too many porn stars not enough shamans
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Posted : Sep 25, 2003 16:01
Why do u guys make me go through the little details???
Nobody has a problem with your personal view of the trance experience. What is making people upset (and honestly offends me as well, although I will stay civil) is that you are appearing to say that there is ONE right way to experience the parties. You are saying that if somebody does not get the spiritual aspect that YOU get from it, you wish they would not even come to the party.
I did not say that, u'r digressing in my words... U don't hv to get anything "AS" me, u can even go further, then I'll ask u some advice. Spirituallity is something else... Shamanism has nothing to do with Hindu traditions. EACH ONE OF US IS A SUBJECTIVE READING OF THE SAME PRIMORDIAL TRUTH. I'm no better than anyone else.
WTF I'VE ALREADY WRITEN THAT HERE!!! Skiping school for parting makes it hard to read?
The part about drugs or girls I don't take issue with so much, but the first part is trance snobbery at its finest. What is wrong with somebody coming to trance parties because they simply like the music better than at other parties? What is wrong with somebody coming because they simply like the environment better than other parties? What is wrong with somebody coming because of any reason other than the spiritual aspect which YOU get from it?
Nothing wrong at all. Althought this person should ask HIM SELF, why the music is better? What kind of behavior and interaction beetwen pp makes that enviroment better? As I said before there's great need to dismistify spirituality, it's all about behaving, here and now, as a material body.
The "you" again... I'll not answer that, I prefer to hv the question, not the answers, they'r stagnating.
If somebody on the other side of the dancefloor (or even next to you) is not having some deep spiritual experience (and never has or never will), but is just having a great time dancing to great is that hurting you and your experience???? Why should they not be wanted at the party if they aren't causing any harm or doing any disrespect to anybody else?
If they'r hving a great time, which sends great vibes and influence all the dance floor, are not disrespecting or harming any one, and, if I might add, go out of there way to help those perceived as in need... it's pretty much spiritual to me... DISMISTIFY SPIRITUALITY... it's not something higher, unatainable, it's here and now. Do what is wright for UR OWN heart. Spirituality is a journey of inner discovery... There's no me in this story...
SO BUZZ OFF with that "what u want", "what u say", "ONE WAY ONLY". Save that for pp who r really trying to tell u what to do!!!
For me, the spiritual aspect of the trance experience is entirely personal. I don't expect anybody else to get the same things I do and I ain't going to preach to them either. It is up to each individual to find for themselves what is in it for them....not to be told by somebody else what they *should* get.
No man, the spiritual aspect of life is like that... not only trance... it seems to me u didn't really pay attention at my posts..
Whether it is something deeper and spiritual for me, I will likely never outright say to you (the general "you", not specifically Drope). OK, you can probably figure it out from my occasional moments of serious discussion, but it is not something I choose to broadcast or push upon people.
Just watch out, sometimes u may be in a seriuos discussion and pp might decide to take a piss on u.
That is my say on it. Respect everybody's individual experience of it and don't assume they are out of place if they don't get something spiritual from it.
You don't have to be giving a hummer to god to be having a true trance experience.....
U don't hv to be giving a hummer to god to be spiritual... respect apears several times in ur post mate... Respect is a spiritual value... There is no such thing as material respect, is not something that can be touched, it doesn't get wet, don't hv weight or height. RESPECT IS A SPIRITUAL VALUE.
As Peace, as Love and as Unity.
PLURall |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 25, 2003 17:31
What about people who don't want deep explanations, just good fun? The psytrance scene if anything hasn't lost it's spirituality, it's lost it's sense of humor. Stop being so fucking serious all the time, just go, dance a bit, enjoy the view, enjoy the music, feel the vibe, maybe do a little drugs if you're so inclined (even though that's far from necessary, most people don't mind unless you really overdo it)... why explain? why question? it's a good thing, just smile, and enjoy it. A party is first of all a party, not a spiritual experience - the spiritual experience is PERSONAL.
In an adaptation of Chris Rock: smile, dance, shut the fuck up |
The Green Channel
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 25, 2003 17:38
Nectarios you’re bloody funny!!!
You guys are all funny; no body is trying to understand Probe. Instead you make him write an hour long comment. Which to be honest doesn’t make to much sense … But no matter, to my main subject:
I go to school every fucking day, always wear normal cloth, and I’m sorry to admit it, but wear what some would describe as clubbish cloth while attending any kind of rave (indoor, outdoor).
My nose does tend to powdered on accessions and at a festival a drop or two might we what the doctor prescribed. And if it wasn’t for my studies I would ‘clean’ the pipe as well, at times.
But I think I would qualify as being normal (at least that is what people thing btw what the fuck is normal).
But I agree with everybody a little on this matter:
- Yes people do a shits load of coke these days and yes some of them fight and have a lousy attitude Solution = FUCK Them
- Parties are not that bad, at least not here in Denmark, yes there are some new folks which do not ‘exactly’ create a better atmosphere Solution = FUCK Them, party with all the other people
- What the hell is wrong with a disco in the forest, doesn’t have to be commercial for that reason I heard some pretty underground disco in my time, (pure fiction, you thought I was getting weird on you)
- Be a Rastafari man, smoke bong heads, roll’em to hell, ‘drop’ your brain out, drink only soda, drink noting at all, drink beer, sniff till you nose bleeds or just have fun. Do what ever you want as long as you don’t bring a negative or violent spirit with you. Amen.
Yes I know to long, but hay I fucking read all your 10 hour comments .
  "Love is a way of life"
(Gaia, Love, Nature, Shamanism (, Terence McKenna) |
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Sep 25, 2003 17:44
but the druggies bring the cops with them..
did you know that they almost stopped this year's samothraki dance festival because the cops caught so many people with drugs there?
  "The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space program."
- Larry Niven |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 25, 2003 17:50
On 2003-09-25 16:01, Drope wrote:
Why do u guys make me go through the little details??? |
Hashing through the details often makes the overall point seem more clear. I have somewhat of a better idea of what you are getting at after your response, even if I still don't agree with half of it.
For one, what exactly do you mean by "spiritual" or "spirituality"? I am seeing 2 very distinct meanings from your posts...
1. the way people are acting outwardly and towards the others at a party. As you say:
| If they'r hving a great time, which sends great vibes and influence all the dance floor, are not disrespecting or harming any one, and, if I might add, go out of there way to help those perceived as in need... it's pretty much spiritual to me... |
I have no problem with that. For me, that is just how people should be in everyday life. I personally don't define that as "spirituality" so much as a general respect for self and others, but I don't really want to get hung up on definitions. But yeah, I find what you describe above as a definitely a way I expect people to act at parties and I agree with you there.
2. The whole shamanastic/inner journey thing.
You seem to come back to that again and again. THAT is what I was referring to in my previous post as "what YOU get" and whatnot. I do not agree that *everybody* (or anybody for that matter) at a party should get any sort of deeper meaning, have a shamanic journey, lead others on a shamanic journey, or have ANY sort of inward journey from the music. If they do, great. If they don't but still have a good time and don't bother anybody else, also great.
I don't think any less or more of somebody like you or Goa Gil who finds the trance experience to be a shamanic path inwards than I do of somebody like nectarios or traveller who just thinks it is damn good music. A good party takes all types and I'd share a beer (or water if that is your bag) with any of you.
So, which of the two do you expect of people at parties? Personally, I expect no more than I expect from somebody at my work or in the university, or even just in a random encounter on the street.
But I am also enjoying parties now EVERY BIT as much as 6-7 years ago and don't really sense the scene is going to hell in a handbasket.
WTF I'VE ALREADY WRITEN THAT HERE!!! Skiping school for parting makes it hard to read? |
Yep, there is a nice show of respect for ya....
Dr. Krelm DJ Mixes and Broken Symmetry archives -
Broken Symmetry on MCast - coming in 2007.... |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 25, 2003 18:12
this will never end......
well to all ppl that dont understand why trance music is so spetial and why its hurts when its loks like porn............
trance is mentual state of body and spirit
its been like that since the stone age
and it was been used in spiritual sessions only
ppl that 'knew' (shamans) had been entering to this mentual state with help of music and dance (tribal) and mass drugs usage
music that was played was from ppl that was taking part of the ritual (also on drugs)
that was helping them to solve alot of problems that could not be solved without this ritual
verry holly and dangerous thing to same tribe....
now so far so good ..........
today ppl still looking for those mass spiritual rituals (parties) that they can enter this mentual state (with usage of drug or without) with help of trance music (that still based on those fucking antient tribe music)
but then u need someone to play that music....
and how can japanise help to nigerian if they dont understand eachother????????
its nice that u enjoyed the music but the music have nothing to do with helping u to reach trance state (same old ritual)
anyway to psy Li Yun.........
Man chear up
shit floats.....
good stuff stays under.....
underground didnt died
each country,each city,each "tribe" have underground sceene (hard to call it sceene,maybe more like tribes)
finland,japan,denmark,australia,and more and more runing strong underground psychedelic sceene
ppl that making music not for labels and money (i'm sure u have like 20 friends that making music at home)....
spreading uniqe hardcore psychedelic music for free
and yes those who dont know psychedelic state of mind its sounds like total dissorder and zoo-like music......
and yes thats hurts when some clown play some kuchi-muchi music at those parties (rituals)
anyway dont u ppl tired to speak about same thing treat after treat????
  Jesus didnt dance,but his beat goes on
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Sep 25, 2003 18:29
do other trance scenes by the way have such thingies as this one:
all those artists offer their music for free @ highbitrate dloads.. some of them are pretty known ones: mandalavandalz, texas faggott, squaremeat...etc etc
  "The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space program."
- Larry Niven |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 25, 2003 18:37
yes traveller there is alot of sites like that
and yes about this same kind of music and sceene i'm talking about
anyway soon israely underground psychedelic music site will be up to offer our music to net (for free) also
  Jesus didnt dance,but his beat goes on
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Sep 25, 2003 18:40
lookin' forward to that..
don't forget to pm me the url =)
  "The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space program."
- Larry Niven |
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Posted : Sep 25, 2003 19:18
On 2003-09-25 17:38, The Green Channel wrote:
- Yes people do a shits load of coke these days and yes some of them fight and have a lousy attitude Solution = FUCK Them
I'd rather not, fucking cokeheads is crap. It's good for them, but shit for you. *laughs*
Another thing, the feelings ppl seem to think are exclusive to trance do's aren't. It's just that more emphasis seems to be placed upon them in the trance scene.
  "One nation under a groove". |
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Posted : Sep 25, 2003 21:50
Just to clear something up... I hv never asked, and do not believe I will, if anyone is hving a inner experience or not during a party.
I hv never explained, or tryed to, and believe I never will, my inner experiences to a random person encountered in a party.
IMO smiles and glances, do u guys remember?
I find it very nice to be able to find some special pp who do understand the effort. While I hv no complains about anything, IMO I usually find more connected pp (numbers wise, not deepness) in some very special psychedelic brazillian sites. I hv read in this forum somewhere that brazillian scene is nowadays the growing one, the one where the spirit migrated to... While I don't know much of other scenes it seems we are quite on a nice ground over here...
I just came back from a festival where some pretty fdup stuff happened but some wonderfull magical stuff also took place... Don Juan Matus hv said to Carlos Castaneda that nothing u really hv to learn will be easy... If it's easy to learn something, u already knew it, or didn't need it at all.
Just want u guys to know that I love u all, mostly for ur human spirit potentiality. I hv been through some periods of my life very close to some positions I see in this thread. All I can say is:
Try to find the light in ur heart, love every single aspect of this world. The most wrong thing ever has the most wonderfull potential to get better, and that's beautifull, fantastic.
But apply ur self to ur own self-enlightnement, and be happy.
Happiness is not a goal, an objective, it's the path... Where ever u'r going, choose the path of happines.
I'll try to avoid this thread from now on...
as one |
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Sep 25, 2003 22:37
i respect your opionion oh enlightened trance shaman
*laughs out loud*
  "The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space program."
- Larry Niven |
tom anteater
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 26, 2003 11:56
@traveller: mate i think you are crossing the line there between disagreeing with someone in a mildly sarcastic fashion and just ridiculing them.
just because you don't agree with what our brazilian friend is saying is no need to be rude! he has carried on a constructive conversation despite fairly widespread criticism so try not to lower the tone pls.
  >>love will tear us apart...<< |
Inactive User
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Posted : Sep 26, 2003 12:42
right on tom..... communicate nicely or speak no more |
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Sep 26, 2003 15:31
oh c'mon
it was just a joke..
  "The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space program."
- Larry Niven |