11, 2011 15:37
I'm sorry but we must not forget McKenna and what he had to say about modern Shamanism and let s be fair,he's one of the few who understood what shamanism is all about.I advise you to watch videos on youtube about this subject and hopefully some things will become clearer
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 12, 2011 06:58
you know, i've done a great deal of reading and listening to Mckenna, and i feel like he grasped some very crucial things.

but i'm very wary of anyone that straight up depends on other substances to achieve mystic states and then claims that they're as important as the mystic experience itself.

these drugs are just tools, we have the power inside (for fucks sake, how new-ager does that shit sound?) we just have to learn to access it.

and i'm not saying don't use the tools, that's why they're there. but it's a truly awesome achievement to attain that level of clarity naturally (or i hope it is, workin on it)

the whole dmt:spirit molecule = the very essence of the divine thing really gets me. it's like all these people started smoking dmt and decided that they were shaman BECAUSE they smoke dmt. it's a damn weird thing.
i mean, maybe i'm to dumb and don't see everything as a science explainable thing, but we don't actually know a great deal about how the mystic experience functions, be it dmt, vibes, quantum physics, alien mind beams or unicorns farting fairy dust in the wind.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 14, 2011 14:04
I fully agree that its possible to enter any trance state of mind without the psychedelics. The magic is there if I want to access it. But I have no way of knowing if it would be possible if I had never tried any psychedelics, or even pot.

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