too many porn stars not enough shamans
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Posted : Sep 26, 2003 16:27
Drope, I understand you man!!!
But there is no need to try to convert other people to see your point, we all live in our own little bubble,.... and we change all the time...
psy Li Yun
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 26, 2003 19:53
oh dear my little rant might have caused some offence to some people. perhaps it could have been wordede better or not at all, but discussions good and lots of interesting stuff has come up that i agree with.
Using the word shaman in retrospect does sound pretenstous i suppose, I myself am certainly not a shaman, and I'd hate to think that anyone thought i meant , i was and that ONLY those sort of people that should enjoy the scene. God no! I used the word i suppose to make the subject a bit catchier to the eye i guess.
It takes all sorts to make a lively scene such as the psy trance one and it is that ethos that makes it what it is. If a cuased someone to think i meant that only a certain sort of person shouold go to theses parties, then they are mistaken, the thing that struck me first about the scene is that anyone would be at the partys, a complete cross section of people, as for the wizards, i have a wizard fetish, can't get enough of them!! grrrr
I suppose the comment that hit home was
"leave psy trance alone"
and that is what i think i will do.
(apart from producing) |
psy Li Yun
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 26, 2003 19:58
oh yes....having read all the notes, it was quite amotional! anyway i must add, big love to all, and respect for everyone voicing what they really thought...
.i'm going to eat some |
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Posted : Sep 26, 2003 20:50
No Li Yun, do not step back... Do not denie u r a shaman, saing this do not mean a shaman is better than anybody else, so this can not be pretensious. (the comparison is inside pp head, the one who feels it´s pretension is really thinking: Oh, I wanna be a shaman also, why can´t I? or something like that. Well, u can )
Of course diversity of audience is a must, and every body is wellcome as long as PLUR is followed even if the person don´t hv this concept clear.
But what u called shaman is acttualy pp who go out of their way to energeticaly enhance a party vibes... and yes Li Yun, we need more of us...
Do not let psytrance alone my friend, we need u!
as one |
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Posted : Sep 30, 2003 00:37
Sorry to return to this thread again (well, not that sorry, or I guess I wouldn't have bothered).
I went to a party in the LA area this weekend just gone, and yes, I know this is LA, but some of the behaviour there was appalling. A female friend of mine was grabbed in the parking area during the night, shoved against a car and groped. Then in the morning the dancefloor had a real funny vibe. There were a lot of sleazy guys there just to try it on with and rub up against girls. They were really sexually predatory, preying on fucked up girls and it wasn't nice. Both my female companions felt uneasy on the dancefloor and that's not right. If somebody had grabbed a girl like that at one of the parties we used to do in the UK they'd have been frog-marched off the site. I've never seen so much self-conscious posing at a trance party and it wasn't cool. It was just like 'Oh look at me, I'm so hot (you weren't, you were sleazy).
Other than that, the party was great. Most of the people were absolutely lovely, the music was pretty top, the site beautiful and beautifully decorated.
It's just a shame that a few of the people there decided to treat the party as another nightclub. Most of us go to trance parties to get away from this sort of behaviour.
Definitely a case of too many porn stars, not enough shamans!!!!
  "One nation under a groove". |
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Posted : May 20, 2011 08:33
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 21, 2011 02:40
The last festivals I went I could see shamans and pornstars co-exist peacefully. Everyone has an inner shaman and inner pornstar, but the percentages fluctuate.
Here a random example:
93% Pornstar
32%Porn Star
But you can also have 100% both:
Horrordelic Records
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Posted : May 21, 2011 11:08
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 21, 2011 18:24
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 21, 2011 20:42
^ that attitude seems to be mainly on this forum.
in my crew we have a mix of people. my self and DJ shoom consider ourselves technoshaman, don't use drugs and are into the shamanic vibe.
hell, the only reason i throw parties is cause my spirit buddies told me to.
but we also have some guys that just like the music and the vibe (and whatever they eat)
i bless the dancefloor and have tapestries of my power critters, but we try to not be to overbearing with it. someone wants to come dance to have fun or if they want to spirit dance, more power to em.
i'm glad we have the isratrance bunch to remind us this is just music and partying and all, but to some of us, it's much more. just go with it.
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Posted : Jun 9, 2011 13:58
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 9, 2011 16:07
I m 100% porn star material...The main reason why there are so many porn star quasi shamans is because people like dreadieg think you can be shaman without taking shamanic drugs..Technoshaman is for me another phrase for pure pussification of the real psy culture,we are so cute and clean,we don t take drugs but we are in to shamanic vibe-fuck that.This scene is being shut down by poser dj's,poser producers and poser fans...pardon my French |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 9, 2011 16:29
Im a shamanic pornstar . |
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Posted : Jun 9, 2011 17:22
On 2011-06-09 16:07, e-scape wrote:
I m 100% porn star material...The main reason why there are so many porn star quasi shamans is because people like dreadieg think you can be shaman without taking shamanic drugs..Technoshaman is for me another phrase for pure pussification of the real psy culture,we are so cute and clean,we don t take drugs but we are in to shamanic vibe-fuck that.This scene is being shut down by poser dj's,poser producers and poser fans...pardon my French
My grandmother has more shamanic power on her mole then these posers . |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 10, 2011 07:48
e-scape: good sir, shamanism is much more than taking drugs. i don't need drugs to enter into my states. i mean, if you can't more power to you, but i get higher and more tripped out being sober. and that's a damn straight fact.
and if a person promotes, Djs and produces, well they do that, and they don't pose. sorry brother, your points are invalid. |