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too many porn stars not enough shamans


Started Topics :  6
Posts :  278
Posted : Sep 24, 2003 23:30
wtf... dp again... grrrr... sorry

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  278
Posted : Sep 24, 2003 23:30
Well Zombi, nice to see we´ve discussed it pvt and u still brought it out here... seems somehow u´r trying to bash me. I stand behind my words... I wish with all my heart that pp who go to psyparties because it´s just another party, or for the drugs, or for the girls... didn´t show up at all, or get enlightened.

I never said I´d go around pointing pp who "can stay" and those who can´t. Yet, I do my best at all parties I attend to, and here in this forum to expand the word of kindness and harmony trance has to offer... It seems to upset some pp somehow. Why? I´ll never know (nor judge by my own limited mind what another mind has constructed inside itself, u should try doing the same)...

I´ll not respond to u anymore here.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 25, 2003 00:42

On 2003-09-24 15:08, krelm wrote:

Are you speaking of Robin by chance? If so, what a coincidence.

Actually, yes, it is Robin... the internet is a wonderful thing


on 2003-09-24 20:47, Drope wrote:

A true trancer is all about atitude, a bogus one is anyone who does look like one but do not act like it...

And to think that I always thought that being a true trancer had something to do about loving the music... and not having an attitude 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 25, 2003 01:19
What about the people who are not spiritual?

It's never been about shamans or spirtitual whatever for me, It's always been about music - and the same can be said for lots of artists in the scene Im sure.

"too many porn stars not enough shamans"

Ill take a porn star over a shaman any day of the week. And while were screwing in my bedroom , I'll be sure to have the psytrace Pumping

          no sig

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  230
Posted : Sep 25, 2003 02:08
I'm inclined to be suspicious of anyone calling themselves a 'shaman'. Sounds pretentious as hell to me...

I'd call myself a pretty spiritual person, but I really am not into the quasi-religious nonsense many people seem to pass off as spirituality. Hanging a UV Shiva at your party (although they look kinda nice, if a bit tasteless) and saying 'Om shiva shanti' isn't spiritual. Treating everybody REGARDLESS of musical taste, ideals, fashion etc. with love and respect and making them feel welcome at parties is a damn sight more spiritual and 'enlightened'. If they don't return it then what have you lost?

I know what you're talking about Drope, about the smiles and glances across the dancefloor, and it's one of my favourite things. You look at someone straight in the eyes and you just know that at that moment you're both experiencing the same thing, and it's a lovely feeling. It's got nothing to do with shamanism though. I love the energy you can see buzzing round the dancefloor in that situation and it is kind of magical, but lets keep things in perspective, shall we. Just because we buzz from that sort of thing doesn't make us better than anyone else. There's plenty of other reasons to like trance music and parties.           "One nation under a groove".

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  278
Posted : Sep 25, 2003 04:04
I agree with u Technoid, there is no such thing as a better person if u compare ur self to the others... U can only be a better person compared to ur self prior to the change...

I call my self a shaman, not because I where uv shivas in my t-shirt or cause I hv a 3õ in my wrist (cause I do not hv neither).


Treating everybody REGARDLESS of musical taste, ideals, fashion etc. with love and respect and making them feel welcome at parties is a damn sight more spiritual and 'enlightened'.

This is it, again, how could I disagree... And I would yet say more... Treat everyone as another u, regardless of anything.

I know my previous posts got misunderstood... I never ever said anything about mistreating anyone, which I'm strongly against at all, I said who wants just another party, I wished, would LEAVE PSYTRANCE ALONE, not leave one given party they already went to, or be mistreated by anyone who's there. When I meet "unfocused" pp in a party I usually try to tell them all I can remember about exactly what I quoted from u.

And IMO, what I quoted from u is exactly what I expect from a true trancer, and I suppose, is the sole propose of this thread... plz, try and read my posts again...

as one

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  230
Posted : Sep 25, 2003 04:36

On 2003-09-25 04:04, Drope wrote:

there is no such thing as a better person if u compare ur self to the others... U can only be a better person compared to ur self prior to the change...

Treat everyone as another u, regardless of anything.

as one

Treat everyone as another U... That's lovely. That's the whole point. It's the change people undergo on a personal level at parties which makes up the 'spiritual' aspect of trance. This is the important thing for me, if we want to go beyond 'it's just a party'.

I don't think this is exclusive to trance parties, as I come from more of a UK techno/traveller background and see it there all the time in people, and that's where it happened for me. I've just veered toward the trance scene because it's the global party and I love the fact that we might not all be able to communicate with words, but can all communicate on the dancefloor. I just think that a lot of trance people are more aware of this than anywhere else.

Out of interest, and I'm not going to attack you for it or anything, but why DO you call yourself a shaman?
          "One nation under a groove".
Horrordelic Records

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  1247
Posted : Sep 25, 2003 10:41
"Treat everyone as another U" so nice man !!!!! If everybody would do this, we would finally live in peace with everybody!!!            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  121
Posted : Sep 25, 2003 11:44

On 2003-09-25 10:41, kriz wrote:
"Treat everyone as another U" so nice man !!!!! If everybody would do this, we would finally live in peace with everybody!!!

uhmmm,... how many people can actually say that they are in peace with themselves... why the need for so many drugs?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 25, 2003 12:24

Warning....long response.


On 2003-09-24 23:30, Drope wrote:
It seems to upset some pp somehow. Why?

Nobody has a problem with your personal view of the trance experience. What is making people upset (and honestly offends me as well, although I will stay civil) is that you are appearing to say that there is ONE right way to experience the parties. You are saying that if somebody does not get the spiritual aspect that YOU get from it, you wish they would not even come to the party.


You even say it specifically here....


I stand behind my words... I wish with all my heart that pp who go to psyparties because it´s just another party, or for the drugs, or for the girls... didn´t show up at all, or get enlightened.

The part about drugs or girls I don't take issue with so much, but the first part is trance snobbery at its finest. What is wrong with somebody coming to trance parties because they simply like the music better than at other parties? What is wrong with somebody coming because they simply like the environment better than other parties? What is wrong with somebody coming because of any reason other than the spiritual aspect which YOU get from it?

If somebody on the other side of the dancefloor (or even next to you) is not having some deep spiritual experience (and never has or never will), but is just having a great time dancing to great is that hurting you and your experience???? Why should they not be wanted at the party if they aren't causing any harm or doing any disrespect to anybody else?

For me, the spiritual aspect of the trance experience is entirely personal. I don't expect anybody else to get the same things I do and I ain't going to preach to them either. It is up to each individual to find for themselves what is in it for them....not to be told by somebody else what they *should* get.

Whether it is something deeper and spiritual for me, I will likely never outright say to you (the general "you", not specifically Drope). OK, you can probably figure it out from my occasional moments of serious discussion, but it is not something I choose to broadcast or push upon people.

Other than that, I can play people music, I can bring them to parties, throw parties for people to come to, etc, and let them find what they find in it. If somebody find something totally different (even if it is something so simple as a good dancefloor workout ), I am completely happy as long as they are having a good time and respecting the others around them.

That is my say on it. Respect everybody's individual experience of it and don't assume they are out of place if they don't get something spiritual from it.

You don't have to be giving a hummer to god to be having a true trance experience.....
Dr. Krelm DJ Mixes and Broken Symmetry archives -

Broken Symmetry on MCast - coming in 2007....
tom anteater
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 25, 2003 13:05

On 2003-09-25 12:19, nectarios wrote:
P.S. I am just kiddin' (taking the piss as the english people say)...this is not an attack towards you D.

...but you need to loosen up a bit my friend

Peace out.

takin' the piss indeed.. and you only just beat a genuine englishman to it as well

basically, enough of this spiritually correct nonesense.. it would be funny if people didn;t take it all so seriously.. instead its frankly tragic. i listen to music because i like the sound of it and go to parties to have fun. the less spiritual and political baggage i have to push past in my pursuit of a good time the better imo. _but_ if people want to read something spiritual into it, then it is there perogative.. it is my _right_ to choose to ignore it _and_ not be patronised by people saying i ain;t real trancer becuase i don;t have dreadlocks and don't smoke chillums... in fact i _deliberately_ dress preppy when i go to trance parties just to piss people like that off (childish i know.. but fun ). less of the attitude all round would be a good thing i think!           >>love will tear us apart...<<
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Sep 25, 2003 13:12
yala yala tom, saw u pray to shiva and bong some stuff just after snorf the powder:))))))
u r a real trancer!!!!

p.s. - why ppl that come have fun should leave the party ?? this is not ridicolius religion, this is worldwide party culture.

          Believe your soul !
tom anteater
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  56
Posts :  1637
Posted : Sep 25, 2003 14:13
shh zombi mate your ruining my reputation
i am the psy trance inquistior ... oi ... you there.. you didn;t say bom after smoking that chillum.. say 20 om shivas for your sins my son... and you.. with the short hair.... you either grow it or we excommunicate you from the brotherhood of 'enlightened' trancers...          >>love will tear us apart...<<
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  70
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Posted : Sep 25, 2003 14:23
here's something that we all know, but sometimes forget... (sorry, it might get a little preachy in here)

Spirituality is such a lousy word. It makes me think of 'Chicken soup for the soul', and 'yoga for Dummies' and 'soothing sounds of the ocean' cds. But it'll have to do, I guess.

Spirituality is at the core of Psytrance - the music as well as the culture. Not spirituality as a shiva t-shirt, but as a different view of the world, the universe, you know what I mean, don't you?

It's not just 'party music', though it's the best party music. It's music that, at its best, elevates us into a transcendental state of consciousness. If not for that transcendental quality, the music wouldn't be called 'trance.'

And that's why we all come to the parties - not just because it's good music, intelligent music, danceable music - but because it's amazing, a different kind of music, and it has the power to transform people and the world. It's not about the T-shirts, or the attitudes or the drugs, it's about the music!

And we should let the music do its thing, and blow people's minds into the outer space, be those people dressed properly or not, fucked up or sober, dreadlocked martial arts adepts or preppy beer-drinking programmers, whatever. Sometimes it's the weirdest looking person who'll turn out the most interesting.

and let's stop being so judgemental, please, all of us! remember yourself at your first trance party? and how all the cool kids looked at you funny? /end sermon
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